Is anyone else feeling a little off? I have had two of the hardest days just this week!
After today, I decided to go back to what I know and know really well and that is my energy centers. I did some self inquiry and discovered that maybe my root chakra is feeling a bit unbalanced. I pulled out my root chakra oil blend and my hematite and found some common ground.
Inside my root chakra blend is black tourmaline chips,cypress, sandalwood, balance, vetiver and cedarwood. I apply this to my legs and feet while bringing in the affirmation—AM.
Tomorrow is a new day. A new chance to be. I know that the tools I have can bring me back to my center and I can regain clarity and a sense of self. If you haven’t checked out my chakra series free ebook, it’s in my link or you can message me.
No matter what is going on, it’s temporary. It always is. And I’m the meantime I have my oils and my crystals and my faith to keep me sane.
If you want to learn more about chakras and crystals, click here.