Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Ahhh….the smell of eucalyptus is one that immediately brings a sense of Zen to the space. This essential oil is the perfect choice for wellness.

Eucalyptus is known for its ability to open the airways and provide breathing support and relief from aches and pains, but did you know that it is also great for helping individuals to feel empowered and liberated? Pretty amazing, right?

Learn more about eucalyptus here.

Mountain Picnic

Nothing beats the smell of the mountain air. I love to throw these into my diffuser to bring that aroma to my space. Not only does it smell amazing, but the benefits are pretty awesome, too.

Eucalyptus is a great oil to open the airways and allow space to enter into the body. It helps with breathing support and is a great aroma to create a spa like experience. I love to use it in making bath bombs.

Siberian Fir is my favorite tree oil. It smells so earthy and like you are standing in a forest. It is super calming and is also great for aches and pains when applied topically.

Balance is a blend that is made up of some of the most calming and grounding oils–spruce, ho wood, frankincense, blue tansy and blue chamomile. This is one I use more than any other oil!

To learn more about the ways to use essential oils, check out this gorgeous ebook.

Calming Essential Oils

Among the countless benefits of essential oils, one of their most appealing attributes is that they can be used to create a calming atmosphere and promote feelings of peace and harmony. And who doesn’t need some feelings of peace and harmony?

I am a huge believer and supporter of aromatic use for emotional and mood management benefits. During stressful times, I turn to some of my favorite calming essential oils.

Keep reading to discover some of the most calming essential oils and how to use them.


Lavender oil is known as one of the most calming essential oils because it has significant calming and relaxing properties when used aromatically, topically, and internally. The calming nature of Lavender essential oil makes it useful for easing feelings of tension and can help to promote soothing, positive feelings.


An incredibly unique essential oil, Bergamot is known to have both calming and uplifting properties. When stress levels or tensions are high, Bergamot oil provides a wonderful way to promote a calming atmosphere, while simultaneously encouraging uplifting feelings. With its light, citrusy aroma, Bergamot oil is an extremely useful calming essential oil, especially when it comes to dispelling feelings of stress and uplifting mood.

Clary Sage

The chemical profile of Clary Sage oil makes it one of the most relaxing, soothing, and balancing essential oils—something that people knew even long ago. In the Middle Ages, the Clary Sage plant was used for several purposes because of its soothing properties. Today, Clary Sage essential oil can be highly useful for promoting feelings of relaxation and calm.

Roman Chamomile

Not only is Roman Chamomile oil known to have calming effects on the skin, mind, and body, but it has a sweet, floral aroma as well. In ancient times, the Romans used chamomile oil to promote calming feelings of courage before going off to war. Thankfully, these same calming properties can still be useful today.

Ylang Ylang

Derived from yellow, star-shaped flowers found on the tropical Ylang Ylang tree, Ylang Ylang oil has several impressive qualities—including its ability to uplift the mood while also having a calming effect. The sweet and spicy floral aroma of Ylang Ylang oil has been known to lessen feelings of stress and tension, while simultaneously promoting a positive outlook.


The fresh, floral aroma of Petitgrain oil is not only inviting and comforting, but the oil also provides calming and relaxing benefits that can help to ease feelings of stress. In addition to calming feelings of stress and tension, Petitgrain oil can also be useful at bedtime when you want to create a serene environment for restful sleep.


Vetiver oil is known for its grounding, calming effect on the emotions, and for its calming nature. The rich, exotic aroma of Vetiver is quite unique, however, it has the ability to promote grounded, calm feelings after a busy or frazzled day. Whether you are trying to create a calm atmosphere at home for your family, or need to feel grounded again after an emotional day, Vetiver can be very useful for promoting the type of calm feelings you desire.

Gratitude Diffuser Blend

Gratitude is the #1 way to shift out of low frequency emotions like fear, grief, shame and lack… and into high frequency emotions like joy, peace, trust and love.

What if you started saying 5 DIFFERENT things you’re grateful for every single time You wash your hands for 30 seconds … try it! it has changed my life!

Make the best of this time and find new ways to polish off your spirit so that you shine and give light to others! Gratitude is a great way to start!

Gratitude ?Gratitude??Gratitude?

I hope you enjoy this diffuser blend today and I invite each of you to pause for a moment, and be super grateful. Check out this awesome free downloadable ebook to learn more ways to use essential oils!

Capricorn Diffuser Blend

It’s my birthday week and I am all about tapping into my Capricorn characteristics. I love being strong-willed, hard-working and even a tad bit stubborn.

•Wintergreen is the oil of surrender. It can assist the strong-willed individual in letting go. Wintergreen invites individuals to surrender these strong opinions. Wintergreen reminds individuals that they not have to face life on their own.

•Eucalyptus is the oil of wellness. Eucalyptus encourages individuals to take full responsibility for their own health. It also bestows trust that one’s needs and desires can be met, even if they allow themselves to be well.

•Geranium is the oil of love and trust. It assists in reopening the heart so that love may flow freely. At its root geranium heals the heart and reminds the individual about unconditional love for all.

•Lemon is the oils of focus. The delightful citrusy aroma of Lemon oil nourishes the mind and aids concentration. While Lemon supports the emotional body, its major effects are experienced in the mental field. Emotionally, Lemon inspires a natural playfulness and buoyancy in the heart. It assists in releasing feelings of despair and hopelessness by restoring joy.

This is gonna be in my diffuser all week as I celebrate the beautiful process of aging gracefully.

Want to learn more about essential oils? Grab this awesome ebook for free!

Follow me for more goodness!

Relax It’s Sunday

I think I am in love.

This blend is perfection.

If you need some help releasing and relaxing today, use this blend.

Remember the gift and the sacredness of a day off. It usually fixes everything when you can shut off.

Rest my sweets.

?Relax! It’s Sunday Blend?

?2 Drops Clary Sage
?2 Drops Melissa
?2 Drops Wild Orange
? 1 Drop Lavender
? 1 Drop Roman Chamomile

Blend together. Diffuse or apply as perfume on wrists, hearts and behind ears.

AFFIRMATION: I have all the time in the world. I easily relax. I give myself permission to rest.

Ready to learn more about oils? Check out this guide.

DIY Succulent Diffuser

Wanna make a cute gift that also smells amazing!?!

Succulent diffusers not only look nice, but they also freshen the air in your home or office.

DIY Succulent Diffuser
Supplies needed:

Ceramic pot
4-6 small succulent stems
Potting soil
Lava rocks
Essential oils


Add potting soil to the base of the pot, about half full.

Remove succulents from plastic pot and plant them in a cluster in the center of the pot, leaving at least ½ inch between each stem.

Add additional potting soil to surround the plants and pat down firmly.

Add water and additional soil until the soil level is about 1 inch from the top of the pot.

Cover the exposed soil with lava rocks, about 2 inches thick.

Add 6-8 drops of your favorite essential oil to the lava rocks, avoiding the plants, roots, and soil.

Place near a window or in an area that gets plenty of sunlight.

Repeat essential oils as necessary, or every 1-2 days. Water succulents as normal.

To learn more about the basics of essential oils, check out this handy guide .

Essential Oils and Children

Now that I am grandparent (ack!) I am learning all about essential oils and children.  When I had my kiddos I had no idea I could swap out over-the-counter remedies for natural options. I sure wish I had these choices! I am determined to make sure my sweet little grandbaby gets to use essential oils and learn the natural way. I have been learning so much and want to share!

First, parents who are new to essential oils should know that essential oils and plant parts have been used for centuries to promote wellness, and are not a new fad or trend, but a tried and true solution for many of life’s everyday problems. Families in ancient Egypt used plant extracts and oils for everything from cooking and beauty treatments to embalming and religious ceremonies. For centuries, families in China have continued practices that promote wellness by using plant extracts and materials. Plant extracts and oils were a major staple in the households of ancient Rome, as plant parts were used for their fragrance and calming properties. After centuries of safe use, parents can rest easy knowing that essential oils have been proven safe and effective time and time again.

Because essential oils are naturally occurring compounds found in plants, they are a popular ingredient for many commercial products. Essential oils are often used in perfumes, soaps, candles, lotions, and skincare products to add fragrance. Due to their powerful purifying properties, essential oils are also frequently added to cleaning agents and products. Chances are, you most likely already have products in your home that contain essential oils. The benefit of using pure essential oils on their own is that it allows you to avoid the harmful toxins and chemicals that are often added to household products.

As mentioned, the key to safely and successfully using essential oils on children is observing the special safety guidelines that have been set to protect children from overexposure or sensitivity. As a parent, it is important to remember that the rules for using essential oils with children are different than those for adults. By observing specific guidelines when it comes to essential oil dosage, dilution, application, storage, and more, you can help your children safely and effectively enjoy the benefits that essential oils have to offer.

Dosage Because children have a smaller body mass; have thinner, more sensitive skin; and are still developing, their dosage level of essential oils should always be smaller than adult doses. For a comparison of adult versus child doses of essential oils, take a look at the chart below: This chart provides general guidelines for dosages when it comes to using essential oils with your children, but remember to always consult your child’s physician about any specific health conditions or concerns before using essential oils on your child. Diffusing essential oils in your home will allow your children to reap the benefits of your favorite essential oils, and is one of the safest and simplest forms of application. Dilution Many parents have concerns about the topical use of essential oils with children because of their sensitive skin. The best way to protect a child’s delicate skin when using essential oils topically is to dilute before application. Diluting an essential oil with a carrier oil like d?TERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil before applying it to your child’s skin will help reduce the risk of sensitivity. Always supervise children during essential oil usage. Perhaps the most important safety guideline when it comes to essential oils and children is to ensure that your child only uses essential oils under adult supervision. Even if your children are used to essential oils and know how to apply them, it is always best to supervise any oil application to ensure safety. Essential oils are extremely potent and powerful, and many children do not understand concepts like dosage, dilution, and sensitivity. In addition to teaching your kids about applying essential oils safely, it is important to always be present when any essential oils are being used around your children.

Arborvitae–Before your next family hike, dilute Arborvitae oil and apply to the wrists and ankles to repel insects naturally.

Basil— During homework time, diffuse Basil oil in your child’s study area to promote a sense of focus for studying, reading, or completing other tasks that require mental clarity.

Cedarwood–Cedarwood oil holds relaxing properties that can soothe the body and mind. When your child wakes up scared in the middle of the night, dilute Cedarwood and apply to the bottoms of the feet to help them return to a peaceful feeling.

Cilantro— Dilute Cilantro oil and apply to your child’s fingernails and toenails to keep them looking clean and healthy.

Cinnamon— During your child’s nighttime routine, dilute one drop of Cinnamon oil in two ounces of water, and have them gargle the mixture for a cleansing mouth rinse.

Clary Sage— Before your child goes to bed, apply one drop of Clary Sage oil to their pillowcase to help them prepare for a restful night of sleep.

Clove–Clove oil holds cleansing properties that are particularly useful for oral hygiene. After your child’s six-month cleaning at the dentist, add one drop of Clove to their toothpaste to help maintain a clean mouth.

Coriander— The fresh, green aroma of Coriander oil makes it both relaxing and stimulating. When your child is working on homework or an important project, diffuse Coriander in an essential oil diffuser nearby.

Eucalyptus— To promote feelings of clear breathing and open airways for your child, dilute Eucalyptus oil and apply it topically to your child’s chest. As your child breathes deeply, the oil will provide an invigorating vapor.

Ginger–During a long car ride or road trip, diffuse Ginger oil in the car, or place a drop of Ginger in your child’s palm and have them inhale the aroma.

Grapefruit— If you have a teenager who is struggling with skin imperfections, add a drop of Grapefruit oil to their facial cleanser or moisturizer to help improve the appearance of blemishes. (Avoid sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after application.)

Lavender— Add Lavender oil to your child’s bath, or dilute and massage on your little one’s abdomen to promote calming and soothing feelings.

Lemon— If your child craves sugary juices or sodas, add a drop of Lemon oil in a glass of water for a fresh, flavorful beverage. (This can also be done with Lime, Grapefruit, Wild Orange, and other essential oils).

Marjoram— Harness the calming properties of Marjoram by applying diluted Marjoram oil to a fussy child’s feet before their nap.

Melaleuca— To help with occasional skin irritations, dilute Melaleuca oil and apply to your child’s affected areas.

Peppermint— When your child feels overheated, add a drop of Peppermint oil to a cold water compress, or to a cold foot bath to help them cool down.

Sandalwood— Help promote relaxation and reduce stress by adding one drop of Sandalwood oil (Indian or Hawaiian) to your child’s evening bath.

Vetiver— When your child is having a rough day, dilute Vetiver oil and apply to the child’s neck and bottom of the feet to help promote calm feelings.

Wintergreen— Whether your child plays soccer, football, lacrosse, hockey, or any other sport, you can keep the unpleasant odor of their gear at bay by putting a few drops of Wintergreen oil on a cotton ball and placing it in their practice bag.

Aromatic use In addition to the essential oil uses designed for children listed above, one of the simplest and safest ways to help your children experience the benefits of essential oils is through aromatic use. By diffusing essential oils in your home, you can create an invigorating, calming, relaxing, or uplifting atmosphere for your children. Diffusing essential oils can also help purify the air in your home when you want to dispel unwanted odors or produce a clean, fresh scent. Diffusing essential oils in an essential oil diffuser is a simple way for the entire family to experience the powerful benefits of essential oils, without worrying about dosage or dilution.

Now that you know that essential oils are in fact safe to use with children, and have educated yourself about the safety guidelines, it is time to learn about some of the best essential application methods for children. While children can enjoy essential oils in many of the same ways as adults (with proper dilution and dosage), there are many essential oil usage methods that are unique to children.


Sleep and Essential Oils

Everyone knows that diet and exercise are key components of any healthy lifestyle. Another key pillar of health, equally important and arguably even more so, is sleep. Although the amount of sleep a person needs varies, experts recommend that adults get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Unfortunately, about 33 percent of Americans are not getting the recommend amount of sleep per night.

I am a believer in early to bed early to rise! I typically go to bed by 830pm, read for awhile (okay… a sentence or two) and wake around 5am. That is 8.5 glorious hours of rest. This is a perfect night.

However, there are some nights my mind or my body is racing and I can’t fall asleep. I use essentials oils and meditation and breathing techniques to help me settle down my thoughts so I can sleep.

In my diffuser next to my bed is usually cedarwood, lavender and orange. Sometimes I toss in vetiver and bergamot. Other times I go with a simple lavender. I also apply a sleepy blend to my feet and heart and it is: roman chamomile, lavender, orange, vetiver and fractionated coconut oil in a roller.

Why Is Sleep So Important?

Sleep doesn’t exist to just pass time or to keep us from working 24 hours a day. Sleep is important because it is inherently physically and mentally healing, and it allows for our bodies to not only recoup from the stress of everyday life, but also to recharge and refocus. Depriving your body of sleep has been associated with many health risks and places a tremendous burden on virtually every organ system in your body. Lack of adequate sleep affects our ability to lose, or maintain, a healthy weight; influences how we feel, learn, and behave; and negatively impacts our cardiovascular health and overall wellbeing.

So What Can I Do About It?

Of course, life will always find a way to present obstacles that are out of our control, from a sick child to a last minute work project to a neighbor in need. Each of these will undoubtedly affect how we sleep. However, we must focus on what we can control, and fortunately there are several tips and techniques that you can apply to help ensure you are not only getting enough sleep but also getting quality sleep.

Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

*Eat Well and Maintain a Healthy Exercise Routine – Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise keeps our weight in check, but it also helps with sleep. Eating high carbohydrate foods floods the muscles with glucose, causing involuntary muscle movements during sleep, which disrupts rest. Exercising too close to bedtime ramps up metabolism and body temperature and can make it difficult to fall asleep.

*Maintain a Rhythm – Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule, going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time. Creating this rhythm helps regulate your body’s internal clock and may help you sleep better.

*Just Say No to Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, & Electronics-

All of these can make going to sleep difficult. Don’t drink alcohol or caffeinated drinks too close to bedtime. Remove all electronics from the bedroom, including TVs, computers, and other electronic devices. Darkness will help your body begin producing melatonin, a hormone that naturally regulates sleep.

*Keep Cool Make sure your bedroom is a quiet, dark, and relaxing environment, which is neither too hot, nor too cold. Your bed and pillows should be supportive, yet comfortable. If you experience shoulder, hip, or back pain in the morning, you can be sure you did not rest as well as you could have. It may be time for new bedding.

*Wind Down – Your body needs time to shift into sleep mode, so spend the last hour before bed doing a calming activity such as reading or taking a warm bath. Certain drinks, such as chamomile tea, may be relaxing and non-stimulating.

*Use Calming Essential Oils – Essential oils like Lavender and Bergamot are rich in linalool and linalyl acetate, compounds that have well-known relaxing properties. These oils can be diffused aromatically in the bedroom to create a calming and peaceful environment, perfect for getting a good night’s sleep. They can also be used topically and taken internally to calm the nervous system, promote relaxation, and lead to a restful sleep.

To learn more about the basics of essential oils check out this handy guide.