Essential Oils and the Mind


Your sense of smell is much more accurate than any of your other senses. Your ability to smell comes from sensory cells called Olfactory Sensory Neurons, found in a small patch of tissue very high in your nose. Those cells connect to your brain.

Each of those sensory neurons has one odor receptor – and molecules released by substances around us stimulate these receptors. Once your neurons detect your molecules, they send messages to your limbic lobe of your brain.

Our sense of smell is 10,000 more sensitive than our other senses. Scent travels faster to the brain with smell than it does with sight, or even sound.

The limbic lobe is a group of brain structures that is below the cortex of the brain – it includes the amygdala and the hippocampus. Your limbic lobe (system of brain structures) is directly connected to the parts of your brain that control many aspects of your body – hormone levels, stress, memory, breathing, heart rate, and more.

The only way to stimulate the emotional brain is through your sense of smell – which is one of the reasons why Essential Oils can work so incredibly well. Feelings of depression, fear, anger, happiness, joy and even anxiety all originate from the limbic lobe of the brain.

Essential Oils can help alleviate symptoms at a cellular level through their therapeutic properties–because that stimulation of hormones and chemicals can drastically affect physiology and behavior.

Essential Oils can be stimulating (Peppermint), calming (Lavender), sedative (Cedarwood), balancing (Frankincense, and so much more.

My Top Five for Emotions:

?Roman Chamomile: Helps support feelings of peace, love and acceptance.

?Cedarwood: Helps support healthy focus and encouragement while also grounding.

?Lavender: Helps support relaxation and calming. This one also helps with communicating feelings.

?Bergamot: Uplifting and will help support healthy confidence levels. This one also helping foster self love and self worth.

?Frankincense: Powerful cleanser of the spirit – grounding and can help during times of negativity.

How do Essential Oils Affect our Mind and Our Emotions. Retrieved from

Want to learn more? Check out this free guide!

Passion Into Purpose

About 14 years ago I had a vision to teach yoga to people who couldn’t easily access a traditional class. I saw in my mind a class filled with people of all abilities, specifically those with developmental disabilities.

When my heart told me to pursue this I walked into my local recreation services department and pitched my idea. They said yes and the rest is history. My business has grown from volunteering once a week to being contracted with a variety of agencies, reaching hundreds of people and now I have been asked to do public speaking on my method.

One of my agencies is making some changes and the class I have been teaching is coming to a close. This week a group of adults with Down Syndrome presented me with a painting that each individual helped create that has my 2020 word—reverence.

The circle is complete. What you give, you get. I gave pure love, they returned it.

That is magic.?

Pursue What is Pure

Did you know when you buy oils on amazon (yep, even d?TERRA oils) you’re almost likely not getting what you think?

It’s super easy to purchase new caps, dump out the oil, add whatever and recap them? And if you’re not buying d?TERRA essential oils, you’re wasting your money AND harming your body. (No shame, I used to buy cheap oils, too).

Here is just one of the reasons why I chose d?TERRA.

Not even sure how to use essential oils safely and effectively? No worries, I got you. Check out this handy guide to learn more.

Top Ten Oils

I’ve been using essential oils for about 17 years, but doTERRA for the last five. The quality and purity is above all others. (Even hospitals and clinics across the country only use doTERRA).

When I got started, I chose the top ten oils in the family kit. The versatility of these helped my family swap out toxins, address mood and sleep, immune boosting, belly aches, tension and pain, and so much more.

It’s so easy and when you get started, I will hook you up into my VIP tribe, support you as you learn how to use them and give you an awesome resource book.

Check out this free guide and how to order!


Mermaid Hair

A couple weeks ago, I was at girls night and we were all obsessed with our friend’s hair! She looked amazing! She shared with us what her secret was…Mermaid Hair Spray!

So guess what I just made! ? I’ll be spraying it in my hair twice a day.


???? 10 drops Cedarwood

????? 10 drops Clary Sage

????? 10 drops Peppermint

????? 10 drops Geranium

????? 10 drops Rosemary

????? 1oz Witch Hazel

Add to a 4oz Spray bottle and fill to the top with distilled water.

The oils in this blend help with hair growth, healthy scalp, and shine.

Who else wants Mermaid Hair?

Read through this guide to essential oils and you can find my link to order your own essential oils!

Yoga and Waking Up

The misunderstood beliefs that yoga is about touching your toes, or contorting your body into seemingly impossible shapes, or even contradicting your faith can stop so many people from experiencing the goodness it has to offer.

When I started practicing yoga years and years ago, I too wanted to be more flexible and I was fascinated by the images I would see of beautiful bodies doing beautiful things. I was hungry for a physical challenge all the while being a hot mess emotionally, spiritually and in truth, physically. I had just lost about 80 pounds and I was all about my “new” body being able to be physically active. What I didn’t know was I was about to have a huge wake up and it would rock my world.

Yoga gave me the gift of presence. It showed me the power of breathing and being completely in sync with my very being. It invited me to open doors within myself that had been sealed shut most of my life.

I stopped living in the past and the what if’s. I let go of the anger and deep loss of having a daughter with a disability. I stopped the internal dialogue that was so incredibly harmful. I let go of the need to achieve and be perfect. I settled into the magnificence of who I am, right now.

I woke up.

It doesn’t mean that I don’t still have moments of pain, anger, grief, sadness, and even worry. Now, I can handle it with grace and not let myself get down the rabbit hole of blame and shame.

Yoga changed my life. It opened doors for me. It welcomed me into the space of unconditional love I never knew existed—for myself AND others.

Say yes. You’re worth it…


I didn’t follow the traditional path when it comes to becoming a yoga teacher. I knew early on that my path would lead me to sharing yoga with those who are unable to easily access a traditional setting. I got many small certifications and began teaching before I even thought about getting a 200 hour accreditation. And to be really honest, I still cringe when someone asks me “where did you do your 200 hour?” I cringe because so many times our culture puts a focus on a title or a perceived standard. As my favorite poem the Invitation says—“it doesn’t interest me where or what or with who you studied, I want to know what sustains you on the inside when all else falls away”.

My path to becoming a yoga teacher was the same old monkey on my back that I carried because I didn’t take the common path and go to college. Instead, I got married and became a mom. I didn’t take a college class until I was 43 years old! Until I was able to see my own success I always felt less than others because I chose a different way.

What I have come to learn is that the path we take is OURS. There is no space for comparison when you are fully engaged with your purpose. I knew I was supposed to be a young mom and I also knew that I was supposed to teach yoga a certain way. I knew then and I know now that the paper certificate or who I studied with is irrelevant—it is how I show up on the world that matters. And that is with divine PURPOSE.

Let go of the distraction to compare and compete and instead step into who you really are. You’ll find a treasure within yourself that will change the world in many ways.

Laurel Leaf Essential Oil

Laurel Leaf essential oil is a pretty amazing oil.?

Up until now, we’ve only experienced it in doTERRA’s Breathe blend due to its powerful ability to support and open the respiratory system as well as increase circulation and clear phlegm from the body which makes it a wonderful expectorant.

This oil is extracted by steam distillation from the freshly picked leaves of the Laurel evergreen tree that is native to the Mediterranean.

With a rich history, laurel leaves have long been a symbol of victory in Greek mythology.

Today, laurel leaves are symbols of eternal glory, special achievement, success, and triumph. ?

This oil is known for its bright, spicy, sweet scent. Uplifting to the senses, this aroma can promote confidence and courage when dealing with challenges or new ideas. It also promotes clear thinking, concentration and a sense of fortitude, inspiration, protection, direction and creativity.

Laurel Leaf is soothing to the skin and can provide a soothing massage after workout, as it is excellent for muscles and joint health. It its also High in cleansing eucalyptol, Laurel Leaf essential oil can be used as a surface cleanser, as it is highly antibacterial and anti fungal.

It is an excellent oil for Chakras or energy centers in the body, especially sacral, solar plexus and the hear.

Some of it’s other properties include:

?digestive support

?supports steady heartbeat and calms a racing heart

?lowers elevated blood pressure

?strengthens the immune system

?relieves water retention

and more!

If you’d like the learn more about the basics of essential oils and how to get them in your home, check out this free ebook
