Valentine’s Day Gifts

It’s that time of year when the shops fill up with hearts and roses. But is Valentine’s just for the romantics? More and more people are choosing to see Valentine’s Day as a celebration of love. Whether it is for a friend, a pet or loved one. You don’t have to be in a relationship to celebrate. And you certainly don’t have to do it with hearts and roses. But celebrating love can’t be such a bad thing, can it?

Unconditional Love Blend

These make fantastic little valentine’s love gifts for all your special people. These are packed with powerful essential oils and beautiful rose quartz. Plus, I add a few rose petals for the pretty sake.

What is inside:

  • Rose: Opens the heart chakra and allows you to feel unconditional love. Creates a sense of well-being and calmness while awakening your ability for self-compassion, nurturing, and love.
  • Lemon: Opens the heart chakra to self-love and self-nurturing. lightens while uplifting your spirit and bringing clarity into your life.
  • Neroli: A natural tranquilizer and regulator of the nervous system that opens the heart chakra, uplifts your spirit, and encourages confidence, joy, and peace.
  • Marjoram: Restores warmth, self-compassion, and self-nurturing when feeling lonely or isolated.
  • Lavender: Helps you to relax, let go of the stress, and release fear, which fosters connect with the heart center and opens you up to more love.
  • Jasmine: Uplifting and joyous oil that balances the emotional system, soothes anxiety, and helps with depression and apathy.
  • Geranium: This emotional healing oil restores confidence and trust in others. It can help to heal a broken heart and open one up to love.
  • Ylang Ylang: This is a powerful remedy for the heart and releasing trauma from the past. This oil helps to release bottled up emotions that weigh heavy on the heart which allows for a more playful, carefree, emotionally connected and loving experience of life.
  • Tranquility Blend (Serenity): Includes Lavender Flower, Cedarwood, Ho Wood Leaf, Ylang Ylang Flower, Marjoram Leaf, Roman Chamomile Flower, Vetiver Root, Vanilla Bean Absolute, Hawaiian Sandalwood. Encourages individuals to first reconnect with themselves and discover peace that lies within, and then to reconnect with the humanity in others. This brings a calm, tranquil, peaceful, relaxed, compassionate and connection person.
  • Rose quartz: Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity.

Ready to get yours?

Stacie believes that it is her life purpose to share the gift of Yoga with anyone who is willing to say yes. In addition to raising a family and being an advocate for those with disabilities, Stacie is founder of Embracing Spirit Yoga which specializes in bringing adaptive Yoga into community centers and rehabilitation clinics. Bringing her depth of compassion to the mat–or the chair–she offers students the opportunity to grow as an individual in all aspects of their life.


Margin is the space between our load and our limits. It is the amount allowed beyond that which is needed. It is something held in reserve for contingencies or unanticipated situations. Margin is the gap between rest and exhaustion, the space between breathing freely and suffocating.

I stumbled across this and it hit me right in the heart.

We’ve all heard the term “having a boundary.” In fact, these days it common lingo when it comes to self care. Several years ago a dear friend of mine talked to me about the word boundaries versus margins. A boundary is something that keeps someone or certain things away from you. Whereas, a margin is what you choose to allow in.

We need boundaries to obviously keep away things that are dangerous to us or could be harmful. We need boundaries to keep toxic people away from us. We need boundaries around our personal and work time. Those are important things for sure. But I’m really looking at the difference between what I protect and keep away, to what I invite and allow in.

What I choose to put inside my margins feels empowering unlike a boundary which feels harsh and cold.

As I begin this new year with seeking equanimity in my life, I’m really paying close attention to what I put inside the margins. As a person who gives so much all the time, I’m learning to give to myself a little, too. Over the last year, I really learned to listen to the things in my life that feed me or drain me. My intention is never to hurt someone while navigating these margins. It can be challenging as I tend to put others needs first. The chronic people pleaser syndrome. I’m committed to putting me a little higher on the pleasing list.

In order to be deliberate with my time and energy, I’ve first identified a few key things. I needed to be really clear as to what drains me and what feeds me.

The things that drain me:

  • People. I say that with a hint of joking and quite a bit of truth. Considering that I am with people all day every day and again when I get home I’m with more people, it is imperative that I learn to listen to how much people can drain me. If given a choice to be alone or with people, it’s 99% certain that I’m going to choose to be alone.
  • Mindlessly walking through a department store for the sake of shopping. If I don’t know exactly what I need, there’s no way I’m going to walk into a store just to look. In fact, most of my shopping is done online. I have no interest in being in stores just to kill time.
  • Soending time in crowded places, unless it’s a crowded coffee shop by myself. Again, partially joking here and a lot of truth. I love being in a crowded coffee shop if I’m by myself. Are we getting a theme here?
  • Loud and noisy places with lots of people. I’m not a huge fan of crowded spaces and I definitely don’t like to just be in a group of people for no purpose.
  • Loud music. Loud people. Loud environments.

The things that feed me:

  • Being alone.
  • Setting goals and creating action plans.
  • Making sourdough bread.
  • Spending time in my garden.
  • Long, solitary walks.
  • A jigsaw puzzle that allows my mind to wander.

Before saying yes to anything these days, I am learning to stop and ask myself the following—

  • Does the serve me today?
  • Will this feed me or drain me?
  • Am I saying yes to please someone else?
  • Does this feel good to me?

Margin is the space between load and limit. It is the amount allowed beyond that which is needed.

If it’s going to push me past my limit, then it’s a no. I’m trying really hard to recognize when my load is full and not add on anything that would break that limit. As I do things that feed me, my load reduces and I have space for more. Tuning inward to myself is key, then listening, and then choosing wisely.

Selfish? Maybe.

Radical self care? Absolutely.


Imagine a self paced program that is on your own time that includes yoga, mindfulness, wellness coaching, intention setting, self care and much more delivered right to your inbox?

Beginnings is for you are wanting to make changes to your life and need a little push and motivation.

It’s time for you to begin.

It’s time for YOU.

Starting in January this three day program will be available for YOU. The content is yours forever and you can revisit it any time you feel like you need to begin again. That happens to all of us, believe me.

This program called Beginnings is well explained in this short video.

About Stacie

Stacie believes that it is her life purpose to share the gift of Yoga with anyone who is willing to say yes. In addition to raising a family and being an advocate for those with disabilities, Stacie is founder of Embracing Spirit Yoga which specializes in bringing adaptive Yoga into community centers and rehabilitation clinics. Bringing her depth of compassion to the mat–or the chair–she offers students the opportunity to grow as an individual in all aspects of their life.

With over sixteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is an experienced 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified Trauma Informed Coach, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

Stacie brings her personal life experience of raising a daughter with a disability and over 12 years working in special education to her everyday Yoga classes.

My Introverted Self

I love people—I really do. But I also love taking care of my introverted self and my favorite way to do that is to go into the forest. To commune with the trees and be totally at peace and in oneness by the sights and sounds.

Research is showing that visiting a forest has real, quantifiable health benefits, both mental and physical. Even five minutes around trees or in green spaces may improve health. Think of it as a prescription with no negative side effects that’s also free.

Health Benefits From Forests

Exposure to forests and trees:

  • boosts the immune system
  • lowers blood pressure
  • reduces stress
  • improves mood
  • increases ability to focus, even in children with ADHD
  • accelerates recovery from surgery or illness
  • increases energy level
  • improves sleep

Usually on Saturday mornings I take off on a solo hike and find that silent, yet so alive space. I usually visit one of my favorite tree friends I have ever known. She has been a friend for many years and though I haven’t gone to say hello in a long time, she still greets me with the same wonderful welcome. Over the years on this trail, I have played on the icy trails and I basked in the warm sun. I love to cross over the miles of Mother Earth and it usually is just what I need to refuel and get clarity on a few things weighing on me.

I love how the sound of my feet crunching the earth somehow brings the answers I have been seeking. It’s like the world stops for a moment and I can listen.

I am often reminded again just how blessed I am and how grateful I am that my life has unfolded in perfection. Just like the trees and how they know exactly when to let go and when to grow, I find myself in the same cycle.

During these solo walks I reconnect with the truth of myself. I find the quiet space between my thoughts. I receive all the goodness the trees offer.

Of course putting my hands on my favorite tree friend never hurts.

Natural Mud Mask

Over the last 10 years Self care has become my passion. I work hard and learning ways to refuel has been my mission.

Most of you know that I walk a LOT everyday and that provides me with lots of mental clarity, and a healthy body. I enjoy nature and love to take a breather outside several times to watch nature throughout the day. (Today after work I even saw two bear cubs eating apples from a tree along my trail).

But come evening time, bubble baths or a long hot shower is how I leave the day behind.

I have a weekly ritual of using a mud mask and it’s so amazing. My skin feels clean, refreshed and energized while also becoming so soft.

The doTERRA SPA Detoxifying Mud Mask is a natural clay mask infused with CPTG® essential oils of Myrrh, Juniper Berry, and Grapefruit that promotes purifying benefits while reducing the appearance of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.

  • Shea butter provides moisturization and balances the skin
  • Malachite extract is rich in copper and provides detoxifying benefits
  • Lentil seed extract helps reduce the appearance of pores
  • The natural earth clay, kaolin, is naturally rich in minerals to help purify the skin and to help reduce the appearance of oily skin

Grab yours here! The entire skin care line is amazing, too! Take a peek while you’re looking at that link. If you’re curious how to start swapping out less natural things in your home for pure and natural things, check out this gorgeous downloadable ebook and let’s chat!

Alignment Blend

When we combine our thoughts, our bodies and our minds with the magical gifts of mother nature, we reveal wisdom.

The wisdom of our true Selves. The wisdom of the Earth. The wisdom held in the vibration of every living cell.

Last month we dove into discovering what our true values are that sustain us during hard times or simply how we navigate our everyday. Knowing our values is step one, living in alignment with those values is step two.

Our actions and the words we speak, and even the thoughts we have, all must strive to be in alignment with those values. When we step into daily living in alignment we become our best selves.

I try to look at my values daily. I try to pause before I respond. I think before I speak. And, I try to ask myself if what I am about to do going to help me create the life I want.

I also love my body everyday with intention. I try to eat mindfully. I also find time every day for moments of stillness.

This beautiful blend I perfectly crafted and named Alignment helps me to stay in living within my values. This blend includes Frankincense–Oil of Truth, Rosemary–Oil of Knowledge, Lavender–Oil of Communication, Roman Chamomile–Oil of Spiritual Purpose, Sandalwood–Oil of Sacred Devotion, and Tiger Eye which is a stone of protection. Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.

This blend is perfect for creating a sense of alignment with yourSelf and with others. Grab yours HERE!

Follow me for more goodness!

Mastering the Art of Self Love

“As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering were only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.”

Charlie Chaplin

Self-love is the foundation and basis for all the love that flows from our hearts to others.

For many years I was a seeker of love outside of myself. In some ways we all are—we want validation and to be seen—that is normal human behavior. My trouble came when in the truthful and quiet moments with myself, I really didn’t like who I was, and actually loving myself was not even in the ball park.

Then I woke up.

I realized that my kids needed a healthy mom. They needed someone who demonstrated self love. They required a mom who was no longer angry but instead developed an acceptance for life’s hard things and took them as lessons to grow.

I also became radically aware of self care. For decades I thought self care was selfish and totally for the elite. Wow, right? I came to realize that the only way I was to find pure unconditional love was to begin by loving myself unconditionally. You attract what you are.

Today I actually coach women (and men) on the power of a deliberate self care routine to help become the very best version of yourself. It’s not all about bubble baths, although those those do help tremendously.

Self love is now one of my deepest values.

It is one of the four main “roots” or “walls” that hold me up during storms. Without it, I’d crumble.

I choose self love daily by walking, working out, spending time in my garden, playing on a yoga mat, sipping nice vodka, daily gratitude, enjoying delicious coffee and of course, lavish bubble baths. One way that I combat living with chronic pain is to fight back against it with so much self love and self care through movement that my mind simply cannot focus on the pain long, because I am instead experiencing the joy of being alive.

I can’t believe that I once told myself that self love was selfish. After two decades of self love it has now become a part of everyday living. I know that without this radical practice of self love I would not be able to handle life’s challenges and I would not be able to give so much love. Truly by filling up myself with love daily, I am able to give more to others.

Don’t wait for a health crisis or a divorce to learn you are worthy.

Love yourself radically and fiercely now.

Trust me, mastering the art of self love is the best gift you’ll ever give yourself. You deserve it.


Reach out to me for a free wellness consult and learn how YOU can change your mindset!

With over sixteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is a E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

September Inspiration

The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.

William Blake

The Harvest

I hope that you are doing well and are finding ways to bring joy into your everyday life. This time of year is always a favorite as temperatures (hopefully) cool down a bit and we can soak in the bounty of goodness. For me, the garden is always evidence of the great things that have been happening.

This is also my favorite month to teach yoga. Every year that I share the theme for this month, I am amazed at what I learn from others. Keep reading to learn more about what foundation means to me and how I apply this concept in my life.

A huge aspect to learning about what your unique foundation is includes learning about the principles in which we live, or the values that we hold dear, and how they sustain us during challenging times. I look forward to sharing more about this throughout the month, and be sure to to learn what my ten principles are for living a wholesome life full of solid values. When we can identify our principles we can more easily handle whatever life throws our way, much the way a home’s foundation keeps the walls and windows in tact.

As we come into September it is a good time to remember that The Autumn Equinox is a time of letting go and also harvesting the good that is abundant in our lives and allowing the stalks and leaves to fall aside and go back to the Earth. With this beautiful and colorful season emerging it is our time to loosen our grip on the focus of growth and prepare to move into a more dormant season. This is also a great time to look at the cycles of life; seasons, months, breath, and even life.

The paradox of understanding cycles exists everywhere and yet the simplest observation is the breath; to inhale you must also exhale. We know that with each ending there is a beginning, in whatever shape that takes—self awareness, growth, wisdom, letting go, etc. We see this so easily in the changing of leaves–the amazing color that emerges following a season of bounty, and then the ease in which the leaf lets go. Watch as leaves effortlessly fall to the ground to be taken into the loving arms of Mother Earth for the new growth that waits for the next season.

I encourage you to go outside. Take a breath. Take time to look at letting go of what no longer serves you. Thank it for its time in your life as the teacher it is and then release it.

Finally, welcome the harvest that is within and always look for opportunities to be grateful. I know for myself, the practice of gratitude has lead me into a life of awareness that has enhanced my life everyday. Let the practice of acknowledging gratitude for all that you have become your foundation as you move into this next season.

Life is really good, friends.




Studio Classes

Monday Evening Yoga

Monday evening sessions at 515pm are a great way to kick off your week in the comfort of my cozy studio. Spaces are limited so sign up for which dates you can attend. (No class Monday September 4th). Cost: $20

Sign Me Up

Essential Yoga — FOUNDATION

Join me for a special Essential Yoga! Wednesday September 27tht at 5:30pm in my studio. This class will explore the energies of the Earth to ground us in both aroma, sound and movement. Cost: $25 Space is limited and includes essential oil blend and crystal.

Register for Essential Yoga

Recorded Sessions

Are you wanting to have access to a yoga or pilates practice that fits into your busy schedule? I offer chair yoga, sensation and intuition based guided gentle yoga, pilates and meditation without having to log in to a specific class time. All of my classes are offered at a donation. You can find ALL of my videos (including the 30 days of yoga series!) on my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to get notified when I upload a new Yoga practice or mindfulness talk!

Essential Yoga–Foundation

If you missed the Essential Yoga in person, you can now get it online! Just click on the link below and you’ll have access to the online class. Donations are appreciated.

Online Essential Yoga– Foundation

Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program

Are you a current yoga teacher? I am also offering a yoga teacher mentoring program to help yoga teachers learn how to modify and teach to those with different abilities. Check out this link below or reach out to me!

Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program

Essential Oils & Wellness

Many of you know that I use and rely on essential oils to maintain the health of my mind, body, and spirit. I use them throughout my home from cleaning, for pain management, energy, sleep, mood and much more. One of my favorite things is helping others get started using natural remedies and plant medicine.

You will also get an awesome welcome package from me, access to my VIP community group, education and mentoring and much more. It is easy to get started! I am also happy to chat personally with you to find the perfect options for your needs.

Get Started

I offer FREE wellness consultations to talk about your goals and desire for a healthier, mind, body and spirit. Together we will create a personalized plan. Schedule yours today!

Free Wellness Consult

Do you know someone who could benefit from my services? I offer an amazing referral program and would love to help your loved ones find health.

Referral Program


??Free Membership??

New customers can continue to customize their own enrollment kit with no membership fee. If you aren’t sure where to start, I recommend making an appointment with me to figure it out! We can do this over coffee or on the phone! You can also choose pre-selected bundles that are great for most family needs, office or agency.

Look Here

Foundation Blend

This months carefully curated blend is all about the Earth. This is such a great blend for staying calm and grounded. Really, one of my favorites.

This earthy forest blend will take into the depths of stillness so that you can ask yourself some of those important and soul revealing questions. If you are curious to learn more about this, check out this blog post.…and in the meantime, grab one of these woodsy smells and get connected.

Purchase Foundation Blend

Recipes & DIY

Did you know you can use essential oils to add flavor and health benefits to your recipes?? Fall is such a great season for warm, inviting and soul-feeding foods. Check out some of my favorites below.

Fall Recipes

I love the smell of fall and these diffuser blends will not just smell great, but your family will benefit from the healthy supports essential oils add when used aromatically.

Life Lessons from an Autumn Leaf

We know change is coming, so we embrace its beauty for all the world to see. It’s exciting when my friends and I all begin to turn colors. I can imagine its much like when humans get their hair done or change their style of clothing. You just feel brand new, hot, beautiful–a sight to be seen, for sure. When most of us receive our new colors, and a few begin to fall, the humans come out by the droves. I’ve watched so many walking hand-in-hand. I’ve heard many intimate conversations and often witness family portraits. Children ooh and ah about the wonder of our change, and the whole world seems to take a second glance to admire our new look.

However, as the cold winds begin to blow, we know we must hold on tight to our branches until it’s our time to fall. It’s interesting because none of us want to drop. We just want to stay in our spot, high above the ground and admire the magnificent atmosphere fall brings.

1. Radiate Beauty. Autumn brings an abundance of fall colors and textures. The reds, oranges, yellows, golds and rust tones of autumn delight the senses in landscapes and rich sunsets, inspiring poets and visual artists. Take the time to radiate your own beauty and creativity to the world.

2. Connect with Your Shadow. After the long, bright sunlit days of summer, autumn brings earlier sunsets and longer shadows. It’s an ideal time for thoughtful introspection and shining the light of awareness on our own shadow parts.

3. Let Go. Trees willingly and naturally shed their leaves after putting on a radiant fall show of colors. Is there anything in your life that’s ready to be released? Enjoy the brilliance of all that has ripened and come to fruition, but be willing to let go; it will pave the way for new beginnings.

4. Save for Lean Times. Even as birds and woodland creatures are enjoying the abundance of fall, they are also storing away portions of their autumn harvest and preparing for leaner times. Enjoy the blessings of the season, but remember to plan for the future.

5. Find Balance. In a world of duality, balance is key. The autumn equinox signals equal amounts of night and day, serving as a reminder to find balance in our own lives.

Autumn is a study in contrasts, and the result is a rich, multi-sensory experience. Apply these five lessons from autumn in your own life, and drink in the bounty of this inspiring time of year.

About Stacie

Stacie believes that it is her life purpose to share the gift of Yoga with anyone who is willing to say yes. In addition to raising a family and being an advocate for those with disabilities, Stacie is founder of Embracing Spirit Yoga which specializes in bringing adaptive Yoga into community centers and rehabilitation clinics. Bringing her depth of compassion to the mat–or the chair–she offers students the opportunity to grow as an individual in all aspects of their life.

With over sixteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is an E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

Stacie brings her personal life experience of raising a daughter with a disability and over 12 years working in special education to her everyday Yoga classes.

In addition to teaching classes at a variety of local centers and health clubs, Stacie also continues to offer Yoga and Wellness coaching individually to those seeking private sessions.

Memories and Mood

Nothing brings to life again a forgotten memory like fragrance.

– C Poindexter.

Did you know that you can use aromatherapy to improve your mood and remind you of memories??

Scent plays a huge role in how we think and feel, AND triggers memories. Our olfactory system (sense of smell) has a direct connection to the part of the brain (the amygdala) which acts as our emotional processing center and a direct link to memories. Don’t we all have a grandmother or aunt who had a certain “smell” that when we smell it we transport in time? This is why when you smell certain things you may experience a particular memory. Pretty interesting, right?

My little granddaughter Sawyer recently took home a box of crystals from my house and exclaimed to her daddy the other day “oh no, these don’t smell like maymay anymore”. I’ve been wearing the same blend of oils every time I am around her since the day she was born. Love that she associates my “smell” already. I have my grandmothers old medicine cabinet in my home and when I open it I instantly go back to being a little girl and getting treated with iodine and a bandage. Since I live in the house I grew up in, every once in a while when I open the coat closet I get a whiff of my mom and her career as a hairdresser and remember her coming home tired after giving perms all day and hang up her coat. It is such a crazy thing that our limbic brain holds onto memories that are associated with smell. Definitely check out this post about the brain…it is fascinating!

In my work with people with dementia and other neurological conditions, I use aromatherapy all the time. I love to share a blend of citrus oils with a touch of vanilla and tell a story that we are all young kids and the ice cream truck comes and on the side of the truck is something that smells just like that. I put a few drops in each of their hands and they smell it while I tell the story. Sure enough within a few seconds, someone will say “creamsicle” or “orange sherbet”. Sadly though not all memories are good. I usually spray the area that I will be teaching to gift an aromatherapy boost before the class. One day I sprayed a blend of orange, cinnamon, and clove. To me it smells like fall and the holidays, but to one of my students the clove triggered a horrible childhood memory and he was unable to stay in the class. I felt terrible and realized that not all smells are going to be welcomed. Lesson for me learned. Now I stick with pretty benign smells like citrus, lavenders and trees.

Pretty amazing that now that that we know this, we can use certain oils to uplift our mood or even relieve feelings of stress or worry and also create or trigger memories.

What is your go to mood oil? My all-time favorite is Wild Orange! It’s a beautiful “balancing” oil, meaning that depending on what are are feeling it can either lift us up or calm us down. It is a very unique citrus oil that has some pretty amazing benefits. I love it!!!! Heavenly! The blend that I have been wearing since my granddaughter was born that she now associates with me is orange, lavender, patchouli, rose and sandalwood.

If you are not sure but would like to try I’m happy to send you a sample to help your mood and memories!

Follow me for more goodness!