It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. ~ The Invitation, Oriah Mountain Dreamer
I was exposed to this poem twelve years ago and it is one I go back to time and time again. Imagine my happiness when I stumbled upon the book that was written from the poem itself.
Can you speak the unspeakable and state, from your heart, what you want? What you need? What you desire? Can you finish this statement—it doesn’t interest me to have…when what I really want is…
For me,
I doesn’t interest me to have a large group of friends, what I really need is one that understands me.
It doesn’t interest me to have a huge house, what I really want is a home full of love.
It doesn’t interest me to be rich, what I really desire is to know I made a difference.
As we explore this on the mat, we will be asked to look at our thoughts, our avoidances, our comparisons and our truth.
Can we each meet our hearts longing? Can we dare to dream?
Can you? Start by finishing this–
I want…
I need…
I desire…
Breathe with those statements for 5-6 breath cycles. Then finish this–
It doesn’t interest me if I ever have…what I really want is…
Now speak the unspeakable and listen.
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