Learning to BE

What if contentment–or even better happiness–could come from the pleasure of just being present? What if that pleasure could result in you not caring if life was unpleasant or not? Imagine in turn you became confident knowing that no matter what was showing up in your life, whether it be easy or uncomfortable you could BE in the moment of either.

For example, when you find yourself saying the weather is “too hot” or “too cold”, consider instead if you can just feel what you feel and not jump to a label or conclusion.

This week in my yoga classes we will explore this concept as we dive deep into the labeling we do as humans. We will look and practice how often we think or speak words like good, bad, hot, cold, hard, easy. We will think about the possibility of instead learning to lean into what it feels like to just BE in whatever is showing up.

DIY Body Butter

Did you ever stop to think about what we put ON our skin? I mean think about this….if we know that the essential oils absorb into our bodies and touch every cell, wouldn’t we think that slathering on things we can’t even pronounce, chemicals and who knows what from store bought lotion would also hit every cell? Gah! ? (and the same goes for all the cleaning chemicals we touch) Take a peek at your lotion bottle and see what I mean.

I have been making my own body butter since I cleaned up my toxins and it’s amazing!!

•one cup shea butter

•half cup hard coconut oil

• three tablespoon beeswax pellets

• 1/4 cup almond oil

• splash of vegetable glycerin (optional)

• 20-30 drops of your fave essential oils

Watch this to see how easy it is!!

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday!

I remember about 15 years ago I stumbled into a gemstone store and was drawn to have my first of many little goodies. I chose a carnelian—a gemstone that I still love and have many of them.

People tell me when they come into my house, it feels so peaceful. I believe having crystals and gemstones around have so much to do with that. They have become powerful tools in my life. I have them lining my windows, on my body, in my car, used during meditation and I add them to essential oil blends. When I choose one to work with, I set the intention of what I am needing or wanting to achieve (a state or peace, cleansing, energy etc). And I let it do the work.

When choosing a crystal either go to a local metaphysical shop or browse a crystal website online. Scan the shop (or the page) and see what catches your eye. What crystal stands out to you? Which one are you drawn to? Then, read the meaning and properties of that crystal. Nine times out of 10 you will find that the meaning of that crystal correlates to your life in some way, shape, or form. And at this time, that is the crystal for you!

The reason that crystals are so effective in energy work, is the same reason that cleansing them is essential—crystals pick up energy. Cleansing your crystals resets their energy, so that every time you work with them, you are starting from an energetically clean slate. If you never clean your crystals, they will continue to store energy they’ve picked up from their environment or people they’ve come into contact with. Think of it like this: A towel can wipe a mess clean, but if you never wash the towel, it will begin to add to the mess. Crystals are similar.

There are a few different ways that you can set about purifying the energy of your crystals:

Moonlight Spa: Let your crystals bathe outside in light of full moon (or sun) for at least 4 hours.

Couple Your Crystal With Selenite or Quartz: Act as a crystal matchmaker and pair your crystal with either a selenite or quartz crystal! Both of these crystals have the ability to charge and purify other crystals, without ever losing any of their own energy. Lay your crystal on a piece of quartz or selenite for six hours.

Smoke It Out: Not only will burning sage and palo santo clear the energy of your space, they’ll also have your crystals feeling great. Immerse your crystal with the sacred smoke until you feel its energy and vibrancy return.

Return to Nature: We could all use the energetic reset that comes with a return to nature. To give your crystal that revitalizing pleasure, place it on the Earth or in the branches/soil of a healthy houseplant for 24 hours.

The Failure

I want to know if you can live with failure, 

yours and mine, 

and still stand on the edge of the lake

and shout to the silver of the moon, 


The author of the Invitation says that real mistakes are genuine errors in judgment, and choices that can seen, with the knowledge of hindsight, not to have been the best.  We have all made them.  Not the kind of mistakes where we were misinformed or lacking of enough information.  The real ones where we screw up, despite our better knowing.

The real work of failures is to not deny them, or insist that there are no mistakes.  You may have heard people say that everything happens for a reason, or that good things come from the struggles. I wholeheartedly agree with this…up to a point. I do believe that the Divine works in mysterious ways with a purpose, but I also believe that we are fully responsible for our choices and what we do with what life offers.

We cannot live fully and at the same time avoid mistakes. Sometimes it may seem so much easier to overlook the failures and instead to hide them in some form. Refusing to acknowledge our failures is often an attempt to avoid shame.  That awful feeling we might get when we realize that at our core, we have failed and screwed up.  Ownership means that we do not blame others for our faults and screw ups. It means that we do not justify them as a result of my upbringing or story.  Instead to truly to own them.

The big question related to failure that I ask myself is can I live with my failures and still say “YES” to life, still feel worthy of love all that surrounds me.  The answer for me comes from the space of forgiveness. To allow love to move through me.

I know that many times I failed when my kids were little.  There we things that I did out of being clueless and then there were things that I did that were just mistakes. I am not going to justify them by saying I was a young mom with three little kids, or that I was overwhelmed, or that my marriage was empty, or that we were poor, or that I was burdened.  Instead I am going to love myself enough to say that I screwed up. At times I made choices that failed them, and failed me. But we all overcame them and despite the failures my kids turned out to be amazing people.  And I turned out amazing, too.  I came out of the failures so willing to say yes to life and to keep forging a path that brings me joy and contentment.

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Super Moon

Today is the Full Super moon…

The full moon is traditionally known as the time of letting go…of releasing what is no longer serving your highest good.

This particular moon is all about responsibility as it relates to freedom.

It’s a good time to ask yourself where do you feel constricted? Where do you feel bound? Where do you feel obligated? Where do you long for freedom?

With freedom comes joy. And joy is the ultimate goal, right?!

Sit quietly today… ask where you need to release responsibility that you’ve been carrying that really isn’t yours to carry. This could mean stepping out of drama between friends or co-workers. This could mean letting go of volunteer positions or projects you said yes to out of obligation.

Another question to ask is where is an area can I take better responsibility in order to receive the freedom I desire?

This could mean de-cluttering your home or making freezer meals to free up mental and emotional space to play and be spontaneous with your family. Or this could mean really getting focused on the income producing activities in your business so that you can enjoy the travel you crave.

2019 could be your most joyful, freedom filled year ever… if you choose it.

Remember… “Whatever is on your plate got there because you said yes to it.” Danielle LaPorte (Desire Map)

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. The hustle can now start winding down and a settling in begins to happen.

The week between Christmas and New Years is my favorite week of the year. For me, it is a time of reflection and clearing out mental clutter. I read my journal and review my years goals and accomplishments. I take lots of time to be really grateful for every experience I had in 2018.

In doing this, I make space for new. Once I have reviewed my year, I look ahead and set goals and create dreams for myself. I use a paper planner and a separate journal and start with one WORD. This word becomes my intention and the thread that becomes woven into my years’s tapestry.

For me, this practice is as important as any other wellness habit. Nurturing our spirit is key to wholeness.

How will you close out 2018?

My Daily Regimen

What is your daily oil routine?

These are some of my most common—though I have added tumeric and pink pepper to my morning regimen.

?Peace Reassuring Blend is my go-to for a daily swipe up my arms. It keeps me level, steady and calm.

?Balance Grounding Blend is the oil I add to my lotion each day and apply along my shoulders and neck. It’s earthiness keeps me super grounded during hectic days.

?cedarwood is my favorite nighttime diffusing oil. I love the aroma and I sleep super sound.

?Copiaba is one I take internally 2x a day. The list of benefits is long but for me I am looking for cellular support and overall well-being.

?On Guard Protective Blend goes along my neck and lymph nodes to keep my body healthy. I also diffuse this one in my car and use it as a natural hand sanitizer.

?Zendocrine is in a 10ml roller (25 drops) and I apply this to my liver every morning. The oils in this blend help support a healthy liver and provides a natural detox to your body.

Tell me your regimen—I would love to know!

If you are brand new to essential oils, check out this handy guide that can introduce you to the world of natural solutions.

Lifestyle Changes

Time for some Monday motivation?

The new year is around the corner and that is when many people look to making lifestyle changes. As a wellness coach I have walked the path and am grateful that at one point in my life I was burdened by weight.

For me, it wasn’t just the physical weight I was carrying that I wanted to shed. There was so much inner work that I did and as a result my radiant self emerged.

The first picture was taken six months after my first son was born—I was terrified and overwhelmed. A young 20 year old mom with a kid and a mortgage was a little daunting. I dove into motherhood and completely forgot about myself. I soon had two more kids and a bigger mortgage. It wasn’t until I was in my 30’s that I began to see myself as important and in need of self-care.

I started with walking daily (which I continue to this day) and I started making choices around food. I also started to really do the inner work that was required. I often say “I woke up”. And in that awakening, I truly began to emerge from the outer shell that I had placed around me.

As I began to shine my life began to change dramatically. There is a vibrancy to my essence that was not able to be felt when I was burdened by the heaviness physically and emotionally.

I’d love to walk along side you in your emerging and be there to guide you when it gets hard. My services include more than just yoga. I also offer wellness coaching and a holistic approach to health. It is never just about the weight and I would love to partner with you to reveal the inner parts of yourself that can be found with a solid plan.

Let’s do this!

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday!

Mindful movement is a huge part of my life and I continue to work on it. Sometimes my mind wanders to work tasks or my long to-do list, but I really try to stay in the moment. I find I can call my spirit back to the present simply by taking a breath and noticing my surroundings.

I try to walk outside at least two times a day—in the winter it is a bit harder because of icy trails but I have found several routes in my day that I can take that are beautiful! I try to leave my phone in my pocket and really take in the scenery and enjoy the pause button I can choose to take.

Mindful movement is walking your way to a better state of mind. What is your practice of mindful movement?

Read more:


Natural Cleaning

Over the last few years I have transitioned out of chemicals and into natural cleaning. Gosh, I wish I had known all this when I was raising kids.?

Think about this—our grandparents cleaned with natural things like vinegar, baking soda, lemons, washing soap, etc…and then companies came along and mass produced synthetic and chemical filled “cleaners”.

All those products with repeated exposure can cause serious health risks. The constant cycle of illness and hormonal imbalance may be a result of exposure to these chemicals. (I am happy to share my research if you’d like it)

Our skin is our largest organ, and our lungs are the filters for our oxygen that goes into our blood and our brain, and we are touching and breathing that stuff in? ??????

I now choose to clean naturally.

?amazing all purpose cleaner for counter tops, sinks etc.

? I make a sink/tub scrub

? floor cleaner

? shower door spray

?laundry soap

? wood polish

?fabric softener

?window cleaner

?sanitizing wipes

?carpet freshener

If you are done exposing you and your famly to chemicals and want to learn more, send me an email. l am happy to share my experiences and recipes.

Happy cleaning!