You may not realize this, I know I didn’t at first…but now I know that Rose essential oil is a POWERHOUSE and a must for my daily regimen.
This powerful oil is the total package: Skin support, mood support, and hormone support.
Rose has been known to promote a calm and relaxed state of mind. Roll this incredible oil on your abdomen for menstrual discomfort, hormone support, and libido support.
I did a little digging and found that according to Health Line Rose oil has had quite a few studies done and the results are promising.
Check out all that Rose oil supports:
Anxious Feelings and Stress
Rose oil has a relaxing effect on many people.
In one studyTrusted Source, researchers applied rose oil to the skin of each participant, and then measured its effects on the most common symptoms of anxiety. Blood pressure, heart rates, breathing rates, cortisol levels, and blood oxygen levels all decreased. The subjects also reported feeling much more relaxed after the oil treatment.
Another studyTrusted Source involving over 100 women who were giving birth found that rose oil lowered their anxiety levels during delivery.
Antibacterial, antifungal properties
Researchers have found that essential oil distilled from roses can be effective against a wide range of microbes that cause infections. This includes E. coli, as well as some strains of the bacteria that can cause staph infections (Staphylococcus) and strep throat (Streptococcus).
Additionally, the study found that rose oil was effective against Candida albicans, which can cause fungal infections in the mouth, gut, and vagina.
Stimulates sex drive
Two studies have found that inhaling rose oil increased sexual desire and sexual satisfaction among men and, to a lesser extent, women. One studyTrusted Source involved male participants with a major depressive disorder who were taking antidepressants, and the other studyTrusted Source involved female participants with the same disorder and also on antidepressants.
Researchers believe that the release of dopamine in the brain, a known motivator, may be what spurs the increase in sexual desire, while simultaneously alleviating symptoms of depression.
Eases depressive symptoms
A number of clinical studies have found that rose oil helps to improve the symptoms of depression. In a 2012 studyTrusted Source, a small group of postpartum women underwent treatment for depression.
One group received aromatherapy in addition to conventional medical treatments. The women who used aromatherapy improved significantly more than women who used conventional medicine alone.
Studies have also found that rose oil stimulates the release of the chemical dopamine. Researchers believe this chemical plays a pivotal role in helping to relieve the symptoms of depression.
I love the emotional side of Rose oil as well. I love to apply it to my heart when I am feeling a need for some extra compassion either for myself or for others.
Where will you be keeping Rose now? 
my desk
my nightstand
my purse/on the go
Ready to get your hands on some Rose? It is pricey but SO worth it! You won’t be disappointed.
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