Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. – Melodie Beattie
This workshop features oils and blends used to open the heart to return to love and appreciation. The selection includes oils designed to inspire us to dig in and see where our heart is making sure our priorities are aligned with our true purpose.
If you need essential oils samples to work with this class, please reach out to me.
Yoga Practice
Gather your essential oils and your yoga mat. Enjoy!
Thank you for your donation. As I continue to shift my teaching practice to an online format, I am so grateful for those of you who have generously paid for your participation. You can Venmo or PayPal me.
Be Ready To Practice
For this online workshop you will need:
- Quiet space to practice
- A yoga mat or towel
- Water in a glass or stainless bottle
- Soft, comforting meditation type music (optional)
- Essential Oils
- Bare (feet)
- Empty (belly)
- Open (heart)
Essential Oils
PHYSICAL: Supports a healthy respiratory functionto take in a deep breath. Diffusing helps us to fight off mental fatigue, sluggishness and “brain fog.” The exhilarating scent helps with concentration, recall and memory when diffused. ”Can be taken internally to support healthy internal organ function. Helps us to open our conscious mind to take in our practice today.
EMOTIONAL: “Oil of Knowledge and Transition” Helps us look deeper within for true knowledge –knowing we have the ability to discover our own answers to life’s obstacles. Supports a healthy ego –one that values itself and its purpose in this world.Encourages us to know we CAN learn new information and absorb new experiences. Boosts our confidence and morale to have faith in our own potential.Used in today’s workshop to open our hearts & minds to new experiences..
PHYSICAL: Uplifting, bright aroma to inhale or diffuse. Cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces. Taken internally –it cleanses the body and aids in digestion, AND can assist with seasonal respiratory discomfort.Lemon supports a healthy respiratory function overall.
EMOTIONAL: “Oil of Focus.” Used to calm and focus our consciousness, allowing us to stay present on the mat. Helps us take on one task, or one thing at a time. Lightens our mental load and restores energy and gratitude to the spirit. Clears self-judgment about what you will learn today –restores confidence and self-love! Used in today’s workshop to help us release obstacles and open to something better
BREATHE – Respiratory Blend
PHYSICAL: Laurel Leaf/Peppermint/Eucalyptus/Melaleuca/Lemon/Ravensara. These oils were chosen to support a healthy respiratory system, and maintain feelings of clear airways and easy breathing. This is another great combination of oils to help minimize the effects of seasonal threats and respiratory discomfort. Great to inhale from hands or place directly on the chest when environmental threats are high and seasonal changes are creating challenges to breathe deeply. Diffuse at night helps provide a calming effect for a restful night’s sleep –particularly if loud noises lying in bed next to you are keeping you awake. *be cautious diffusing around dogs
EMOTIONAL: “Oil of Breath.“ To deepen our life experience, this blend allows us to take in more of what life offers. Releases grief and fear –making way to receive love, for safety and genuine healing. Helps us feel supported and safe to open up and take in life to the fullest! Used in today’s workshop to help us be grateful we can LET GO (breathe out) and RECEIVE (breathe in) what life can bring!
(Aromatically beautiful combination with LEMON. Pre-blended with Fractionated Coconut Oil as ginger can be a “hot” oil on the skin.)
PHYSICAL: Ginger is a spice oil historically used to support a healthy digestive system.May help reduce bloating, gas and occasional indigestion or nausea.Makes a wonderful, natural tool to diffuse or apply for those who struggle with the motion of a car, boa or plane. Delivers powerful anti-oxidant protection to help with seasonal threats.
EMOTIONAL: “Oil of Empowerment.” Stimulating, powerful oil that encourages us to wake up and be truly present in our lives. Tosses aside the feeling that we are powerless or a victim of circumstances. Empowers us to take responsibility and new ACTION in our lives. To stop blaming others or situations—and helps us take the initiative to do things differently! Creates a warrior-like mentality…that we can choose our own destiny. (LEMON was outlined earlier) Ginger and lemon are used together in today’s workshop to strengthen us and give us the confidence to address obstacles we’ve allowed to hold us back.
PHYSICAL–Powerful cleanser and purifying agent. Protects against seasonal and environmental threats –as it is high in antioxidants. Uplifting to the mind and body when used aromatically, helping create a positive attitude. Provides relief from stress and tension and what can often accompany those feelings such as occasional digestive discomfort or head tension.
EMOTIONAL– “Oil of Abundance.” Helps encourage creative thinking with the realization that there is enough of everything we need in this life. Allows us to recognize that fear or lack is what can hold us back from the abundance that awaits us! No need to fear or feel scarcity –focus on JOY, fun, spontaneity and play in life. If we let go and trust –the universe will provide! Used in today’s workshop to provide a creative perspective, and to bring us joy and gratitude for our journey.
PHYSICAL: Historically used to enhance meditation and deepen spiritual connection. Sedating, harmonizing and calming oil that is both grounding and uplifting to the spirit. Promotes healthy-looking, smooth skin –reducing the appearance of skin imperfections. Assists with maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. May provide relief from occasional low back pain concerns –particularly if there has been an overload to the nervous system.
EMOTIONAL: “Oil of Sacred Devotion” Teaches us to have gratitude, reverence and devotion for Spirit in our lives. A great antidote for our materialistic culture which often leaves us feeling empty and frazzled. Helps individuals realign their priorities away from material goods and attachment to fame, wealth and the need for acceptance so that we can redirect our focus toward devotion and love of the Divine. Used to end our workshop with a sense of peace, wonder and grace for what our life lessons and interactions offer us on life’s journey
COPYRIGHT ©2016v2 Compliant–Marty Harger
Thank you for enjoying Essential Yoga. I am looking forward to sharing more of these amazing experiences with you.
Hi, your story and information is very empowering. Without even trying your remedies yet, with my understanding on essential oils, there’s no doubt your concussions will work. I’ve been researching and trying to make my own homemade products using essential oils, 100% natural ingredients. I’ve been mainly concentrating on highest qualities pain relievers remedies that’s deeply penetrated to help with nerve pain, circulation, PMS pain, mood and emotional essential oils, skin care for ageing, eczema and syringomas conditions, household products, hair and a range of beauty purposes. Since my mom has full Sickle Cell, mother- in- law Arthritis, and my son syringomas I’ve been mainly concentrating on those areas. So I’m presently making my own essential oils as many as I can, I also just made my own pain salve, oil for hair rapid hair growth and aroma oil strictly from plants using my own concussion after learning and researching the holistic side of these things naturally. So I really love the idea that you combine using the essential oils with Yoga. That’s very creative and amazing. What I have made so far, I’ve had positive feedbacks from my family, friends and neighbors thus far, but I haven’t put them out there as yet for business and that’s my aim. I’ve been searching for more effective ingredients until I now stumbled on yours, especially having hearing your story which I’ll stop here and try your ingredients and send you my feed back. If you might have any idea for deeply penetrated and effective ingredients for pain relievers to soothe Aching Muscles, Arthritis, Nerve and Sickle cell joint pain pls email to me. I’ll pray that there come a stage in your life that your condition will at ease for you.
HI Ava! I would love to communicate with you more about all of this! Feel free to email me–[email protected]. I can’t wait to chat more!