October Inspiration

Change is one of our greatest teachers. It asks us everyday to prove our commitment to ourselves. It leads us into the dark places and allows us to fill them with light.It shows us things about ourselves that we never knew. And before we know it, it shows us how powerful and strong we are.

Autumn Goodness

Dear Friends,

My favorite season is here! I was remarking the other day the reason I love fall is the constant changes that I see outside. I think I love the movement and transformation that fall brings. Most of you know I don’t sit still well so this ever changing season is perfect for my personality.

Often this time of year we hear about the concept of embracing the change and ‘letting go’. One of my greatest teachers ever once told me that not all change can be embraced and that sometimes change is very hard and not easily welcomed. So true, right?

Though we may not always fully embrace changes, we might be able to lean into the process and see just how strong we really are. We know that as we move through what is showing up in our lives, we are often making space for something else.

The season for me is coming to a change as I feel and listen to the pull to welcome in something different. In fact, I have been feeling this nudge for a variety of reasons in the last few months. Part of it is the push to complete some big projects that I have been working on and the other part of me is listening to the interior landscape of my soul asking me to align my actions with its deepest truth. Add to that some reminders that the Universe is always putting in my path exactly what I need in order to pause, look and learn. And maybe even slow down a bit to refuel. I am hoping with a bit lighter load in my heart, I will find the space to shine even more. Isn’t that what we are here to do anyway?

I realize that there will be some disappointment, much like many of us feel as we watch summer come to and end and we pull out the snow shovels and warm sweaters for the coming months of cold. I ask you though to feel the disappointment, and then consider the curiosity that a new season can bring you. Sometimes the change is just what we need.

For the rest of the month, I encourage you to take in the glory of the changing leaves. Breathe in the fall air. Let go of something weighing on your heart. Shed an old belief. Release what doesn’t elevate you. And most importantly, know that all is well.

Much love,



Studio Classes

Monday Evening Classes

Each Monday evening at 5:15pm. Spaces fill very fast so if you want a spot, email or text me right away as I am almost full.

Wednesday Evening Restorative Yoga

This new offering is the perfect way to nurture your mind, body and spirit. This candlelit class is quiet and introspect. Coupled with aromatherapy designed to release and calm you will leave feeling restored, at peace and ready for a good night sleep. Spaces are limited and fill fast. Wednesday October 11th & 25th at 6:30pm. Reach out to me if you’d like a spot.


October Series on Sundays on YouTube

Each Sunday of the month I publish a new YouTube yoga practice to help guide you into a new week. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and get a notification when it pops up.

YouTube Channel 

Pre-recorded Classes

Are you wanting to have access to a yoga or pilates practice at home that fits into your busy schedule? I offer chair yoga, sensation and intuition based guided gentle yoga, pilates and meditation without having to log in to a specific class time. All of my classes are offered at a donation. You can find ALL of my videos on my website!

Special Online Classes

Essential Yoga-Release

Did you know that you can get Essential Yoga online!? Just click on the link below and you’ll have access to the online class. Donations are appreciated. Also, I am happy to send you samples of the essential oils needed for the class so you can fully enjoy the practice.

Essential Yoga– Release

Online Chakra Series

I am SO excited to share with you an ENTIRE chakra series ONLINE. You can choose between investing in the entire series for a discounted bundle rate, or pick and choose which chakra you’d like to focus on. For each chakra we will focus on the aspects of that energy center and how to balance it through discussion, yoga session, a custom essential oil blend with gemstones, and a beautiful gemstone. Cost per chakra is $30, or the entire series/blends/gemstones is $175 (valued at $315)Also included is a free ebook. Once registered you will get an email from me with content and a package in the mail!

Online Chakra Series with Gemstones, Oils & Yoga

These beautiful blends are also for sale as a set!

Wellness Coaching

Why wait until January to focus on your health goals? How about closing out the year with a new mindset towards your physical and emotional health? I have space for a few new wellness coaching spots.

Learn more about this offer here.

You are Worth It

Intro to Crystals Free Download

Curious about crystals and why I love them? Enjoy this free download! I have lots of crystals for sale too, so if one calls you then reach out to me!

Intro to Crystals Free Download

Essential Oils & Wellness

Many of you know that I use and rely on essential oils to maintain the health of my mind, body, and spirit. I use them throughout my home from cleaning, for pain management, energy, sleep, mood and much more. One of my favorite things is helping others get started using natural remedies and plant medicine.

You will also get an awesome welcome package from me, access to my exclusive VIP community group, on going education and mentoring, and much more. It is easy to get started! I am also happy to chat personally with you to find the perfect options for your needs.

Get Started

I offer FREE wellness consultations to talk about your goals and desire for a healthier, mind, body and spirit. Together we will create a personalized plan. Schedule yours today!

Free Wellness Consult

Do you know someone who could benefit from my services? I offer an amazing referral program and would love to help your loved ones find health.

Referral Program


This month brings a bunch of new products and fun new oils, like the new Forest Bathing Blend. Talk about bringing the woods and all the benefits of nature into your space. You can see all of the new products here or reach out to me personally! I am loving the new sleep system and the Blue Lotus essential oil is simply divine.

See All the New Stuff Here


When we combine our thoughts, our bodies and our minds with the magical gifts of mother nature, we reveal wisdom.The wisdom of our true Selves.The wisdom of the Earth. The wisdom held in the vibration of every living cell.

This beautiful blend I perfectly crafted includes Frankincense–Oil of Truth, Rosemary–Oil of Knowledge, Lavender–Oil of Communication, Roman Chamomile–Oil of Spiritual Purpose, Sandalwood–Oil of Sacred Devotion, and Tiger Eye which is a stone of protection. Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.This blend is perfect for creating a sense of alignment with yourSelf and with others.

Purchase Alignment Blend

Recipes & DIY

Did you know you can use essential oils to make non-toxic, affordable and super effective cleaners? These great DIY’s will keep you and your family healthy this season with powerful immune boosting essential oils.

DIY Hand Soap

DIY Hand Sanitizing Gel

DIY Cleaning Wipes

DIY Bathroom Cleaner


Pumpkin Butter

Pumpkin Smoothie

Mini Pumpkin Pies

Pumpkin Spice “Latte” (healthy version)

Life Lessons from an Pumpkin

Pumpkins are a staple of fall. We go to the pumpkin patch and scour of the field full of pumpkins, searching for the perfect one. We use them to make pies, cakes, breads, pasta, and virtually any food imaginable. We carve them, put a candle inside, and set them on our doorsteps. We spend a season obsessed with pumpkins, and then they’re gone on to something.

However, as the cold winds begin to blow, we know we must hold on tight to our branches until it’s our time to fall. It’s interesting because none of us want to drop. We just want to stay in our spot, high above the ground and admire the magnificent atmosphere fall brings.

1. Your size and shape don’t matter. You are magnificent just as you are. Embrace all of you!

2. Sometimes we need to remove the yuck from inside. Doing the inner work is so rewarding. Take time to get rid of the negative.

3. People may only like you for a season. We all know that people are seasonal sometimes. Enjoy the people while you have them, but also know that some may not stay.

4. You can be anything you want to be. Believing in yourself is the first step at creating the life you want and deserve. Go for it!

5. You may look great on the outside, but it is what is on the inside that makes you shine. That light inside of you is what people are attracted to and admire..just keep shining.

Thank You

I am so blessed that I can continue to share my passion and touch your life. It means a lot to me that you know that you are very important to me, and I am incredibly grateful that our paths have crossed. I believe that now more than ever, we need to recognize the people and meaningful connections that we all have.

As always, it is my hope that you stay healthy and happy in your mind, body and spirit.

Much love and light to you!

xo, Stacie

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Embracing Wisdom Wellness Group

Embracing Spirit Yoga


About Stacie

Stacie believes that it is her life purpose to share the gift of Yoga with anyone who is willing to say yes. In addition to raising a family and being an advocate for those with disabilities, Stacie is founder of Embracing Spirit Yoga which specializes in bringing adaptive Yoga into community centers and rehabilitation clinics. Bringing her depth of compassion to the mat–or the chair–she offers students the opportunity to grow as an individual in all aspects of their life.

With over sixteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is a E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified Trauma Informed Coach, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

Stacie brings her personal life experience of raising a daughter with a disability and over 12 years working in special education to her everyday Yoga classes.

In addition to teaching classes at a variety of local centers and health clubs, Stacie also continues to offer Yoga and Wellness coaching individually to those seeking private sessions.

Five Ways to Balance Hormones


I believe that big changes start with small steps practiced consistently!

If you are ready to jumpstart your hormone balancing journey, here are 5 Simple Ways to Balance your Hormones Naturally.

?Eat enough protein-protein provides essential amino acids that your body needs for cell turnover and repair

?Get physical–-movement that is. Exercise has been known to increase levels of hormones that decrease with age

?Take care of your gut health–your gut biome regulates ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and has been known to moderate insulin resistance

?Reduce your stress levels–lower to fight or flight response and give those adrenals a much-needed break

?Get quality sleep each night–lowers your cortisol levels and increases your HGH

Along with reducing sugar intake, adding fiber, and eating a good amount of healthy fats you are on your way to a better, healthier, balanced body.

What are you tackling first?

Follow me for more goodness.

Manifest Blend

Did you know that essential oils and thinking in terms of attracting goodness go hand in hand? Essential oils are great for boosting moods and improving overall well-being. The oils are effective for so many different situations from relieving the pain of a minor burn to cleaning your home. Learning about essential oils, their properties and ways to use them can actually help you maintain a positive vibration and help you focus on taking action with your goals. When we learn and get our brains working, we actually can increase our mindset and that brings us closer to our goals and desires.

Let’s face it, we are over two weeks into this year and for most people I talk to, it is proving to be a challenging repeat of the last couple years. The ideas and goals that most of us had for the New Year are already a fading memory as we dig deep in just getting through the long days. I may have a simple remedy that will get you back into the high vibes of focusing on attracting good things into your life. I mean we cannot change the crazy, but we can change where we focus our attention.

Having a routine

Whenever I start to feel “stuck” or that I keep experiencing not so great things, I pull out this blend and work with it to get out of my negative head space. My routine is actually pretty simple–I drink my coffee and write out a long list of gratitudes, and why these people and experiences inspire me, and then I apply this to my hands and cup my hands over my nose and take five intentional breaths. A gratitude practice by the way is one of the easiest ways to get out of bad funk. With consistency you can truly change your life just by being authentically grateful. After I spend time acknowledging all that is good, I focus on what I want in my life and sit with imagining how it is going to feel when I experience that which I desire.

Manifest Blend

  • Litsea: Litsea is a powerful mobilizer of the will. As the Oil of Manifestation it is especially helpful in encouraging us to follow through on the inspiration. Litsea invites individuals to have the confidence to act and to trust. This oil also teaches us that we must learn to listen to our inner voice.
  • Ginger: Ginger holds no reservations. This oil has a purpose and will fulfill it! Being the Oil of Empowerment ginger powerfully persuades us to be fully present and participate in our life. Ginger empowers us to complete personal responsibility for our own life and lose the victim mentality.
  • Wild Orange: Wild Orange addresses a wide variety of emotional issues. This Oil of Abundance fosters creativity and inspires feelings of abundance. At its core wild orange really helps us to remember the true essence of abundance.
  • Frankincense: Frankincense invites us to let go of some of the lower vibrations and negativity that we can feel. Frankincense helps us to recall memory of spiritual understanding. This oil is known as the Oil of Truth and helps us to feel the love of the Divine.
  • Arborvitae: Arborvitae helps us to live with peace and joy by trusting the abundant flow of divine grace. This one is a grounding oil that teaches the concept that divinity is all around us. As we surrender into what is, our mind relaxes and the soul experiences harmony and peace.
  • Patchouli: This gorgeous essential oil helps us to become fully present in our body. When we consistently use patchouli we can feel more grounded and fluid. As the oil of physicality this one calms fear and nervous tension.
  • Clary Sage: Clary Sage helps us with changing our perceptions. One of the finest oils for helping us to see our limiting beliefs. This is known as the oil of clarity and vision. It helps the spirit to use the divinely given gifts and bring clarity in the spiritual vision.
  • Citrine Crystal: Citrine is a beautiful type of quartz stone that welcomes abundance, prosperity, and positivity. Citrine is a yellow quartz stone that’s been around for thousands of years for many purposes. Citrine can strengthen self esteem and bring about a positive outlook on life. It also attracts a vibrant flow of energy in and around the body.

The benefits

This blend can help you to feel more positive. When used deliberately it can assist in chasing your greatest dreams and aspirations. And, you will smell delightful and I wouldn’t be surprised if you get compliments on how wonderful the aroma is. Plus it is such a gorgeous blend to look at.

This great ebook is an awesome resource for learning more about the variety of uses for essential oils. You can grab all of the oils for this blend (except the very rare and special Litsea). I will share with you MANY ways you can use these oils in your home for cleaning, aches and pains, detox, mood, belly aches and so much more.

Disclaimer: The statements in this post about essential oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical advice or treatment. These statements are based on my own personal experience.

Seven Days of Wellness

You are whole and also part of larger and larger circles of wholeness you many not even know about. You are never alone. And you already belong. You belong to humanity. You belong to life. You belong to this moment, this breath. ~Jon Kabat-Zinn

The Seven Days of Wellness Program includes a beautiful email each day with guidance on how to create a mindful practice of affirmations, food choices, yoga and meditation. This program also includes 7 blends of essential oils—one for each day! These beautiful emails will be a reference for the months to come as you can always go back and utilize the practices again and again.

We each have the capacity to create the space for something magical to change within us.

With your commitment to find renewal and a deserving wholeness, together we will pave the way for you to cultivate the change in your life you are seeking. Maybe it is to get back on track, or perhaps you are looking for a deep connection to a part of you that has been buried by giving to others. Whatever your goal is, the first step is saying yes.

Finding Wholeness

My passion is helping others to find emotional healing and wellness and to live vibrant, empowered lives. By leading others to the many available tools that support the mind, body and soul we are collectively changing our lives and those around us for the better.

The most beautiful thing can happen when the recognition of oneness exists and a sense of never feeling alone on the journey happens. It is my honor to walk side by side with you towards the path of health and wholeness.

Mind. Body. Spirit.

It has been my greatest joy to link arms with people who are seeking out an inner connection to who they are. Through the practice of Yoga we can dive deep into the essence of who we are and begin the beautiful process of loving who we are.

Through my own self-exploration, I have walked the journey to discovering myself and love to share aspects of that in my practice with others. By saying yes, I promise to you that I will take your intentions into my heart and offer you a doorway to health of the mind, body and spirit.

Each day will include a guided yoga practice and mediation, positive affirmations, recipes and guidance on a mindful meal, and more.

Essential Oils & Crystals

This program also includes seven blends of essential oils—one for each day! You will learn what they are and the benefits of each blend. With guidance on how to use them it is my hope that you will not just smell the joy, but you will feel the benefits of using them intentionally.

You will also receive a gemstone for each day. Perfectly chosen just for you and the lesson of the day, you will learn how and why crystals play a big role in finding peace and harmony in the mind, body and spirit.


When we take care of ourselves we naturally become better at taking care of others. Whatever capacity that is in your season of life, I believe we must first learn to care for ourselves. This 7 day program will be your forever and you can always restart when you feel the need. By investing in yourself, you are also investing in the world because your wholeness will have an impact on those around you. As you find peace, so will others.

Included in this program:

  • Seven days of gorgeous emails with daily guidance
  • Seven days of positive affirmations
  • Seven days of food choices and recipes
  • Seven sensation based gentle yoga practices
  • Seven guided meditations
  • Seven custom essential oil blends
  • Seven beautiful high vibe crystals
  • Ongoing guidance, mentoring and love

Investment: $125

Team up with a friend or two for accountability and save money. For every person you bring along, you’ll save $10! Get six friends to register and yours is free! * you must all register together to receive the discounted prices. For a little over $17 each day you will receive so much! This package is valued at well over $200.

Follow me for more goodness!

About Stacie

With over fourteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is an E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.


Everything in the universe is made of energy that vibrates at different frequency levels. Even seemingly solid objects like a rock, or your physical body are now understood by scientists to be made up of constantly moving energy that is organized by waveforms and frequencies. The rate of frequency you (or an object) vibrates at is called your vibration. Even our emotions have frequencies! Understanding this helps us to understand why we resonate or “jive” with certain people easily, and when we have a natural desire to avoid certain people. You must have heard the old saying “Your vibe attracts your tribe”. This is also useful information when we want to adjust feeling in a constant emotional slump. Learn more about the frequencies of emotions here.

Through scientific clinical research, essential oils have been shown to vibrate at a higher electromagnetic frequency than any other substances measured. Crazy, huh?

Matter and frequencies

Both crystals and essential oils are complex natural creations. Their vibration, aroma, and visual beauty can have a wide range of effects on our energy and vibration. Crystals have specific and unique vibrations.

Combining both of these amazing, natural properties into a blend and then applying it to myself brings such a sense of completion to my mind, body and spirit. I can target specific energy points in my body—known as chakras—as well by choosing specific essential oils and crystals that resonate vibrationally with that energy center.

When people come into my home or my studio I often hear that they just “feel” the peace and goodness. I believe it is because I have crystals everywhere and the vibe that comes from them infused my space. I also am consistent in using aromatherapy in my home and work space to support my energy, mood and physical body.

There are so many ways that we can influence our energy centers but I love to use essential oils and gemstones, as well as affirmations, meditation and yoga. Curious to learn more about chakras and natural ways to balance them? Check out this free ebook


It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. ~ David Allen Coe

This time of year is ideal for getting back into ourselves after a summer season of play, vacations, kids home, and way less structure. This is the time where we reclaim our sense of self. We aim to rediscover the aspects of ourselves that support us in our everyday life.

As you experience a more predictable schedule and life begins to resume some sort of normalcy, take a few minutes to consider the four walls, or four main roots of a tree, that represent your foundation. This is the scaffolding which supports all the other parts of our home, or tree, during times of turbulence.

Here are some ideas; faith, service, accountability, kindness, diligence, love, fulfillment, action, compassion, etc.

You may know if you stop here often that I believe in the power of aroma to shift our chemical response in our brain. We can influence our state of arousal and our emotional state simply by smelling something. How cool is that?

Not sure where to start? Grab one of these blends, take 4-5 deep breaths, apply it to your spine and under your nose and then listen. You already know…you just need to listen.

By the way, check out the emotional benefits of these oils:

  • Douglas Fir.This one invites you to invoke your high wisdom and learn from the past experiences and people who may have crossed your path. This essential oil is perfect for turning inward in the season of more introspection.
  • Frankincense.Frankincense asks you to welcome in feelings of protection, wisdom, discernment, and a spiritual awakening. This sacred essential oil invites individuals to shed the lower vibration feelings that are often negative and draining. This truly brings our your own magnificence.
  • Ho Wood. This peaceful oil brings out a sense of calm and helps to quiet the mind. By clearing the mind of anxious thoughts or simply clutter, we can fine tune into the deepest parts of who we are. This helps us to live in alignment with our principles and aspects of our foundation.
  • Blue Tansy. This one is a powerful aroma that helps to bring out inspiration and the committed response of tacking action. This helps to be more purposeful and responsible, which is such a beautiful aspect to a solid constitution. Blue tansy welcomes in a sense of freedom and sense of walking towards your deepest dreams and desires.
  • Blue Chamomile.This sweet and delicate flower is commonly known as German chamomile and offers a beautiful blue hue to the oil. Like its counter part Roman Chamomile, this flower oil is the perfect choice for bringing out a peaceful and serene mental state. This brings out emotional harmony and illuminates the wisdom with your soul.
  • Spruce. This stable, grounded aroma brings out an enduring balanced outlook to life while also giving strength through your wisdom. When we soak in this aroma we are reminded of the rhythms and ancient wisdom the earth offers.
  • Cassia. This bold oil which a friend of cinnamon is warm and earthy as it invites you to feel courageous, strong, self-assured and confident in your authentic self. This brings an embracing warmth to the confident and meaningful connections in our life.
  • Petrified Wood Chips. It helps to create balance and offers a foundation from which to launch new goals or undertake a different path. This grounding stone helps to calm scattered energies and look closely at the essence of what guides our decisions.

These beautiful oils and solid gemstones will be a constant as your dive into the fall season of a slower pace, a calmer mind, and as you seek out the principles in which your life is sustained by. To learn more about the principles I have chosen for myself, check out this blog post.

You can purchase this blend here and it will soon arrive in your mailbox with lots of grounding love.

Follow me for more goodness!

Abundance Essential Oil Blend

I am so excited about my theme of this month–ABUNDANCE. When we choose to look at all that IS, all that is so good, so full, so bountiful, we actually set ourselves up for even more goodness.

This blend is crafted with the idea of FULLNESS and it doesn’t disappoint.

Abundance is a manifesting blend that helps you attract wealth and health in your life.

Eight essential oils are combined to create an aroma that enhances the frequency of the energy field. When you are stimulated through aroma in your thought process, the frequency—called the electrical field or the aura—creates what is called the law of attraction. To simplify, smell Abundance essential oil blend and think about abundance. This may bring about abundance both physically and emotionally. I love this blend to bring joy, positivity, attraction, energy, good feelings, wealth, and wellness.

Abundance is a blend of great oils; wild orange, clove, cinnamon bark, frankincense, ginger, black spruce, patchouli, myrrh essential oils. Also added is Tigers Eye for making dreams a reality and Peony Flower for prosperity and good fortune .

Grab yours here!

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Nurture Essential Oil Blend

Nothing say nurture more than a loving Mother’s energy. Plus, the renewal of spring reminds us that Mother Earth is soaking in the rain and nurturing her beautiful land and animals.

This blend is earthy, reassuring, soft, and feels like a giant hug. I love to apply this to my wrist and my heart so that I can smell the aromas all day long.

Myrrh and nurturing

Did you know that Myrrrh essential oil is often referred to as the oil of the Divine Mother because it offers feelings of safety, healthy attachment, trust, feelings of being nurtured, loved and secure? Pretty amazing, right?

What is in the nurture blend

I added myrrh first to be the bottom note of aroma. Magnolia is often said to bring out feelings of compassion so gives you another layer of goodness at the end of this blend. Layered between these two essential oils are earthy, warm, love inducing essential oils with lavender petals and amethyst. Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethysts are said to promote serenity and calm and is the perfect addition to this blend.

Need some nurture in your life? Pop over here and grab one.

Awaken Essential Oil Blend

Ten years ago this month I formally created my business Embracing Sprit Yoga & Wellness.  Over those years I have learned so much about being a business woman and staying in my authentic self, which is not all that easy in the competitive world we live in.

I love the symbolism of spring in helping us remember to push through the hard stuff and awaken to the beautiful, blissful, flourishing, life we desire.

This blend was carefully designed to bring out your inner awakening and encourage you to bloom in all of your endeavors.

  • Enlightening Blend—helps enlightening, feeling emotionally lifted
  • Cedarwood—Protects against negative energy
  • Clary sage—helps with intuition and clarity 
  • Coriander—fosters inner guidance
  • Frankincense—Promotes feelings of being mentally balanced, grounded, and receptive to new experiences and thoughts
  • Litsea—brings out feelings of being inspired and aligned
  • Star anise—empowered, expansive
  • Ylang ylang—Promotes the release of negative sentiments, such as stress, sadness, anger, frustration, and nervous tension
  • Fluorite Gemstone— absorbs and neutralizes  negative energy and stress. Also increases concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances energy.
  • Jasmine flower—brings out purity and luck

You can purchase one of these beauties here.

Crystal Grid for Love

I love spending time every month setting an intention and creating a crystal grid to reflect that intention. I have my grid in a center location in my home so that each time I walk by it I see not only its beauty but I am reminded of the intention. 

This particular grid is for bringing the emotion of love into the space and everyone who lives in the space. This can be self-love, love for others, and everything in between. Unconditional love is such a beautiful feeling to experience and the stones chosen in the grid are perfect for that! 

Crystal Grid for Love

Rose Quartz is the center stone in my grid and it is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. 

The next stone is Amethyst. Amethyst is one of the most famous and prominent crystals because of its beautiful purple coloration as well as its spiritual and literal meaning. The spiritual meaning of Amethyst is groundedness, tranquility, and calm. The literal meaning of Amethyst is “not intoxicated” – its name translates from the Greek word améthystos. To be tranquil and calm is a great way to invite in love. Amethyst is used often in dealing with addictions…and that can be of any type. I like to use amethyst when working with love because it helps to ward of the patterns that we can slip into that do not promote self love. 

The next layer out is alternating green aventurine and clear quartz. Green aventurine  comforts, harmonizes, protects the heart, and can help attract love in life. It is one of the premier stones to attract luck, abundance and success and lots of LOVE. The meaning is also linked with the heart plexus chakra, which makes it a powerful gem for calming negative emotions that often gets stuck in the heart center.

The Clear Quartz crystal meaning is known for its high vibrations. By clearing your mind, body, and spirit of any clutter, clear quartz can help you align with your highest self and live at your highest potential.  Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.  It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy.  Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds and is perfect for promoting love.

The final layer is alternating more rose quartz and clear quartz points aiming outward..

This brings all the goodness and energy of each of the other stones and energetically sends it outward.