“…it doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive..”
Our age defines how long we have walked this earth but not what we have done with this precious time. Being alive isn’t enough. Truly living and taking the risks for our dreams and for our longings is our divine responsibility. Fear is part of being fully alive.
The longing must be larger than the fear. The desires must be more than the risks to look like a fool for your dreams.
Part of facing the fears is that we must also learn to let go and surrender.
Are you willing to surrender the way you have seen yourself and how others may have seen you? You know, those labels and temporary identifiers that we have inherited over time; mother, friend, employee, father, etc. Although we value these, their dominance in our lives can sometimes not allow us to live out the other aspects of our lives. The calling of the soul is not particularly concerned with the day-to-day responsibilities like packing lunches, paying bills and cleaning the house.
All of our deepest desires are our soul’s way of calling us back to simply being who we are. To move forward with our desires we have to allow ourselves to stumble and to fall. If we are truly awake, we can catch glimpses of profound wisdom that gets lost in the daily experiences and that may lead us back to ourselves.
Think of something you deeply desire. Feel what it will feel like to have this. Touch that place in your that knows this desire. Now, look at the fear that takes up space from where you are now and where that destiny is fulfilled. Feel that space filled with fear and identify what it is.
For me, I desire freedom. I desire connection. I desire living my purpose.
I fear failing. I fear letting people down. I fear loss. I fear instability.
Are you willing to look like a fool and risk moving through the fears to get your desires? I am and gladly walk alongside anyone willing to do the same. Consider joining me this week in my yoga classes to explore this on the mat.
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