It is amazing to me how our inner narrative about ourselves can be so negative. Years ago I started a pretty solid affirmation practice and continue to this day. By rerouting our thoughts and words to a positive place, we actually retrain our brain to think and see the good in our lives.
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.
When you repeat them often, and truly believe in them, you can start to see positive changes in your life unfold. Practicing positive affirmations can be extremely simple, and all you need to do is pick a phrase and repeat it to yourself.
I don’t know about you, but I have spent many years, speaking things like “I am a mess, I am overwhelmed, I am stressed, I am in so much pain.” I still catch myself and can now rephrase to “I am doing my best or I am handling this with grace or I am feeling my body tell me something”.
Affirmations require regular practice they can help you to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways that you think and feel.
Do you have a list of affirmations? What’s your favorite one? I love having sticky notes and reminders around my house and I even have an app in my phone that periodically throughout the day sends me an I am_____ reminder of something good.
I encourage you to start a 30 day affirmation practice and see what shows up in your life. Need some help coming up with affirmations? I am happy to help!
You have probably heard about intentions, right? Especially at the beginning of a new year, it is quite the buzz. I am all for people setting new year goals, visions, intentions, or whatever you want to call them, but I am talking more about a daily focus on something you want to create in your life.
Over the years I have worked with intentions and affirmation on a daily basis. I have seen first hand when they work, and when they do not work. They work when you truly feel what you are saying, when you visualize it often to the details, and the same holds true when they don’t work. Feeling it is key. You can’t expect results just by just repeating it. The more you speak it, the more you feel it, the more you feel it, the more you speak it, and the cycle continues.
Positive affirmations require a consistent and regular practice if you want to make lasting, long-term changes.
The good news is that the practice and popularity of positive affirmations are based on widely accepted and well-established psychological theory, –yes, science backs up the new agey, hippie feel-good vibes. Pretty amazing, right?
Practicing positive affirmations can be extremely simple. You pick a statement that is positive and you repeat to yourself. Over and over. You write it down and then sit with it. Next, you believe it. This repetitive practice is powerful. Try a meditation called Japa meditation using mala beads.
Choose intentions to motivate you, encourage positive things in your life, or even boost your self-esteem. The subconscious patterns of negative self-talk can be eliminated by a regular positive affirmation or intention practice.
Here are the steps I follow to living my intention with affirmations:
- Get clear. Sit quietly without distractions and think of one (or two) areas in your life that you would like to be different. Some ideas include generating more income, finding true love in a partner, having a healthier body, or increasing self-esteem. I also love to use lime and rosemary essential oil when getting clear. These two essential oils are powerful when it comes to the brain and can bring a sense of focus and inner knowledge.
- Create a powerful statement. Whatever you choose, having a very clear and deliberate statement, preferably spoken in the terms of I AM_____ (healthy, abundant, happily in love with a loving partner, surrounded by supportive friends, confident and strong). The two most powerful words in any language is I AM, so start by speaking in those terms versus I want, or I need. I AM is ownership.
- Incorporate your intention into your daily life. Write down your affirmation and put it in a place where you will see it often. Or even better, invest in sticky notes and put throughout your home. Mirrors, refrigerators, planners, cabinets, your car, etc. are great places. I also like to may a simple photo and make it my wallpaper on my phone.
- Affirmations as a practice. Recording your voice on your phone and listening to yourself speak the affirmation is a great way to reinforce your intention. There are also some awesome apps you can get on your phone that remind you throughout the day to pause and listen to your affirmations. Setting aside five minutes each morning to get still, quiet, and then repeat them in your meditation practice is also wonderful. If you want to incorporate the mantra/affirmation into your japa meditation practice, this can be incredibly powerful as well. Basically, find a way that works for you to repeat the affirmations as often as you can.
- Be deliberate with your actions. Setting an intention is an amazing way to create the life you want, and deserve, but sitting back and expecting the Universe to plop it into your lap is a set up for a big-time disappointment. Manifesting and creating also take effort on your part. Let’s say you want a healthy body. Speaking about it but continuing to be a couch potato and indulging on cheeto’s probably isn’t going to make that happen. Expecting or desiring to have a steady source of income while absorbing yourself in leisure activities (TV, video games, reading novels, going fishing), isn’t going to make a lot of financial deposits. The truth is, whatever you desire in your life, you first have to FEEL you deserve it so begin sort through those common feelings of not being enough now because it’s blocking your flow, FEEL it in every cell of your being when you speak it as if it has already happened, and FEEL so strongly about it that you begin to take mindful and deliberate actions steps towards making it happen. That is what we know as co-creating.
- Gratitude. Without a solid a practice of gratitude all the affirmations in the world aren’t going to make a difference. And by solid, I mean a deliberate and consistent sitting down and acknowledging all the good in your life. Remember, what you focus on is what you’re inviting in. So, the more you focus on your abundance the more you will have. So simple.
Now, it is time to get busy. What do you want to create?