Confident Speech Blend

Public speaking used to be terrifying for me. I would rush through my speech and miss connecting with the audience. I would often leave realizing that I forgot most of my important points because I was just wanting it to be over with. With practice, intention and the use of some pretty amazing tools, I have been able to build my public speaking skills to a place where I feel really confident.

This week I spoke at a brain injury support group on the topic of yoga, aromatherapy and their positive effects on a person (or caregiver) living with a traumatic brain injury. It went off fantastically and I delivered my passion perfectly.

Just prior to the talk, I applied some oils and set an intention that whatever needed to be said would be. And off I went.

My favorite blend for public speaking or ANY time that you need to speak confidently and in the space of truth is:

?cassia for Self Assurance

?spearmint for Confident Speech

?lavender for Communication

?bergamot for Self Acceptance

?wild orange for Abundance

Plus as a bonus I throw in some sodalite chips which is the perfect gemstone for the fifth chakra where we speak our truth and communicate effectively.

Plus, it smells amazing. To learn more about the basics of essential oils, check out this handy guide.

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