Every Action You Take

Although I am probably once of the most disciplined people you’ll ever meet, I’ve been digging deep into Atomic Habits book written by James Clear all thanks to the amazing podcast Unlocking Us with Brené Brown.

I am learning about myself that while I hold myself at super high standards when it comes to my work and my exercise, I definitely avoid the things that seem scary, hard or vulnerable. For years and years I held back on doing things that would cause me to be seen more and I often make a millions excuses in my head as to why it is better to just sit back. I opt for the easier way out when it comes to the scary things that I want to do, but always make excuses for.

No more. I am committed to making small consistent changes that will help me become the type of person I want to be.

Since I have chosen my word of the year to be DELIBERATE, I am pulling my shoulders back and looking some of these things straight in the eye. I know that with consistent habits, I can maybe the changes where I become the identity of the hat I am striving for. I mean, I lost 80 pounds and totally changed my life with consistent habits that created an amazing lifestyle so I KNOW I can do this.

I was once terrified of becoming a yoga teacher and healthy person. In many ways it was much easier to complain about the things I wished were different than actually getting my little self busy on making some changes.

Every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become.

I know I can do this. You can, too! If you are already wondering how or why that resolution or goal isn’t working for you, I highly recommended reading Atomic Habits and go listen to the Unlocking Us Podcast.

Be ready to be amazed and scared all at the same time. And don’t ever feel like you are alone on this journey, because I am right here being amazed and scared with you!

Purity Testing

I got to share oils with lots of people today hungry for something to help themselves feel better.

I reminded them that they can get oils anywhere, but can ”anywhere” prove their purity testing? The thing that sold me on doterra was their transparency when it comes to testing.

Grab a bottle…got to sourcetoyou.com and enter in the numbers at the bottom of your bottle. See the testing for yourself.

Your oils don’t have this? ????????????????

(I’d think twice before using them). I’m the meantime, want to learn how and why to use pure essentials? Check out this gorgeous ebook! And, let’s chat!

The Power of Affirmations

It is amazing to me how our inner narrative about ourselves can be so negative. Years ago I started a pretty solid affirmation practice and continue to this day. By rerouting our thoughts and words to a positive place, we actually retrain our brain to think and see the good in our lives.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and truly believe in them, you can start to see positive changes in your life unfold. Practicing positive affirmations can be extremely simple, and all you need to do is pick a phrase and repeat it to yourself.

I don’t know about you, but I have spent many years, speaking things like “I am a mess. I am overwhelmed. I am stressed. I am in so much pain.” I still catch myself and can now rephrase to “I am doing my best. I am handling this with grace. I am feeling my body tell me something”.

Although affirmations require regular practice they can help you to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways that you think and feel.

Do you have a list of affirmations? What’s your favorite one? I love having sticky notes and reminders around my house and I even have an app in my phone that periodically throughout the day sends me an I am_____ reminder of something good.

I encourage you to start a 30 day affirmation practice and see what shows up in your life. Need some help coming up with affirmations? I am happy to help!

Sugar and Gut Health

Do you know what causes these “warts” all over this pumpkin? ? SUGAR!

They are actually called sugar warts. Sugar builds up inside the pumpkin; it starts to push out of the shell and creates these barnacle-looking blemishes on the surface of the pumpkin. ?

Our skin is exactly the same.

We consume sugar and it feeds the yeast in the digestive tract. That yeast overgrowth emits 79 different toxins, and guess what? It pushes its way out through our skin!!

? The body expresses its toxicity in different ways for different people. Blemishes or irregularities on our skin is one major way! When you solve the problem of yeast overgrowth and balance your sugars, your skin will benefit.

Ever have acne, skin rashes, psoriasis, eczema, hives? Remember, your skin is the largest organ in your body.

Taking care of your gut health directly impacts the health of your skin.

Clean Gut = Clean Skin.

Have you found a great digestive enzyme and pre/probiotic? I have and they have made a tons of difference in my life. Plus walking everyday and loads of water.

Feel free to reach out to me if you would love to try them! And check out this awesome ebook on the supplements that I love.

YOU Are Worth It

Have you ever felt so uncomfortable in your skin you avoided really ever looking at yourself in the mirror?

Have you ever been so insecure that the thought of being visible scared you?

Have you ever said things to yourself that you would never say about another person?

Have you ever longed to find out why some people just seem to radiate happiness?

Have you ever been so miserable with your health that it felt like you’d never be any different?

Have you ever had so much bottled up emotion that numbing it was your only option?

Have you ever wondered what you are on this Earth to do?

Have you ever listened the quiet inner voice of yourself BEGGING to be let out?

Me too, friend. Me too.

What if I told you that I used to be an angry, bitter, lonely, extremely heavy (in mind, body AND spirit) person that could not be alone with herself for five minutes without some serious negative self-talk? What if I told you I lost over 100 pounds by changing my mindset about myself? What if I told you that I thought the only reason I was born was to struggle and raise my kids? What if I told you that I have been exactly where you are?

What if I told you I learned how to value ME?

Now, what if I told you I could give you some systematic choices and alternatives that are life sustaining and could possibly change all of your answers to the above questions? What if I was in your corner WITH you as you bravely began to navigate across new territory? What if I held the map for you as you take the first few steps? What if I was in your corner to cheer you on and encourage you to live your best self?

Are you ready?

People will drop over $100 per month on lattes and hundreds more on drinking and eating out, yet not want to spend $80 on a gym membership, or hundreds on therapy or a coaching program.

And then they wonder why they don’t feel good or aren’t reaching their goals.

People spend hours scrolling on their phones or watching Netflix and but don’t have enough time to read, meditate or go for a walk.

Your actions show where your priorities are, not your thoughts and ideas.

If you’re having a difficult time making changes to your health, happiness, relationships, business, whatever, take a look at what you’re investing in. Not just with your money, but your energy, time and/or attention.

The more you give to yourself, the more you’ll get back. You deserve to have everything you desire and nobody else is gonna give it to you but YOU.

If you’re worried about the price of getting started, you should see the cost of staying exactly where you are.

We are in the last few months of 2021 and I am offering this package that is worth well over $500 for a deep discount of just $325. Time is limited to grab this deal. This bundle also makes an amazing gift. The awesome thing about this program is some of the content is yours to keep and return to over and over.

  • Two private yoga sessions ($80.00)
  • Assessment and Personalized Wellness plan ($125.00)
  • Two follow up Wellness Sessions  ($80.00)
  • Seven days of Wellness Program to motivate and inspire you ($125.00)
  • One-hour body work/energy session. ($50.00)
  • Crystal and Essential Oil Blend based on you primary wellness goal ($22)
  • Bonus Self-Care Package ($140)
  • Essential Oil consultation (free)

You are SO worth it.

Just send me a message and we can roll up our sleeves and get busy! I cannot wait to work with YOU!

Seasons Change

A student once told me—choose a path and walk it well.

It is not uncommon that we might feel a slight pull towards a change or shift this time of year. Nature is so obvious in showing us that it is okay to do just that, especially this time of year when we see the trees so effortlessly let go of the season’s growth. Some of us resist that pull, and end up staying stagnant and even miserable, when we could be feeling liberated. Or at the least, we could be aligned with our deepest selves as we welcome in the offering a change may bring.

The season for me is coming to a change as I feel and listen to the pull to welcome in something different. In fact, I have been feeling this nudge for a variety of reasons in the last few months. Part of it is the push to complete some big projects that I have been working on, and the other part of me is listening to the interior landscape of my soul asking me to align my actions with its deepest truth. Add to that some reminders that the Universe is always putting in my path exactly what I need in order to pause, look and learn. And maybe even slow down a bit to refuel.

I realize that there will be some disappointment, much like many of us feel as we watch summer come to an end and we pull out the snow shovels and warm sweaters for the coming months of cold.

I ask you though to feel the disappointment, and then rally around me and my work from the place of curiosity and wonder as I work on some big dreams in the next few months. I also ask for your compassion as I trek across new territory. Walk with me as the landscape changes and together we celebrate what lies ahead.

Know this– seasons come and go. Cycles are here to teach us that everything is temporary and that with each inhale there will be an exhale.

Stay tuned and consider joining me on the path.

The Real Deal

Think all oils are the same? Think again.

A recent study in the journal of pharmaceutical and biological analysis showed D?TERRA oils to be the gold standard. Compared to 32 other companies , D?TERRA came out on top and 2/3 of those tested were shown to be basically crap—adulterated or synthetic.

Also, our lavender was consistent across batches and batches, over years. Years of consistently PURE lavender. Which is why it smells different and works better.

And this is why hospitals across the globe are turning to PHARMACEUTICAL grade D?TERRA essential oils.

Stop wasting your money and time. This is the real deal.

Ready to jump in? Need more info? Check out this free ebook to dip into a natural mindset.

Gratitude Blend

Gratitude is the #1 way to shift out of low frequency emotions like fear, grief, shame and lack… and into high frequency emotions like joy, peace, trust and love.

What if you started saying 5 DIFFERENT things you’re grateful for every single day. Try it! it has changed my life!

Gratitude ?Gratitude??Gratitude?I hope you enjoy this diffuser blend today and I invite each of you to pause for a moment, and tell us something that YOU are grateful for today.

This blend includes pure essential oils and amber chips perfectly crafted. Grab one!

Oil Pulling Tablets

I have been oil pulling for years but recently have gotten lazy about it. I decided to buy a candy mold and make up a months worth of the perfect size for pulling.

Oil pulling is an alternative medical practice in which an edible oil is swished around the mouth for a period of time and then spat out, similar to mouthwash. Practitioners of oil pulling claim it is capable of improving oral and whole-body health, including a benefit in conditions such as headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth. Its promoters claim it works by pulling out toxins, which are known as ama in Ayurveda.

I mix up a batch and store in a jar in my fridge. Half of them have on guard for an added immunity and the other half is lemon/peppermint.

How To:

  • Melt one cup coconut oil
  • Add essential oils (10-15 drops total)
  • Pour into candy mold
  • Store in jar in fridge
  • Pop on in daily and swish 3-5 minutes
  • Spit into trash (not sink)

To learn all about how and why to use essential oils, check out this gorgeous ebook. Plus, when you get started I will personally mentor and guide you along the way.

Insect Bite Relief

Oh my goodness bugs love to bite me. And my poor lil granddaughter is the same. ?

This is so easy and takes the itch right out.

??10ml roller
??10 drops lavender
??10 drops purify
??5 drops peppermint

Top it off with fractionated coconut oil and apply to the itchy bites as often as needed.

For kids, cut that in half!

If you’re curious about how easy it is to add essential oils into your life, check out this gorgeous ebook. I also have a great community of learning and mentoring.