Coconut lemon scones are a delightful baked treat that combines tropical coconut flavors with the bright, tangy zest of lemon. They are tender and slightly crumbly, with a rich yet refreshing flavor profile.
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
¼ cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon kosher salt
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) cold salted butter, cubed or grated
Preheat oven to 400°F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large glass bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, granulated sugar, and salt. Cut the butter into the mixture using a pastry cutter or fingers until the mixture resembles coarse sand. Add the coconut.
Make a well in the center of the dry mixture and add ¾ cup of the heavy cream, beaten egg, and lemon juice. Mix the dough together. It should have a slightly dry texture, but not crumbly. Add an additional 1-2 tablespoons of heavy cream if the dough seems too dry.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead it for 1 minute. Form the dough into a round 1-inch thick, and use a knife or a pizza 4. cutter to cut the round into 8 equal wedges. I also cut them one more time to make mini scones. Arrange the wedges in a round, but about 1 inch apart, on the baking sheet. Brush the wedges with 4 tablespoons heavy cream and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until the scones are golden and the edges are lightly toasted.
For the glaze:
In a glass bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar, heavy cream, lemon juice, and lemon essential oil. Drizzle the glaze on top of the warm scones.
Serve the scones warm or cold. Either way they will be delicious!
*Note: It is important to be sure you are using an essential oil that is safe for consumption. Many so called ‘essential oils’ from drugstores and grocery stores are quite toxic if taken internally. I choose to use only Certified Pure Therapuetic Grade doTERRA Essential oils. I recommended working closely with someone who can mentor you on the use of essential oils. You can also downloaded this free ebook that is a perfect guide for using essential oils.
I would love to hear what you think! Comment below and let me know if you loved these!
These sourdough discard chocolate chip cookies are so good! The sourdough gives them moisture and a bit of tangy goodness.
I’ve been making sourdough bread for about six months and have mastered a few of the discard recipes like banana muffins, waffles, English muffins and crackers. If you aren’t sure what I am talking about the “discard” is the stuff you would throw away when feeding your starter—I keep mine in a jar in the fridge so when I get the push to bake something, I have extra for some fun recipes.
I am a huge fan of cookies but rarely make them because I have zero self control when it comes to cookies. Thankfully I have a house full of people coming this weekend who will gobble these up in no time.
Sourdough Discard Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe
*This recipe requires you to chill the cookie dough for at least 2 hours FYI! Don’t skip this step because it will help your cookies bake up the best!
• 1 3/4 + 1 Tablespoon all-purpose flour
• 1 tsp. salt
• 1/4 tsp. baking soda
• 1/2 tsp. baking powder
• 1 large egg
• 1/2 cup sourdough discard
• 1 tsp. vanilla extract
• 1 stick of butter
• 1/2 cup light brown sugar
• 1/2 cup white sugar
• 1 1/2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips (butterscotch chips are great, too!)
How to Make Sourdough Discard Chocolate Chip Cookies
1. In a large bowl mix all your dry ingredients. Use a fork to whisk together the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt and then set aside.
2. In a separate smaller bowl, mix together the egg, sourdough discard and vanilla. Set aside.
3. In a mixer add your cold, cubed butter and both the brown and white sugar. Beat on low-speed until the mixture forms small crumbles. This shouldn’t take more than 1 minute. Add the chocolate chips and mix for another 30 seconds. You can also hand mix just make sure everything gets incorporated well.
4. Add all your dry ingredients and mix on low-speed for about 30 seconds or a few minutes by hand. Once the dough begins to pull away from the bowl, you’re good! Don’t over mix.
5. Make small balls of dough either with a cookie scoop or a large spoon. Place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Put cookie sheet in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. I have also used a mini muffin pan like this, or in a pinch for time made cookie bars using a baking pan like this.
6. Bake for 15 minutes at 375 degrees or until golden brown.
If you happen to have any left, you can store in an air tight container and these also freeze really well. I also love to give a little gift to others using this cute boxes you can write a special message on.
Ever since I shared some sourdough discard crackers over on my instagram I have had a zillion questions about them. If you haven’t jumped into the sourdough craze you are definitely missing out. I will admit that at first it seemed like a LOT of work and time, but it really isn’t. I mean how much time do we spend mindlessly scrolling when we could spend a tiny bit of time eliminating garbage from our diet and making something soulful and delicious?
Before I share the super simple cracker process, let’s chat about sourdough.
What is sourdough?
Sourdough relies on a mix of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria, rather than baker’s yeast, to leaven the dough. It’s richer in nutrients, less likely to spike your blood sugar, contains lower amounts of gluten, and is generally easier to digest than bread made with baker’s yeast.
Store bought bread has so many ingredients in it and most of them are useless ingredients that just add junk to our food. Homemade sourdough is flour, water, salt. Three ingredients compared to over twenty in a store bought version. Hmmm.
By using a special starter of wild yeast and bacteria, the positives of consuming sourdough far outweigh the negative ideas that we should be avoiding bread. Sourdough bread is a baking art form that is, by its very nature, a healthier choice – according to A Bread Affair in Vancouver here are the reasons why…and have to agree 100%.
The Benefits of Sourdough:
1. It is easy to digest.
The bacteria-yeast composition will start to breakdown the starches found in the grains before it even reaches your stomach. That means there is way less work to be done, making it much easier on your gut.
2. It has a lower glycemic index.
Compared to many other types of bread, sourdough is fermented in a way that depletes bad starches within it. This means that it won’t cause your blood sugar to rise so drastically upon eating it.
3. Better for gluten-sensitivity.
The longer prep time for sourdough bread means that much of the protein gluten is broken down into amino acids before you consume it. The extensive soaking, rinsing, and other preparation steps means that it is easier to eat and digest, especially if you have mild sensitivities to gluten.
4. More “good acid”.
Lactobacillus a kind of bacteria found in sourdough bread more so than other types of bread and it results in higher levels of lactic acid. This is important because it means there is less room for phytic acid, which can be potentially dangerous. Larger quantities of lactic acid also result in easier digestion and accessibility to more minerals.
5. Provides healthy bacteria.
Sourdough bread is fermented in a way that fosters more beneficial bacteria in the bread and in your body when you eat it.
6. Less yeast.
Healthy bacteria in sourdough bread works to reduce yeast populations, so the likelihood of infection and/or overgrowth is substantially lower.
7. Natural origins.
Sourdough bread made with whole flour, wild yeast and bacteria comes from a very “natural” origin. It is the oldest form of leavened bread; we have been eating it as part of a natural diet for a long, long time.
8. Fewer preservatives.
Sourdough bread contains acetic acid, which naturally prevent the growth of mold. It naturally preserves itself, meaning that toxic preservatives are not required to make it last. So it won’t go bad – and you can opt out of the hazardous build-up of preservatives in the food supply chain.
9. Good fuel.
Made from wheat, sourdough bread fuels the production of good bacteria in your gut – much like the inulin and oligosaccharides found in onions, leeks, bananas, garlic, asparagus, and so on.
10. It’s nutritious.
Sourdough contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, making it super beneficial to your day-to-day health. Sourdough bread has small to moderate amounts of: iron, manganese, calcium, B1-B6, B12, folate, zinc, potassium, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, selenium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin E. What a great selection! Compared to other breads, sourdough maintains many of the original nutrients that are processed out of other kinds of bread.
11. The taste!
Sourdough bread tastes great on top of being a healthier alternative. What more could you want?
Crackers?? You got it! I also use sourdough to make all kinds of fun things like pizza dough, pancakes, cookies and this weekend I am making English muffins!
First, you’ll need some sourdough “starter”. This consists of flour and water that becomes the base for your bread and other baked goods.
Simply put: a sourdough starter is a live fermented culture of fresh flour and water. Once combined, the culture will begin to ferment and cultivate the natural yeasts found in our environment. A small portion is added to your bread dough to make it rise. Commercial yeast IS NOT required.
The Process of Sourdough:
At first I felt overwhelmed with having to “feed” something and initially wondered if I had a new child to worry about but realized I was way over thinking it.There are some sourdough people out there that measure everything to to the gram and while that does produce a perfect loaf, after awhile you do learn to eyeball things, especially feeding the starter. I usually just pour some out into my discard jar and add 1/2 cup flour and 1/4 cup water and call it good for the week. The day before I bake bread I do feed her a twice so she is extra happy.
For crackers, cookies, muffins, pizza dough and so much more you’ll need some of the “discard”.
Sourdough discard is the unfed portion of your sourdough starter that you remove before you add fresh flour and water. Because of its unfed state, it’s not used to bake the delicious bread you know as sourdough, but more often than not, used in sourdough discard recipes like crackers!
There are a zillion recipes out there but after a few times following one you might learn to wing it like me.
Sourdough Discard Crackers
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
In a small mixing bowl add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil or melted butter. To this add seasonings you love. I have been adding Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salutewhich is a smooth blend of onion, black pepper, celery seed, cayenne pepper, parsley, basil, marjoram, bay leaf, oregano, thyme, savory, rosemary, cumin, mustard, coriander, garlic, carrot, orange peel, tomato, lemon juice and lemon oil. The perfect savory flavor!
After combing the seasonings and oil, add 2 cups of sourdough discard and mix well.
Sprinkle Himalayan Pink Salt on top
Pour mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
Bake for 10 minutes and then score into bite size squares with a pizza wheel
Bake an additional 20-30 minutes or until crispy and golden brown
I store these once cooled in a sealed container or jar (if they last that long)
Other combinations include parmesan cheese and rosemary or making an Italian herb blend flavor. Some people love the everything bagel flavor but I find smelling like garlic for days to be a slight downside. I saw someone also make cinnamon sugar crackers that were cut slightly smaller for a cereal type snack!
You might be able to see how this can easily become a part time obsession and finding new ways to use the discard is constantly fun.
Stacie believes that it is her life purpose to share the gift of Yoga with anyone who is willing to say yes. In addition to raising a family and being an advocate for those with disabilities, Stacie is founder of Embracing Spirit Yoga which specializes in bringing adaptive Yoga into community centers and rehabilitation clinics. Bringing her depth of compassion to the mat–or the chair–she offers students the opportunity to grow as an individual in all aspects of their life.
I am a tad late to the sourdough bread frenzy but now that I am all in, it’s been so fun. I have seen so many people explain why to eat sourdough bread and I just didn’t get it. Until I did.
I have never been a big sandwich or bread eater so it’s more of a hobby than a homestead mission. My loaves may not be the perfection instagram worthy photo yet, but they taste delicious and work for my family.
Why bake/eat sourdough bread?
There are so many benefits to sourdough. Plus, it is so fun to make and the extra goodies that you can bake make it so versatile.
Here are my top 20 reasons:
Prebiotics: Sourdough fermentation increases the availability of prebiotic fibers, which promote healthy gut bacteria and aid digestion.
Reduced Gluten Content: Fermentation breaks down some gluten proteins, making them easier to digest for individuals with mild gluten sensitivities.
Enzyme Activity: The fermentation process activates enzymes in the sourdough, which help break down complex carbohydrates and proteins, aiding digestion.
Phytic Acid Reduction: Sourdough fermentation reduces phytic acid, a compound that can impair mineral absorption and cause digestive discomfort.
Improved Nutrient Absorption: Sourdough fermentation enhances the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients like iron, zinc, and magnesium.
Lower Glycemic Index: Sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index than regular bread, resulting in more stable blood sugar levels and sustained energy.
Acetic Acid: The acetic acid produced during sourdough fermentation can improve digestion by supporting the production of digestive enzymes.
Lactic Acid Production: Lactic acid produced in sourdough fermentation supports healthy gut bacteria and aids digestion.
Alleviation of Digestive Disorders: Some individuals with digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), report improved symptoms when consuming sourdough bread.
Increased Mineral Bioavailability: Sourdough fermentation increases the bioavailability of minerals present in the bread, making them easier for the body to absorb and utilize.
Reduced FODMAPs: The fermentation process of sourdough helps break down fermentable carbohydrates, reducing their presence in the final bread product and making it more tolerable for individuals with FODMAP sensitivities.
Reduced Antinutrients: Sourdough fermentation reduces antinutrients like phytates and lectins, which can interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption.
Balanced Acid-Base Ratio: Sourdough bread has a more balanced acid-base ratio, reducing the risk of acid reflux and indigestion.
Improved B-vitamin Production: Sourdough fermentation increases the production of B-vitamins, which play a crucial role in digestion and overall health.
Enhanced Flavor: The complex flavors developed during sourdough fermentation can stimulate the production of saliva and digestive enzymes, aiding digestion.
Extended Fermentation: Longer fermentation times commonly used in sourdough baking allow more thorough breakdown of proteins and starches, making the bread easier to digest. 48 hours is optimal for cold retarding in the fridge.
Natural Preservatives: Sourdough contains naturally occurring preservatives like acetic and lactic acids, which help prevent spoilage and promote digestive stability.
Reduced Additives: Sourdough bread often uses fewer additives and preservatives compared to commercially produced bread, making it easier on the digestive system.
Milder Wheat Allergy Symptoms: Some individuals with wheat allergies report milder symptoms when consuming sourdough bread due to the fermentation process altering the proteins.
Personal Digestive Tolerance: While these reasons generally suggest that sourdough bread is easier to digest, individual tolerance can still vary based on specific digestive issues and personal sensitivity
Credit to Dr Dawn M. O’Brien Taylor
I have tried many sourdough recipes but have found this simple one to be my fave:
100g of “starter” *tons of how to make out there. It takes patience or a friend who has a healthy starter.
300g of all purpose flour
500g water
10g salt
I feed my little starter and wait for it to double (usually 3-4 hours). When it has I add it to the mixing bowl, add the water flour and salt, and mix with a danish wisk until shaggy or 30 minutes. Then every 30 minutes I stretch and fold the dough (this is where the magic happens). I do four sets of folds. Then I plop it back into the oven on the proofing setting for about 2-3 hours. If your oven doesn’t have that setting, place bowl on the counter covered up and it will take more like 5-6 hours of bulk proofing.
Once it is doubled in size, then remove it from the bowl to a floured surface. Fold the dough like an envelope and then roll the entire envelope into a log shape, then to make it a circle begin dragging it along counter to seal the seams and create a perfect round. Toss into a banneton basket and close seam by pinching. Place into your refrigerator covered for up to 3 days! This method I have found in my busy life works the best because I can let it cold ferment in fridge until I am ready then bake. I usually mix on Friday and bake on Sunday.
Since I am a newer sourdough fanatic I have quite a bit of extra sourdough. Honestly, I try not to eat the whole loaf in a couple days so I usually have a quarter of loaf hanging around and found the perfect use of stale sourdough.. Sourdough CROUTONS!
Sourdough croutons provide the perfect crunch to a fresh salad. This homemade version of sourdough croutons does not contain any extra ingredients.
6-8 cups cubed sourdough bread (at least one day old, or sliced and dried; ¾-1 inch cubes)
4 tablespoons olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
½ – 1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
¼ teaspoon black pepper
How to Make Sourdough Croutons:
Preheat your oven to 400ºF and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
If you haven’t already, cut your sourdough bread into ½-1″ cubes.
Add the olive oil, garlic, salt, dried parsley, and black pepper to a very large bowl. Whisk to combine.
Add the cubed dried bread cubes and toss them until they are lightly coated with oil.
Spread the sourdough bread cubes out onto the prepared baking sheet in a single layer.
Bake until browned, 12-18 minutes (mine were done at 15), tossing halfway through baking to ensure even browning.
Allow your sourdough croutons to cool completely before transferring to an airtight storage container or ziploc bag.
I am a sucker for a good scone. One of my favorite afternoon treats is a delicious coffee and a scone. I like to make these into small size scones so I don’t ruin my appetite or my exercise efforts. The little treat is so worth it, though.
These tangerine cranberry scones are super delicious pretty much any time of day. Not just for afternoon coffee time. You could have them for breakfast, brunch or dessert.
Health Benefits of Cranberries:
As far as healthy foods go, cranberries are at the top of the list due to their high nutrient and antioxidant content and are often referred to as a “super food.” Not to mention, half a cup of cranberries contains only 25 calories! The possible health benefits of consuming cranberries include lowered risk of urinary tract infections, prevention of certain types of cancer, improved immune function, decreased blood pressure and more.
Preheat oven to 425°F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large glass bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, granulated sugar, and salt. Cut the butter into the mixture using a pastry cutter or fingers until the mixture resembles coarse sand. Add the tangerine zest and dried cranberries.
Make a well in the center of the dry mixture and add ¾ cup of the heavy cream. Mix the dough together. It should have a slightly dry texture, but not crumbly. Add an additional 1-2 tablespoons of heavy cream if the dough seems too dry.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead it for 1 minute. Form the dough into a round 1-inch thick, and use a knife or a pizza 4. cutter to cut the round into 8 equal wedges. Arrange the wedges in a round, but about 1 inch apart, on the baking sheet. Brush the wedges with 4 tablespoons heavy cream and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until the scones are golden and the edges are lightly toasted.
For the glaze:
In a glass bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar, tangerine zest, orange juice, and tangerine essential oil. Drizzle the glaze on top of the warm scones.
Serve the scones warm or cold. Either way they will be delicious!
*Note: It is important to be sure you are using an essential oil that is safe for consumption. Many so called ‘essential oils’ from drugstores and grocery stores are quite toxic if taken internally. I choose to use only Certified Pure Therapuetic Grade doTERRA Essential oils. I recommended working closely with someone who can mentor you on the use of essential oils. You can also downloaded this free ebook that is a perfect guide for using essential oils.
I would love to hear what you think! Comment below and let me know if you loved these!
A cold and blustery morning is perfect for baked oatmeal. Snow is swirling all around this Sunday morning like I am inside a snow globe. It is so pretty and it makes me want to bake something. I am not a huge breakfast girl but the idea of something warm and cinnamony sounded so good. An added bonus– this has no flour, no eggs and is simple to put together.
This is SO easy and so delicious.
2 ripe bananas
2 cups rolled oats
1 scoop vital proteins collagen (optional)
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 1/2 cups oat milk (or whatever milk you like)
dash of cinnamon
handful of blueberries
In a shallow baking dish (I used 8 x 11), mash the bananas. Add the oats, collagen and chia seeds. Pour the milk over. Add the cinnamon and blueberries. Bake in a 350 degree over for 30 minutes. Drizzle with honey if desired!
For an easy afternoon treat or dessert you could easily swap out blueberries for chocolate chips!
Reduce pumpkin by placing in a saucepan over medium heat for 30–45 minutes. Stir often until pumpkin has reduced to ½ cup. Set aside to cool.
Cream together shortening and sugars until light and fluffy. Mix in cooled pumpkin, vanilla, and oils.
Sift remaining dry ingredients. Mix until combined.
Preheat oven to 350° F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Roll rounded teaspoonfuls of dough into balls. Place onto baking sheets. Flatten tops with a spoon. Arrange a few pumpkin seeds in the center as garnish.
Bake 10–12 minutes. Let stand on cookie sheet for two minutes before removing to cool on wire racks.
Plus the essential oils in this recipe have tons of other uses and benefits! You can learn more in this gorgeous webpage!