How Fast Do Essential Oils Work?

when you know better, you do better

Maya Angelou

Think essential oils just smell good? Back when I first started using them, I did too. I have learned through the years that they are actually working inside your brain and body to support every cell within our body. Crazy, eh?

Think about it. Long before pharmacies came to town, our ancestors used plants to help our bodies. Peppermint plants, homemade salves from herbs and tree parts, teas and much more. We strayed from these methods but I think more and more people are coming back to them.

People often get overwhelmed when learning about essential oils and I admit, it can be confusing at forest. But, using essential oils is really pretty simple.

Stop for a second.

Ask yourself what you are feeling. (Stressed, tired, overwhelmed, in pain, etc)…..then ask yourself what you WANT to feel. (Happy, calm, energized, peaceful, content, etc), then grab an oil that will offer that.

The simplest terms of beginning to learn about aromatherapy is to think of a tree. The higher up on the tree you go, the more uplifted and energized you’ll feel (citrus), the lower to the ground and close to the tree the more grounded and calm you’ll feel. (trees, roots, barks, flowers). Mints and herbs are low growing and provide unique properties. Mints will be both soothing and uplifting and herbs are typically used for ailments and brain support (basil and rosemary and excellent brain supports).

Pick one.

Put a few drops in your hands. Cup your nose and breathe. Apply the extra to the back of your neck and chest.

There ya go. Aromatherapy 101! I have a great downloaded ebook that explains it all. Once you get started, I will hook you up with education and mentoring plus a fabulous welcome gift.

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Twigs and Trash

In order to grow we must first remove what it is in the way.

For many years I have been teaching the concept that much like a garden we have outside, before we can plant anything and expect it to grow, we first have to remove all the old stuff, the trash and the things that are cluttering the soil. Today, as I was doing that exact literal thing in my backyard raking leaves and removing last years dead plants that were once so vibrant, I was reminded of the conversation I had this week with a group of men who have traumatic brain injures.

I teach this topic every March, regardless of who is in my classes because I think no matter who you are and what your life experience is, we all have something that is cluttering up our heart and therefore limiting the potential we have to grow. This might be something like fear, disappointment, regret, guilt, shame, resentment, anger or any other feeling and emotion that we have carried around for days or decades.

As I was guiding a meditation about visualizing a garden and seeing the old growth, the twigs and the trash, I asked them each to see a garden in their heart that may also have some things that could be getting in the way of growth.

I shared with my ‘frat house’ that they have fondly referred to themselves as, that I have some disappointment that is taking up space in my own heart. I carry it day after day, year after year and despite all my attempts to pull it out, it seems to have a root system that is deep and new shoots pop up and take over my heart at times.

As we had a discussion about this, they called me out on it and the wise man who developed a life changing brain tumor at age 23 gave me the best insight on how to manage all the little twigs and trash that take up space. He is turning 60 in a a few weeks and following his diagnosis while in his final year of college his life has been a series of assisted living settings and long term support. He lost his independence and so much more, and yet is so wise.

Are you ready for this? In my humbleness, I asked how does one remove all the “twigs and trash” from our hearts. I asked how do I remove the disappointment?

He shared that you can never fully rid of every twig or piece of trash that has landed in the garden, instead you have to learn to manage and grow around them.

Huh, I said.

Tell me more, I said.

He went on to say that the remnants of the the “twigs” and “trash” will likely always be there and sometimes they may stick out of the soil and poke you but our job is to plants things around them so the beauty takes over.

Again, I asked how.

The wise teacher said:

  • forgiveness
  • acceptance
  • gratitude

When we forgive ourselves and others we remove so much of the garbage that fills our heart. This removes resentment, bitterness, and what-if thinking. When we accept was IS we no longer grieve for what might have been which brings presence to growing today. And finally, when we focus on being grateful we see all that we have, not all that we do not have.

How’s that for insightful?

It’s not so much about removing the parts of our heart that impede growth, but rather moving them aside through forgiveness, acceptance and gratitude so that we make space for something far more amazing to grow.

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Like I Matter

Can you say that your actions give light to the darkness that others experience?

Alone somewhere in an assisted living group home sits a woman who like many I get to see had a life changing event where everything that she knew was instantly gone. She lost her family, her job, her home, and possibly her purpose.

Everyday is the same existence; eat, sleep, eat, maybe occasionally go into the community, eat, sleep, repeat. There is never a visitor and never anything that provides meaning to her day. I show up once per month to attempt some group yoga classes, however, most of the women living in this house decline to attend, except this lovely lady I will call Patricia.

On my last visit I had the opportunity to work 1:1 with her and address some of her challenges. I knew she had a painful shoulder from her accident and subsequent surgeries so I wanted to see if I could get some pain relief and mobility into her shoulder. Like all my sessions, there is a lot of dialogue and attempts to find connection. I know from my nearly two decades of teaching yoga to unique populations, the one thing that they want more than any physical practice is to feel part of something and to feel seen.

Isn’t that a universal desire? I believe our greatest human need it to simply be seen.

For the hour that we spent together, I learned about her accident and what her life was life before the event. I learned about her dreams, her mistakes, her shame and her hopes for her life. I learned what it means to her to be a mom and a grandmother. I learned that we are the same age, minus a few months difference. I learned about her hard upbringing and getting lost in her youth. I learned the details of her accident that was nearly thirty years ago.

For thirty years, Patricia has lived in this same existence. Thirty years is more than half her life. Half of her life has been lived alone, isolated, without meaning and incredibly lonely.

Towards the end of our session, I wanted to have a closer look at her shoulder and see if I would be able to get some movement and comfort into her body. I whipped out my trusted essential oil blend for pain and began to apply it slowly and gently to her arm and shoulder area. Human touch has a powerful effect and is so under implemented in our sterile world. No words were exchanged as I gently moved her arm in circles and into extension and flexion. I was careful to not do much as I did not know for sure the extent of her surgery and rehab.

I asked her, “how does that feel?”

She looked at me, and with tears in her eyes, she said, “like I matter”.

I rarely show my emotions, especially with my students. I am incredibly careful and cognizant of not coming across as a person who pities them or feels “bad” for them. That is not what they want, but her words struck my heart and tears filled my eyes instantly.

Can you imagine feeling so lonely and forgotten that simply having one person pay attention to you for thirty minutes gives you the feedback that you truly do matter?

Her answer had nothing to do with her shoulder pain and everything to do with her heart pain. I knew that in that instant, I was exactly where I was supposed to be, and she gave me such a gift that day.

I continue to think about how my actions remind people that they do matter. I get to be the giver of goodness. I get the privilege of sharing my day with them and learning how to make a difference in the lives of others.

When was the last time you felt like you matter? When was the last time you helped someone see that they matter? You just never know how your actions are influencing others. Can you say that your actions give light to the darkness that others experience?

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Living My Manifesto

It seems many people have opinions on other peoples business model, and the two most common statements I get as it relates to my yoga business is 1) I’d never drive that far for a class or student, and 2) I would never teach a class for that little of a rate (usually followed by a laundry list of all the trainings and education they have).

Here’s the thing. I’m not in it for the money, but the money is always there. I’m not in it for the fame although I am booked solid week after week and literally have no room in my schedule for more. I’m not in it for the ego, yet I know that I make an incredible difference in the lives of many.

Why do I drive hundreds of miles a day only to find my student still in bed because staff didn’t bother to wake him up? Because I said I would and because when he did decide to get up, together we created a beautiful session that included him doing something he hasn’t done in decades. This incredibly special student was injured at age 25 and his college roommate continues to write him a letter every single week and they are now in their mid 50’s. My student actually wrote him a letter back! Remember, yoga is defined as union and it doesn’t have to include pretzel shapes with our bodies.

I do it because it is service—which to me is defined as doing something without an attachment to personal gain. I do it because it is my gift. It is purpose. I do it because this is the manifesto my business and life is structured around.

The minute I start calculating how much money I am going to make, I have stepped out of service.

And do you want to know what? The money is always there.

I’d much rather show up within the foundation of my manifesto than seek out fame and fortune. That isn’t what I am about. I am about service and becoming the best version of myself through those I humbly serve.

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Grounded Foundation

It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time. ~ David Allen Coe

This time of year is ideal for getting back into ourselves after a summer season of play, vacations, kids home, and way less structure. This is the time where we reclaim our sense of self and rediscover the aspects of ourselves that support us in our everyday life.

You may know if you stop here often that I believe in the power of aroma to shift our chemical response in our brain. We can influence our state of arousal and our emotional state simply by smelling something. How cool is that?

As you experience a more predictable schedule and life begins to resume some sort of normalcy, take a few minutes to consider the four walls, or four main roots of a tree, that represent your foundation. This is the scaffolding which supports all the other parts of our home, or tree, during times of turbulence. 

Here are some ideas; faith, service, accountability, kindness, diligence, love, fulfillment, action, compassion, etc. 

Not sure where to start? Grab one of these blends, take 4-5 deep breaths, apply it to your spine and under your nose and then listen. You already know…you just need to listen.

By the way, check out the emotional benefits of these oils:

  • Douglas Fir.This one invites you to invoke your high wisdom and learn from the past experiences and people who may have crossed your path. This essential oil is perfect for turning inward in the season of more introspection.
  • Frankincense.Frankincense asks you to welcome in feelings of protection, wisdom, discernment, and a spiritual awakening. This sacred essential oil invites individuals to shed the lower vibration feelings that are often negative and draining. This truly brings our your own magnificence.
  • Ho Wood. This peaceful oil brings out a sense of calm and helps to quiet the mind. By clearing the mind of anxious thoughts or simply clutter, we can fine tune into the deepest parts of who we are. This helps us to live in alignment with our principles and aspects of our foundation. 
  • Blue Tansy. This one is a powerful aroma that helps to bring out inspiration and the committed response of tacking action. This helps to be more purposeful and responsible, which is such a beautiful aspect to a solid constitution. Blue tansy welcomes in a sense of freedom and sense of walking towards your deepest dreams and desires. 
  • Blue Chamomile.This sweet and delicate flower is commonly known as German chamomile and offers a beautiful blue hue to the oil. Like its counter part Roman Chamomile, this flower oil is the perfect choice for bringing out a peaceful and serene mental state. This brings out emotional harmony and illuminates the wisdom with your soul.
  • Spruce. This stable, grounded aroma brings out an enduring balanced outlook to life while also giving strength through your wisdom. When we soak in this aroma we are reminded of the rhythms and ancient wisdom the earth offers. 
  • Cassia. This bold oil which a friend of cinnamon is warm and earthy as it invites you to feel courageous, strong, self-assured and confident in your authentic self. This brings an embracing warmth to the confident and meaningful connections in our life. 
  • Petrified Wood Chips. It helps to create balance and offers a foundation from which to launch new goals or undertake a different path. This grounding stone helps to calm scattered energies and look closely at the essence of what guides our decisions.

These beautiful oils and solid gemstones will be a constant as your dive into the fall season of a slower pace, a calmer mind, and as you seek out the principles in which your life is sustained by. To learn more about the principles I have chosen for myself, check out this blog post.

You can purchase this blend here and it will soon arrive in your mailbox with lots of grounding love.

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Stress Less

Hormone imbalances can be caused by heavy loads of stress. Even though we feel like we can carry it all, it’s good to “let that sh!t go”.

It’s hard not to stress over things that are out of our control, to combat this we need to be proactive and not let the cortisol go into overdrive.

I love using these oils to support me when I have temporary feelings of overwhelm creeping up:

Frankincense – grounding
Copaiba – chill in a bottle
Serenity – sweet moments of calm
Balance – need I say more?
Wild Orange – sweet, citrus, tranquility
Northern Escape – forest in a bottle
Magnolia- peaceful florals

What oils do you gravitate towards when you are feeling overwhelmed? You can grab all of these in a bundle for great savings and access to my ongoing education and mentoring plus a personalized wellness plan. Check out this beautiful ebook also to see how versatile essential oils can be for your family. Just these listed can help support sleep, skin, aches and pains, mood and much more. The uses are endless!

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With over fourteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is a E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

Essential Oils & Hormones

This month, I’m diving into a topic that affects us all, and one I’m particularly acquainted with!

Hormones!! ??????? I had a complete hysterectomy at age 30 and learned in an instant just how important hormones are. Not having ovaries has been a huge challenge. I finally found some things that work!

The journey hasn’t always been easy… and that’s why I’m excited to share a whole months worth of education, tips, practices and products that will help you in your own journey with YOUR hormones!!

Did you know that humans possess 50 hormones? 50!

From adrenal health and blood sugar to fertility and thyroid function, hormones are the root of, well, everything!

•Hormones control or regulate many biological processes and are often produced in very low amounts within the body. •Hormones regulate our blood sugar. Thanks, Insulin!
•Growth and energy production (Growth Hormone and Thyroid Hormone)
Differentiation, growth, and reproduction hormones (Testosterone and Estrogen)

The Endocrine System is made up of all the hormones in the body. This system supports brain and nervous system development, reproduction, metabolism, and blood sugar.

I plan to break down what hormones do for our bodies (male and female) through our life cycle, how to keep them balanced and supported, and living a non-toxic lifestyle to keep the hormone disruptors at bay.

Stay tuned and follow me for a deeper understanding of how hormones influence so much of our life!

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Citrus Bliss Blend

Mmmm!!! This is one of my all time favorite essential oil blends and my easy diffuser “go-to”. I reach for Citrus Bliss in the mornings more than any other. I love to share this blend with my students because it is an instant smile generator.

When I share this one, I like to have people close their eyes and imagine being a little kid and hearing the sound of the ice cream truck and then as they inhale this blend, I ask them to think of something on the truck that it smells like and 99% of the time I get an excited “creamsicle!” answer.

Citrus Bliss is also known as the Invigorating Blend.

This blend expertly combines the powerful scents of Wild Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Bergamot, Tangerine, and Clementine with a hint of Vanilla Absolute. This unique and harmonious blend is uplifting and an instant mood changer. If you have a case of the grumps, this is a great choice.

While it smells like creamsicle…Citrus Bliss has incredibly potent yet natural cleansing properties. All those citrus oils in one bottle make for a great surface spray cleaner. Diffuse for an uplifting aroma that cleanses the air, or add it to a spray bottle of water to wipe down countertops and sinks.

Would you love to add this to your collection? To learn the basics of using oils, check out this awesome ebook, too!

Adaptiv Essential Blend

Feeling all the stress of life? Me too. I am grateful that I have some awesome tools to help me during stressful time, including aromatherapy. This blend in particular is one of my most used both in my home and in my work. How aromatherapy influences the brain and emotions is fascinating and truly remarkable. This blog post explains how.

Adaptiv essential oil blend is perfect for relaxing the mind and body. Use it for your most stressful moments – a big day at work, PTA meetings, potty training – or other big events! Adaptiv is perfect for studying to increase focus, and to calm any nerves. I love diffusing this one in the morning to get the mood around the house to be positive and hopeful.

Adaptiv offers a soothing and calming aroma. This blend is made up of:

  • Wild Orange-Invigorating & sweet
  • Lavender-Calming & soothing
  • Copaiba- Calm & steady
  • Spearmint-Relieving & uplifting
  • Magnolia-Opening & heavenly
  • Rosemary-Refreshing & clearing
  • Neroli-Rejuvenating & tranquil
  • Sweetgum-Floral & spicy

In clinical research done by doTERRA, participants repeatedly commented feelings of calm, content, positive, and happy. “Participants self-reported having lower levels of stress and anxious feelings…”

Adaptiv Essential Oil Blend is Known For:

  • Mood support
  • Complementing effective work and study
  • Increasing feelings of tranquility
  • Being soothing and uplifting
  • It’s calming and relaxing aroma

Need this blend in your life?

Citrus Essential Oils and Emotions

The capacity to link information and emotions is why essential oils are such a powerful partner in creating and maintaining emotional health. I love the brain and when I became a Certified Brain Injury Specialist, I learned so much science that validated what I was seeing with my yoga students who have brain injuries. These individuals cannot always easily express themselves. I saw quickly how their affect and attitude would change dramatically after smelling oils.

Curious as to why? Let’s get a little nerdy because you may be wondering how the Limbic System actually works. Well, let’s dive in!

As a person inhales an essential oil, the molecules of the oil go into the back of each nostril to the epithelium patch where the molecules attach to receptors on the cilia hairs. These convert to nerves that send the odor information to the olfactory bulb in the brain. This bulb communicates directly with the amygdala, hippocampus, and other brain structures.

Still with me? Good! Getting to the good stuff – promise!

The amygdala is the center for emotions in the limbic system and it links our sense of smell to our ability to learn emotionally.

This is EXACTLY why smells will trigger memories more than seeing an image, tasting food, or even listening to music!

Some of the most popular oils to start to anchor your emotional brain are citrus oils, as they provoke happy, uplifting, and supportive emotions in most people.

What is your favorite citrus oil to grab and inhale?

Want to learn the basics of essential oils? Download this free eBook! You’re welcome!