
Margin is the space between our load and our limits. It is the amount allowed beyond that which is needed. It is something held in reserve for contingencies or unanticipated situations. Margin is the gap between rest and exhaustion, the space between breathing freely and suffocating.

I stumbled across this and it hit me right in the heart.

We’ve all heard the term “having a boundary.” In fact, these days it common lingo when it comes to self care. Several years ago a dear friend of mine talked to me about the word boundaries versus margins. A boundary is something that keeps someone or certain things away from you. Whereas, a margin is what you choose to allow in.

We need boundaries to obviously keep away things that are dangerous to us or could be harmful. We need boundaries to keep toxic people away from us. We need boundaries around our personal and work time. Those are important things for sure. But I’m really looking at the difference between what I protect and keep away, to what I invite and allow in.

What I choose to put inside my margins feels empowering unlike a boundary which feels harsh and cold.

As I begin this new year with seeking equanimity in my life, I’m really paying close attention to what I put inside the margins. As a person who gives so much all the time, I’m learning to give to myself a little, too. Over the last year, I really learned to listen to the things in my life that feed me or drain me. My intention is never to hurt someone while navigating these margins. It can be challenging as I tend to put others needs first. The chronic people pleaser syndrome. I’m committed to putting me a little higher on the pleasing list.

In order to be deliberate with my time and energy, I’ve first identified a few key things. I needed to be really clear as to what drains me and what feeds me.

The things that drain me:

  • People. I say that with a hint of joking and quite a bit of truth. Considering that I am with people all day every day and again when I get home I’m with more people, it is imperative that I learn to listen to how much people can drain me. If given a choice to be alone or with people, it’s 99% certain that I’m going to choose to be alone.
  • Mindlessly walking through a department store for the sake of shopping. If I don’t know exactly what I need, there’s no way I’m going to walk into a store just to look. In fact, most of my shopping is done online. I have no interest in being in stores just to kill time.
  • Soending time in crowded places, unless it’s a crowded coffee shop by myself. Again, partially joking here and a lot of truth. I love being in a crowded coffee shop if I’m by myself. Are we getting a theme here?
  • Loud and noisy places with lots of people. I’m not a huge fan of crowded spaces and I definitely don’t like to just be in a group of people for no purpose.
  • Loud music. Loud people. Loud environments.

The things that feed me:

  • Being alone.
  • Setting goals and creating action plans.
  • Making sourdough bread.
  • Spending time in my garden.
  • Long, solitary walks.
  • A jigsaw puzzle that allows my mind to wander.

Before saying yes to anything these days, I am learning to stop and ask myself the following—

  • Does the serve me today?
  • Will this feed me or drain me?
  • Am I saying yes to please someone else?
  • Does this feel good to me?

Margin is the space between load and limit. It is the amount allowed beyond that which is needed.

If it’s going to push me past my limit, then it’s a no. I’m trying really hard to recognize when my load is full and not add on anything that would break that limit. As I do things that feed me, my load reduces and I have space for more. Tuning inward to myself is key, then listening, and then choosing wisely.

Selfish? Maybe.

Radical self care? Absolutely.

Mastering the Art of Self Love

“As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering were only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.”

Charlie Chaplin

Self-love is the foundation and basis for all the love that flows from our hearts to others.

For many years I was a seeker of love outside of myself. In some ways we all are—we want validation and to be seen—that is normal human behavior. My trouble came when in the truthful and quiet moments with myself, I really didn’t like who I was, and actually loving myself was not even in the ball park.

Then I woke up.

I realized that my kids needed a healthy mom. They needed someone who demonstrated self love. They required a mom who was no longer angry but instead developed an acceptance for life’s hard things and took them as lessons to grow.

I also became radically aware of self care. For decades I thought self care was selfish and totally for the elite. Wow, right? I came to realize that the only way I was to find pure unconditional love was to begin by loving myself unconditionally. You attract what you are.

Today I actually coach women (and men) on the power of a deliberate self care routine to help become the very best version of yourself. It’s not all about bubble baths, although those those do help tremendously.

This month I am teaching that we all have a foundation of values that sustains us, especially when life becomes hard or when we are challenged.

Self love is now one of my deepest values. It is one of the four main “roots” or “walls” that hold me up during storms. Without it, I’d crumble.

I choose self love daily by walking, working out, spending time in my garden, playing on a yoga mat, sipping nice vodka, daily gratitude, enjoying delicious coffee and of course, lavish bubble baths. One way that I combat living with chronic pain is to fight back against it with so much self love and self care through movement that my mind simply cannot focus on the pain long, because I am instead experiencing the joy of being alive.

I can’t believe that I once told myself that self love was selfish. After two decades of self love it has now become a part of everyday living. I know that without this radical practice of self love I would not be able to handle life’s challenges and I would not be able to give so much love. Truly by filling up myself with love daily, I am able to give more to others.

Don’t wait for a health crisis or a divorce to learn you are worthy.

Love yourself radically and fiercely now.

Trust me, mastering the art of self love is the best gift you’ll ever give yourself. You deserve it.


Reach out to me for a free wellness consult and learn how YOU can change your mindset!

With over sixteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is a E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

Japa Meditation

Have you ever used a Mala and practiced Japa meditation? Malas — also known as yoga beads or japamalas — are necklaces that usually have 108 beads. Mala, in Sanskrit means “garland”. Malas are meant to help you focus your mind during meditation. While Japa meditation is my favorite way to meditate, the beads themselves hold a powerful visual reminder throughout the day of the statement I meditated on and the tactile sensation brings me right back. When my mind wanders throughout the day, I can simply touch my mala and I am reminded of what statement I chose.

In meditation practice, Japa meditation holds a special place. It is the process of mentally repeating a mantra or speaking a phrase while meditating using a mala. The word Japa means muttering in Sanskrit. The meditative practice of Japa keeps the human mind steady and resistant to disturbance.

Meditation could mean different things to different people. I have written and taught how to transform meditation into mindfulness and how learning to live each moment in the state of mindfulness can change your life. While sometimes I have a “formal” meditation practice, it is often that my meditation/mindfulness practice takes shape in other ways.n

Many consider meditation as a quiet observation, wherein others often consider it a practice of self-awareness or reflection upon themselves. Either way, stillness and introspection is an amazing insight to your daily life.

I love to practice Japa meditation because for me it helps me to focus on a powerful statement, 108 times. It embeds in my spirit something positive and powerful. Plus the tactile use of the mala adds an element to the meditation that my mind enjoys. I have several Malas—some are made of stones like jasper and agate but my favorite is a sandalwood mala that has become richer over times as I use it.

The practice of Japa creates beneficial mental pathways and is a strong technique for focusing the mind and harnessing the subtle powers of the body/mind. I have seen this practice in my students many times as we learn Japa together. Some have even purchased mala beads to continue on their own.

How to practice Japa meditation:

Japa meditation is practiced by moving your fingers along a mala or the strings of beads known as Japa mala. There are many types of Japa that include speaking the mantra aloud, whispering the mantra or silently repeating the mantra. I prefer to be silent. There is also a technique you can use if you don’t have a string of mala beads. You can see that technique in this video.

Now that you know how to practice Japa, choose a powerful statement and try it.

Here are some positive affirmations to try:
  • I am calm
  • I am centered
  • I am in control
  • I am loved
  • I am grateful
  • am worthy of what I do and speak
  • I am valued and loved
  • I am allowed to put myself first
  • I am safe
  • I am secure
  • I release all my shame that I am holding
  • I love my body and what it does for me.

Most often, I simply say “I am____” and follow it with a variety of words like patient, strong, healthy, resilient, powerful, etc.

Are you going to give it a try?

* this is my sandalwood mala and a Sanskrit word Shanti tattoo which translates to peace

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Creating a Ripple Effect

When you do some good work and if it inspires others, then you have just created the ripple effect. -Mohith Agadi

If you have been reading and watching awhile you know I have chosen a single word for my year for 19 years. This word acts as a compass for my thoughts, words and actions throughout the year. I create graphics, post notes, make screen savers, buy bracelets with the word embedded on it, I create essential oil blends to support my intention, I talk about it ALL THE TIME, and I basically embody the essence of the word and watch as my life adjusts. Sometimes the word and intention literally kicks my butt within days of declaring my intention and sometimes it takes months of work to reveal its magic.

It is a deep practice to me and one that I believe changes lives. For the entire month of January I basically ask anyone in my life what their word of the year is. If they look at me like I am crazy, I immediately dive into the readers digest version of the process and how we are all creators of our life.

I recently shared this lesson with the agencies serving adults with traumatic brain injuries that I teach adapt yoga and wellness in. Imagine my heart exploding when I learned today that over 30 individuals have chosen a word or theme for their year and have created affirmation cards for their bedroom. These are people with tremendous impact of disability and yet, they are showing up and doing the work.

I am so proud that one little (huge) lesson has impacted so many. This means that 30 people will be focused on living their best life, despite many challenges. It means that they will shift their focus from their limitations to what they want to create in their life.

They could choose to just be angry and wait until life takes them. They could be focused on being a victim and losing everything. They could be focused on the should have beens. They could have made excuses as to why it will never work.

Instead, they embrace a lesson and run with it.

That is the ripple effect that happens when someone does the work and then shares the life changing lesson with anyone willing to listen (or not). These brave people will be creating their best version of their life through the power of intention, and in return it will impact others. That is powerful.

So, are YOU ready to choose a theme for your year? Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?

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Price Per Drop

The number one reason people give for not using essential oils is because they are expensive. Here is the deal—a drop is a considered a “dose”. A typical bottle has 250 drops (doses).

Lavender—9 cents to sleep well for over half a year….plus amazing skin benefits for burns or cuts. Oh, and anxious feelings—a drop.

Melaleuca—8 cents a drop will give you amazing skin cleansing, germ removal and if you put a few more drops into a spray bottle with water you just made an awesome household cleaner.

Peppermint—9 cents a drop and you can ditch the Tylenol for your headaches and fevers. One drop equals 28 cups of peppermint tea. You’ll be getting digestive support for a long time with this one.

Lemon—4 cents. Yep, 4 cents to detox your body, clean you house, brighten your mood and just basically feel amazing.

Breathe—8 cents a drop to breathe easier going into the winter season. Congestion and coughs will be much easier for 8 cents a drop. You know that Vick’s stuff is full of yucky chemicals right?

Drop=dose. It literally costs you pennies.The initial investment is so worth it.

This is my absolute favorite starter kit. There are others to choose from though!!

Plus until the end of the month, I am tossing in a bonus oil, plus my usual amazing welcome package! Yay! Let’s do this!

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Full Moon

The full moon is traditionally known as the time of letting go…of releasing what is no longer serving your highest good.

It’s a good time to ask yourself where do you feel constricted? Where do you feel bound? Where do you feel obligated? Where do you long for freedom?

With freedom comes joy. And joy is the ultimate goal, right?!

Sit quietly today… ask where you need to release responsibility that you’ve been carrying that really isn’t yours to carry. This could mean stepping out of drama between friends or co-workers. This could mean letting go of volunteer positions or projects you said yes to out of obligation.

Another question to ask is where is an area can I take better responsibility in order to receive the freedom I desire? This could mean de-cluttering your home or making freezer meals to free up mental and emotional space to play and be spontaneous with your family. Or this could mean really getting focused on the income producing activities in your business so that you can enjoy the travel you crave.

Remember… “Whatever is on your plate got there because you said yes to it.” Danielle LaPorte (Desire Map)

This blend is packed with clarity and releasing emotions.

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The Smells of Fall

I used to be such a candle addict!

Especially from fall through Christmas! All those cozy smells filling my space. Agree?

As much as I love the warmth and coziness, had no idea that I was disrupting my own hormones and my family’s! (Yep! Hormones aren’t just a woman thing!)

I have a friend whose son was suffering from asthma. Lots it discomfort and costly doctor appointments. But wouldn’t ya know when she ditched the synthetic fragrances in candles, air fresheners, car fresheners, laundry soaps and personal care items… his asthma pretty much disappeared!

Maya Angelou says, “ When you know better, you do better.”

Diffusing essential oils can’t not only make your house smell amazing but it will bring great benefits to everyone in the home! Think immune and respiratory support!

My favorite fall smells? Clove, cassia, ginger, wild orange, or Siberian Fir.

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Adrenal Fatigue Support

Oh boy! This was a huge one for me! I suffered from major adrenal fatigue for many years and still am on supplements to support this! With my busy schedule, chronic pain and a ton of responsibilities it’s no wonder my adrenals get weak.

I’ve learned a lot since I got healthy and literally woke up and decided to live my best life. Between eating well, exercise, mindfulness, activities that bring me joy, the right supplements and oils and getting enough sleep I have found what works best for me.

If your adrenals may be in need of support if you have general fatigue, body aches, head tension, low blood pressure, and just generally feeling run down and overtaxed. Feeling tired even after a good nights sleep!

The Adrenal Glands produce hormones that support our metabolism, regulate blood pressure, and respond to stress. Our adrenal medulla produces a hormone called adrenaline and cortisol (our fight or flight response). This is a much-needed hormone for extremely stressful situations.

This can lead to:

? Feeling tired all-day
? Staying awake all night
? Craving junk food
? Poor sleep quality

What can we do to support our overtaxed Adrenal Glands?

? Eat fatty fish high in magnesium
? Eat avocados, dark leafy greens, and legumes (all of which are high in magnesium)
? (This may be painful for some) Lower your caffeine intake
? Take an Epsom Salt bath (with Essential Oils)
? Meditate and relax (use your oils to support this!)

What oils do you use to support your body when you are stressed? My faves are trees like Douglas fir, Siberian fir, Frankincense and all the florals. Rose is one of my most used oils for stress and keeping me calm.

By the way, adrenal fatigue doesn’t just go away with a few good nights sleep… it often takes quite a bit of time and healing for your adrenals to bounce back. Be patient and stay consistent!

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With over fourteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is a E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

Five Ways to Balance Hormones


I believe that big changes start with small steps practiced consistently!

If you are ready to jumpstart your hormone balancing journey, here are 5 Simple Ways to Balance your Hormones Naturally.

?Eat enough protein-protein provides essential amino acids that your body needs for cell turnover and repair

?Get physical–-movement that is. Exercise has been known to increase levels of hormones that decrease with age

?Take care of your gut health–your gut biome regulates ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and has been known to moderate insulin resistance

?Reduce your stress levels–lower to fight or flight response and give those adrenals a much-needed break

?Get quality sleep each night–lowers your cortisol levels and increases your HGH

Along with reducing sugar intake, adding fiber, and eating a good amount of healthy fats you are on your way to a better, healthier, balanced body.

What are you tackling first?

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Daily Thyroid Support

This must have is in my daily regimen! This blend for Thyroid Support sits on my kitchen counter so I can roll it on, morning and night.

? 20 drops Frankincense
? 15 drops Myrrh
? 10 drops Lemongrass
? 15 drops Clove

In a 10 mL roller ball, add oils and top with carrier oil of choice.

Do you need thyroid support?

Let me ask it this way… do you have a history of holding back your voice out of fear, nervousness or trauma? Or would you like to speak your truth and use your voice more confidently and more often?

Did you know that issue is often the emotional root of thyroid issues? ?????

You can grab everything you need to make this blend HERE.

I know it is pricey, but if you used these oils only for this blend it would make about twenty thyroid blends! Oh, and each roller I make lasts me about 3 months. So we are talking YEARS of use but I guarantee you will find many other uses for these four oils. Lemongrass is my go to for cleaning surfaces, diffusing for a fresh aroma and insect repellent. Clove is great for oral health—I add a drop to my toothpaste to support my gums! It also smells like fall when you diffuse it! Frankincense is a daily for me—I take a drop internally everyday day for healthy cellular support and immune system, I roll it on my spine to calm my overactive nervous system and I use myrrh in my skin care. I’m telling you the uses are endless!

Th investment is so worth it! You’ll even get wholesale pricing for a year for free! I will also plug you into my education and community support and send you a personalized gift to get you started using them. Check out this gorgeous ebook to learn more!

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