Tips & Tricks for Mindful Healing

How can we maintain our strength and equilibrium in the face of our greatest challenge?

When we are going through a health challenge it is so important to remember that mindful healing is a big part of the successful outcome we wish for.

Tips & Tricks to Mindful Healing

Each morning I sit and read something with the intent to be inspired or at the minimum give me something to ponder throughout the day. This morning I reached for my Yoga 365 book and today’s passage was so aligned with a video I created yesterday. In the video I talk about the mindful ways we can bring an added element to our healing process.

For me specifically with my recent hip surgery, I am implementing a few strategies that doctors do not necessarily tell you when you are faced with a major surgery. While I greatly appreciate the practical things that a person needs, it is the nuances of daily living that I believe go quite far in the healing process.

Our mindset will greatly influence our mental health during any sort of healing process, whether it is a surgery, an illness or a major life upheaval.

These six mindful healing tips are perfect for anyone:

Keeping a daily routine.

If you have always been a person who gets up and reads, or meditates, or journals, or prays, then keep doing that. Don’t sacrifice your spiritual practice because your physical body is working hard to improve. Also, if you are a person that gets up every day and puts a little makeup on, then keep doing that. Taking care of yourself and helping yourself to feel somewhat “normal” during this temporary healing time will do wonders for your happiness factor. Finally, getting dressed everyday and getting out of your pajamas (even if you wear comfy house clothes), the simple act of getting up and dressed everyday will send a message to your brain that you are in fact getting better. Plus, you’ll look better and when we look better, we have a tendency to feel better. I am a huge fan of lipstick and mascara and not a single day has passed that I don’t take the five minutes to make myself feel beautiful.

Develop a mindset of gratitude.

Each day I spend a few minutes in deep gratitude for the surgeon and for the implant in my body. Even though I still have a lot of pain and mobility is hard, I am mindful each day to thank my body for accepting this new joint and welcoming it into my body. I am grateful for my cells moving around my body to encourage healing. I am grateful for my strong muscles that are working hard to regain their strength to support the new joint. When we shift our mindset from a pain point to a gratitude point, our entire mental outlook can shift. Sure, it would be easy to sit in my 3 days worn pajamas and mope that my body hasn’t healed as fast as what others have, and I could complain that the surgery must have somehow gone wrong, and my immune system is overactive causing extra pain, OR I could embrace this new challenge through the lens of gratitude and be intentional about loving this new body part.

Speak kindly to yourself and others.

We have all heard that kindness is the path to a better world. Speaking kindly about yourself and to yourself during this time of vulnerability is so important. Falling into the trap of self-pity, or worse self-defeating language will only slow your progress. For the people who are helping you, they are doing their very best to make sure that you are healing and comfortable and if you are a person who is usually very self-sufficient, it can be emotionally draining on your family and friends to see you in a different way. Be kind and thank them for every small thing that they are now doing for you. We have a tendency to be hardest on ourselves and those closest to us so remembering to speak kindly will be a huge asset to you.

Setting up your space.

The doctor will likely give you a few tips to get your home ready for when you come home from surgery–things like remove loose area rugs, move items to waist level, get your medications refilled, have a grabber for picking up dropped items, etc. These are all great and much needed suggestions, however I found a few more things that have helped me feel better. I made sure that the items I use regularly like essential oils, diffusers, herbal teas, supplements, hand lotion, and other self care items are accessible. I created a space in my house specifically for this healing process where I have a comfy chair, a basket of healthy snacks, a stash of essential oils, books, my iPad, beautiful plants, and plenty of chargers within one room. This eliminates the constant need for someone to run get something for me AND it gives my space the homey and comfortable feel. Imagine trying to heal in a cold, dark, sterile, or dingy environment. Yuck. Make your space pretty and just what YOU like because you are gonna be there a while.

You have to have movement.

Any type of movement to get circulation going is so imperative. If you have had hip surgery like me, move your upper body. If you have had shoulder surgery, move your lower body. At the minimum move your spine in all six directions once a day. It literally takes five minutes and will increase circulation, get your chi moving and make you feel good which are all good things when it comes to healing. Movement is medicine.

Start a new hobby.

You might be thinking that a new hobby right now is too overwhelming but the distraction will shift your awareness from hurting to something productive and potentially fun. If you have never been a big reader, now is a great time to download your free library app and start borrowing books, or ask to borrow books from friends. Maybe you have always wanted to learn how to knit or crochet. YouTube is filled with tutorials and Amazon delivers yarn and crochet hooks. Perhaps you have been wanting to take up writing your own blog on a topic you are passionate about. I have enjoyed crocheting, jigsaw puzzles on my iPad, digital planning, and making sourdough anything. The joy factor is increases while I am doing those activities and my mind is less focused on hurting.

Mindful Healing

These are easy ways to maintain your strength and equilibrium while faced with one of the hardest things you may ever go through. Mindful healing is something you can do! By redirecting my thoughts, speaking kindly, wearing my favorite shade of lipstick and clean clothes everyday, easy movements, eating healthy organic cashews and sipping tea, AND feeding my brain with wholesome hobbies while being SO grateful, I am on my way!

The Benefits of Cleanliness

According to researchers, multiple environmental factors determine how you feel. These include physical factors around you as well as the community spirit. Your housing environment, for instance, can have an effect. People tend to have higher levels of well-being when they live in attractive, warm, and cozy properties. Their homes recharge their batteries, so to speak, enabling them to take on the challenges of the world with more confidence. Well-being tends to decline when properties are dilapidated, dirty, or affected by dampness.

In the Yoga world, we call the practice of purity and cleanliness Suacha. It is the practice of cleaning up our thoughts and our space and eliminating clutter in both areas of our lives.

The level of tidiness can also make a substantial difference in how you feel. When your rooms are tidy, it has an influence on your unconscious. The less cluttered your environment — the less you have to think about — and the more you can ease into life.

The lighting, smells, and color of an environment can also profoundly affect your mood. Shutter companies know this very well. They understand that the level of light that gets into a room determines how the occupants feel. When light levels are high — as they should be in the daytime — it helps to calibrate the your natural sleep-wake cycle.

The people you spend time with also have a profound impact on how you feel. If you are around elevating people who support you, you’ll feel like you can do just about anything you want with your life. Likewise, if you are around negative individuals who bring you down — life will feel like a constant series of battles.

Surrounding ourselves with people, calm colors and a clean and serene space can play a big part in our overall wellbeing.

How do you control your environment to better your mind, body and spirit?

Breathe Essential Oil Blend

Breathe essential oil blend makes it easy to take simple respiratory support on the go when seasonal threats are high (just swipe on the bottoms of your feet or over your chest with a bit of carrier oil. Rub on neck, chest, back, or bottom of feet for a restful sleep.

Breathe essential oil blend is my go to when I feeling stuffy or have any sort of breathing discomfort. It is also amazing for those who sleep with a snorer. Just have that person apply a little on their mustache area or pop in your diffuser*!

This blend is safe for all ages too, with proper dilution of course. I like to apply this one to the bottoms of feet and not only do the feet feel amazing but breathing gets a little easier! Perfect for little ones!

Breathe Essential Oil Blend includes:

  • Laurel Leaf
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Tea Tree*
  • Lemon
  • Cardamom
  • Ravintsara
  • Ravensara

* be mindful using this around dogs and cats. Never apply to animals directly and make sure if diffusing the animals have a way to leave the room.

Ready to get this one in your home?

Aromatherapy: Air-X Essential Oil Blend

If you could bottle up a crisp, sunny morning in a bottle, it would smell exactly like Air-X. This is a aromatherapy blend used when seasonal threats are high, or when there is an abundance of toxins in the air. Think wild fires! Around Colorado we often see wild fires so this one is great to have on hand. It is also great for everyday use to simple help your house smell fresh and clean.

This blend is made up of:

  • Tangerine — Calming & uplifting
  • Grapefruit — Citrusy & fresh
  • Litsea — Refreshing & uplifting
  • Frankincense — Woody & calming
  • Cardamom — Invigorating & relaxing

The purpose of this combination is to freshen the air around you. Not only will this smell amazing in your home, but it will also provide immune and respiratory support. It has a fresh and uplifting aroma, promotes clarity and openness, may be cleansing to your environment. Living in Colorado means we sadly have to deal with wild fires way more often than I would like. Sometimes the smoke is so thick we are encouraged to stay indoors! This blend helps to reduce the irritation to our respiratory system and just smells amazing. By the way, if you are not diffusing pure, quality essential oils in your home we really need to talk.

I love diffusing this blend all by itself, or sometimes by adding Lavender and Wild Orange to the mix.

Try this in your diffuser:

Spring Air

? 3 drops Air-X

? 2 drops Lavender

? 2 drops Wild Orange

Would you love to try some? Easy enough!

Principles to Live By

In the Yoga world, Pantanjali wrote ancient texts thousands and thousands of year ago and have become the “rules” in which a Yogi attempts to live by. Part of the texts include the Yamas and Niyamas. The Yamas focus on the ethical standards of how we should conduct ourselves in daily life and the behavior to develop during interactions with the self and others. The five Yamas include truthfulness, non violence, non stealing, non greed, right energy. The five Niyamas are constructive tools for cultivating happiness and self-confidence and they are purification, contentment, self-discipline, self study, and self surrender.

As I have been going back to studying the Sutras, reviewing these principles is always a rich self exploration, especially during this month as I have been teaching my classes around the concept of understanding the foundation of our spirit.

Over the years I have found that knowing (and living within) my values or principles is paramount for my success and overall well-being. When I step aside from them and life becomes challenging, as it often does, I am less likely to respond well.

In contemplative questions, it is useful to ask yourself what are some of the core principles in which you live by.

I like to think of the foundation of a home being what sustains the rest of the structure when storms come by, or the roots of tree that holds it upright during turmoil.

As I have been looking inward and reviewing the Yamas/Niyamas, I spent a few weeks discovering the ten principles in which I live by.

I have come to learn that when we know who we are, we can begin to show up in life through our thoughts, words, and actions in alignment with that inner truth. Knowing who we are is very different than what we are. To learn more about labels, check out this post.

I know when I am showing up outside of these parameters or guidelines because I get easily rattled, I am quick with sharp words, I am impatient and easily overwhelmed. When I am in my truth and aligned with these principles, I feel the wholeness of who I am and know that I am showing up in my most authentic self.

Have you ever thought about what guides you? What your foundation is?

After several weeks of pondering, here are my ten principles.

My Ten Principles

  1. Faith (in my purpose)
  2. Service (to do without gain)
  3. Kindness (just be kind)
  4. Acceptance (for everything)
  5. Diligence (don’t half ass)
  6. Action (necessary for success)
  7. Awareness (stay awake to now)
  8. Belief (knowing, empowering)
  9. Fulfillment (attention to good)
  10. Love (act in alignment with my heart)

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DIY Liquid Dish Soap

Everyone uses liquid dish soap, so why not make your own? This super simple recipe is great for removing grease, adding shine, and waking up your senses.



  1. Fill a large, clean bottle with castle soap
    Note: Dilute according to instructions if using a concentrate
  2. Add essential oils
  3. To use, shake and add 1–2 tablespoons to dish water

Photosensitive Essential Oils

When I first started using essential oils I had no idea that some oils could cause a burn. Crazy, right?

As we head into warmer months and more outside time, remember that some oils are photosensitive and cause a reaction that is uncomfortable when combined with sunlight.

Be mindful when applying the following if you plan to be in the sun. You can still use them, just apply on the feet or a covered area or take internally (I only ingest pure, certified therapeutic grade oils that I am positive have been tested).

Check out this gorgeous ebook for the basics and be sure to drop me a message if you’re not sure which oils are safe  I’m happy to help.


Calming Essential Oils

Among the countless benefits of essential oils, one of their most appealing attributes is that they can be used to create a calming atmosphere and promote feelings of peace and harmony. And who doesn’t need some feelings of peace and harmony?

I am a huge believer and supporter of aromatic use for emotional and mood management benefits. During stressful times, I turn to some of my favorite calming essential oils.

Keep reading to discover some of the most calming essential oils and how to use them.


Lavender oil is known as one of the most calming essential oils because it has significant calming and relaxing properties when used aromatically, topically, and internally. The calming nature of Lavender essential oil makes it useful for easing feelings of tension and can help to promote soothing, positive feelings.


An incredibly unique essential oil, Bergamot is known to have both calming and uplifting properties. When stress levels or tensions are high, Bergamot oil provides a wonderful way to promote a calming atmosphere, while simultaneously encouraging uplifting feelings. With its light, citrusy aroma, Bergamot oil is an extremely useful calming essential oil, especially when it comes to dispelling feelings of stress and uplifting mood.

Clary Sage

The chemical profile of Clary Sage oil makes it one of the most relaxing, soothing, and balancing essential oils—something that people knew even long ago. In the Middle Ages, the Clary Sage plant was used for several purposes because of its soothing properties. Today, Clary Sage essential oil can be highly useful for promoting feelings of relaxation and calm.

Roman Chamomile

Not only is Roman Chamomile oil known to have calming effects on the skin, mind, and body, but it has a sweet, floral aroma as well. In ancient times, the Romans used chamomile oil to promote calming feelings of courage before going off to war. Thankfully, these same calming properties can still be useful today.

Ylang Ylang

Derived from yellow, star-shaped flowers found on the tropical Ylang Ylang tree, Ylang Ylang oil has several impressive qualities—including its ability to uplift the mood while also having a calming effect. The sweet and spicy floral aroma of Ylang Ylang oil has been known to lessen feelings of stress and tension, while simultaneously promoting a positive outlook.


The fresh, floral aroma of Petitgrain oil is not only inviting and comforting, but the oil also provides calming and relaxing benefits that can help to ease feelings of stress. In addition to calming feelings of stress and tension, Petitgrain oil can also be useful at bedtime when you want to create a serene environment for restful sleep.


Vetiver oil is known for its grounding, calming effect on the emotions, and for its calming nature. The rich, exotic aroma of Vetiver is quite unique, however, it has the ability to promote grounded, calm feelings after a busy or frazzled day. Whether you are trying to create a calm atmosphere at home for your family, or need to feel grounded again after an emotional day, Vetiver can be very useful for promoting the type of calm feelings you desire.

Fruit and Veggie Wash

We tend to often be worried about washing our hands, but are you also making sure to wash your produce? If you don’t have a fruit and veggie wash, try this!

  • Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to a large bowl of cold water
  • Add 5 -8 drops of doTERRA LEMON essential oil
  • Add produce and soak for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse and dry

It feels good knowing that my fruit is fresh and clean for my family.? And my kitchen always smells amazing afterwards! You can also make a spray bottle up with 20 drops, a splash of vinegar and fill the rest with water for quick cleanings like apples!

Ready to learn more about essential oils? Enjoy this gorgeous ebook!

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