Over the course of the last fourteen years I have gone from being roughly 100 pounds heavier and oblivious of my health to obsessing on every calorie and every step.
And I mean every calorie and every step.
Both extremes were missing a huge and important aspect of health—joy and contentment.
When I was heavy I was so toxic in my mind, body and sprit that I spent my day just surviving. In that season of my life I was a really young mom, one kiddo with a significant and challenging disability, a marriage that was empty and I was consumed with giving to my family, not myself. I had no concept of balance.
When I was exercise and food obsessed I was equally toxic. I would log every crumb that passed my lips and I walked around my living room late at night countless times to reach my step goal. I overdid my body to the point of big time injuries and I completely lost joy in eating delicious foods and the nature around me while exercising.
Again, no joy, no contentment and no balance.
Now, I am free. I measure my happiness not by the size of my pants or the number on the scale. I measure it with the internal state of bliss I feel most days and by the purpose that I have discovered and the light that I share.
That is contentment and wellness of the mind, body and spirit.