Stress Free Blend

Let’s face it, life can be hard at times. Between the demands of everyday living and the added pressures of tax season, health issues, and the climate of the world it is a wonder we aren’t all exploding at the seams.

I rarely get to worked up about things I cannot control but I still feel the pressure of my life at times. One of the tools that I have adopted in the last twelve years or so is using techniques like deep breathing and the use of aromatherapy. There is quite a bit of research on the efficacy of aromatherapy and the response in the brain’s area of coping and I can personally attest that breathing in something powerful can have a profound effect on my mood.

Did you know that your sense of smell is 10,000 times more responsive than any of your other senses? And that an aroma reaches your brain and stirs up emotions within just seconds of you breathing it in?

I see it professionally, too. Once I was passing oils around my group of adults with traumatic brain injuries and one young man stated that he could no longer smell. I told him that is okay because the brain remembers the aroma. This particular class I was passing around cedarwood essential oil which is a powerful tree aroma that is grounding and also provides a sense of connection and community to those who smell it. I like to use this one in group settings where people often feel disconnected. I passed the essential oil around and instructed them to take three breaths into their hands. After a few minutes had passed, the young man who stated he could no longer smell spoke loudly and said, “For some reason I am thinking about a job I had once had at a logging company where I shredded trees into mulch”. Boom. The brain knows.

I came up with this little combo during a time recently when I was feeling overly compacted with stress. I am typically not a huge fan of florals but something was calling me to them, so I listened. The added punch of citrus gives my nervous system such a calm, relaxed feeling. I did some digging and found some pretty awesome benefits to these oils.

Check it out:

Bergamot:  a citrus oil known as the Oil of Self-Acceptance. Bergamot is uplifting and brigtening in nature. Smelling the oil is an invitation to clear away constricting thoughts while welcoming self-acceptance and self-love. As the oil of self-acceptance, it is said to relieve feelings of self-judgement and low self-esteem. Bergamot Essential Oil inhalation improves positive feelings in the waiting room of a mental health treatment center. At a mental health treatment center in Utah, 57 participants were included for analysis. 15-minutes of exposure to Bergamot essential oil improved the exposed group’s feelings compared with control group, by 17%. I like this one because it is an earthy citrus oil.

Ylang Ylang: Ylang Ylang helps us connect to our heart and become balanced by releasing negative emotions and deep emotional sadness. It calms the heart and balances emotions during times of high stress, crisis, tension, or depression. As a reflection of Ylang Ylang’s ability to restore a healthy flow of positivity in the heart, the essential oil helps encourage a healthy circulatory system. It improves blood flow, fights inflammation, and assist with other heart problems. It is also an effective agent in controlling blood pressure. 

Lavender: Lavender essential oil has enormously powerful calming and relaxing properties which can help ease away all that stress, tension and worry. A study also found that people exposed to the scent of lavender experienced stress relief plus an energy boost. What’s more, once inhaled, it enters the bloodstream within seconds so gets to work immediately. I love to use lavender in my skin care products because of its naturally calming properties and helps me sleep sound.

Patchouli: Patchouli oil is commonly used in aromatherapy because of its depressant remedying properties. Because of the impact that inhaling patchouli oil has on our hormones, it encourages the release of serotonin and dopamine; these hormones ease feelings of anger, anxiety and anxiousness. Rich in the chemical component patchoulol, Patchouli essential oil is known to have a grounding and harmonizing effect on the emotions. Patchouli creates a calming and grounding environment when diffused or inhaled.

Wild Orange: Wild Orange is great for feelings of anxiousness or managing stress. It’s very uplifting and encouraging. So if you’re dealing with sadness, loss of hope, just going through a really dark time, this could be a great oil to help lift you through that. The reason that it’s good for all of these things is because it really stimulates our sense of abundance and possibility. As the oil of abundance, it opens a person’s mind and heart to the possibilities that surrounds them, and their ability to accept the goodness that life is offering. Wild Orange also reconnects us to our inner child and helps us be more spontaneous, fun, creative, playful in our lives as adults. It will lend support by uplifting and promoting a positive attitude while calming our spirit. I just love it so much.

Pretty amazing, eh? Not only do I smell amazing (and get random daily compliments), but my nervous system is calm and my mood is steady. Stress has nothing on me! I apply this one behind my ears, along my spine, under my nose and on my wrists. I have a blend in my car and in my kitchen so I am never without it. It has truly become my ‘signature scent’. It is cool since I wear it everyday, the association with this aroma and me is powerful. My grand babies know this aroma and will likely have formed a deep connection to this aroma that will last a lifetime. Aroma is in fact associated with out strongest sense of memories.

You can learn about how to use essential oils and the versatility of them here in this gorgeous ebook. You’ll see that these oils are so versatile you will soon be using them for sleep support, skin and hair support, and even household cleaning and relieving aches and pains!

If you want to grab this combo of essential oils, just pop over here and then when you do, I will add you to my exclusive education and mentoring group and send you an amazing welcome gift! Plus, you’ll have wholesale prices for a year, just like me! Don’t worry though, you don’t have a monthly purchase requirement or anything like that, just big savings!

Follow me for more goodness!

Stress Less

Hormone imbalances can be caused by heavy loads of stress. Even though we feel like we can carry it all, it’s good to “let that sh!t go”.

It’s hard not to stress over things that are out of our control, to combat this we need to be proactive and not let the cortisol go into overdrive.

I love using these oils to support me when I have temporary feelings of overwhelm creeping up:

Frankincense – grounding
Copaiba – chill in a bottle
Serenity – sweet moments of calm
Balance – need I say more?
Wild Orange – sweet, citrus, tranquility
Northern Escape – forest in a bottle
Magnolia- peaceful florals

What oils do you gravitate towards when you are feeling overwhelmed? You can grab all of these in a bundle for great savings and access to my ongoing education and mentoring plus a personalized wellness plan. Check out this beautiful ebook also to see how versatile essential oils can be for your family. Just these listed can help support sleep, skin, aches and pains, mood and much more. The uses are endless!

Follow me for more goodness.

With over fourteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is a E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor. Stacie is also certified in Integrative Movement Therapy™and is also a believer in the power and application of essential oils for health and wellness and proudly shares doTERRA essential oils.

Photosensitive Essential Oils

When I first started using essential oils I had no idea that some oils could cause a burn. Crazy, right?

As we head into warmer months and more outside time, remember that some oils are photosensitive and cause a reaction that is uncomfortable when combined with sunlight.

Be mindful when applying the following if you plan to be in the sun. You can still use them, just apply on the feet or a covered area or take internally (I only ingest pure, certified therapeutic grade oils that I am positive have been tested).

Check out this gorgeous ebook for the basics and be sure to drop me a message if you’re not sure which oils are safe  I’m happy to help.


Calming Essential Oils

Among the countless benefits of essential oils, one of their most appealing attributes is that they can be used to create a calming atmosphere and promote feelings of peace and harmony. And who doesn’t need some feelings of peace and harmony?

I am a huge believer and supporter of aromatic use for emotional and mood management benefits. During stressful times, I turn to some of my favorite calming essential oils.

Keep reading to discover some of the most calming essential oils and how to use them.


Lavender oil is known as one of the most calming essential oils because it has significant calming and relaxing properties when used aromatically, topically, and internally. The calming nature of Lavender essential oil makes it useful for easing feelings of tension and can help to promote soothing, positive feelings.


An incredibly unique essential oil, Bergamot is known to have both calming and uplifting properties. When stress levels or tensions are high, Bergamot oil provides a wonderful way to promote a calming atmosphere, while simultaneously encouraging uplifting feelings. With its light, citrusy aroma, Bergamot oil is an extremely useful calming essential oil, especially when it comes to dispelling feelings of stress and uplifting mood.

Clary Sage

The chemical profile of Clary Sage oil makes it one of the most relaxing, soothing, and balancing essential oils—something that people knew even long ago. In the Middle Ages, the Clary Sage plant was used for several purposes because of its soothing properties. Today, Clary Sage essential oil can be highly useful for promoting feelings of relaxation and calm.

Roman Chamomile

Not only is Roman Chamomile oil known to have calming effects on the skin, mind, and body, but it has a sweet, floral aroma as well. In ancient times, the Romans used chamomile oil to promote calming feelings of courage before going off to war. Thankfully, these same calming properties can still be useful today.

Ylang Ylang

Derived from yellow, star-shaped flowers found on the tropical Ylang Ylang tree, Ylang Ylang oil has several impressive qualities—including its ability to uplift the mood while also having a calming effect. The sweet and spicy floral aroma of Ylang Ylang oil has been known to lessen feelings of stress and tension, while simultaneously promoting a positive outlook.


The fresh, floral aroma of Petitgrain oil is not only inviting and comforting, but the oil also provides calming and relaxing benefits that can help to ease feelings of stress. In addition to calming feelings of stress and tension, Petitgrain oil can also be useful at bedtime when you want to create a serene environment for restful sleep.


Vetiver oil is known for its grounding, calming effect on the emotions, and for its calming nature. The rich, exotic aroma of Vetiver is quite unique, however, it has the ability to promote grounded, calm feelings after a busy or frazzled day. Whether you are trying to create a calm atmosphere at home for your family, or need to feel grounded again after an emotional day, Vetiver can be very useful for promoting the type of calm feelings you desire.

Stress Reduction

Do you ever feel like there’s just too much on your plate, or not enough hours in the day? If you rush through your day, it can be bad for your health. Medical experts say that more than 75 percent of diseases and disorders are related to stress. If you can learn to turn your stress level down a notch, your body will thank you. The people around you might thank you as well.


If you can learn to quiet your mind, it helps recharge your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Otherwise, we are constantly reacting instead of reflecting. “This can hinder our ability to make well thought out decisions. The brain is limited in its capacity to handle multitasking, and modern day technology presents challenges the brain has never faced before,” said Dr. Fatima Ali, a psychiatrist with Linden Oaks at Edward and DuPage Mental Health Services.


If stress has you anxious, tense, and worried, consider trying meditation. Meditation is a state of increased awareness of the present moment. It can create a sense of calm, peace, and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health. If you carry yourself more calmly through your day, meditation can even improve certain medical conditions.


It’s good to learn from the past and plan for the future. But often we use this to avoid dealing with our present situation in life, which might be overwhelming us. If we never learn to find space in the present, Dr. Ali says we feel constantly overwhelmed, anxious, and feel a sense of being out of control. “This can lead to depression, fatigue, physical symptoms like headaches, backache, insomnia and an inability to enjoy life,” said Dr. Ali.


Learn how to breathe properly and you can reduce mental tension, help to focus your mind, and increase your body’s energy levels by properly oxygenating the blood. Misty Soderholm, owner of SoderWorld Healing Arts Center & Spa in Willowbrook, says proper breathing calms and strengthens the mind, and creates a feeling of inner peace and self-control. If you breathe incorrectly for three minutes, that can lower the amount of oxygen to your brain and heart by 30 percent to 40 percent. This can lead to an increased risk for headaches, high blood pressure, asthma, and chronic fatigue. Soderholm says breathing life into every cell in the body, and letting go of anything that no longer serves you, is an efficient way to create a sacred space for yourself. She calls proper breathing “belly breathing”. “True, full, belly breathing is like imagining your belly like a balloon, and as you inhale, you are filling up that balloon. As you exhale, that balloon is deflating. This allows the lungs to expand to full capacity and bring more oxygen in. If you want to see proper breathing, watch a baby when they are sleeping,” said Soderholm.


At first, try scheduling several five-minute quiet moments spread throughout your day. “You will start to handle situations differently. Things won’t bother you as much as they did before, and you start to listen to your body’s signs and your inner voice,” said Soderholm.


  • Focus on your breath or a candle flame for five minutes
  • Take a walk in nature and be aware of the beauty around you
  • Take an hour bike ride that feels like five minutes
  • Pray at bedtime
  • Attend a church service
  • Listen to music that evokes a particular emotion for you
  • Take a yoga class
  • Enjoy a silent meal with pure gratitude for its nourishment and flavor

My favorite oil during my times of quiet is sandalwood.