Spring Equinox

The spring equinox, also known as the vernal equinox, marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It occurs around March 20th or 21st each year when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is neither inclined away from nor towards the Sun, resulting in roughly equal lengths of day and night. This astronomical event signals the transition from shorter winter days to longer daylight hours as the Sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north.

During the spring equinox, both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres experience roughly equal amounts of daylight and darkness, with the Sun rising due east and setting due west. Culturally, the spring equinox has been celebrated in various ways across different societies, often symbolizing renewal, rebirth, and the start of agricultural activities.

I love to create some fun rituals of my own, or at least make a few changes to the everyday during this time of the year. A few of my favorite ways to celebrate the spring equinox include the following.

Spring Equinox Ideas:

  • Plant a garden. If space is limited you could easily use a few pots to still create the idea of growth and sustainability in small ways. Tomatoes and herbs are great small space harvests and are fairly easy to grow. If you have a larger garden space you can try growing some new vegetables to broaden your repertoire and bring new ideas into your culinary routine. I planted a variety of radishes this year to try pickling them!
  • Change up your Yoga practice. Move into standing poses such as Warrior I, Warrior II, and Triangle Pose. These poses help to build strength, stability, and connection to the earth while also opening up the body. Heart Openers like Camel Pose, Bridge Pose, or Wheel Pose invite openness and expansion into your practice. As you open your heart, visualize yourself welcoming new opportunities and possibilities. Balancing Poses such as Tree Pose, Eagle Pose, or Dancer Pose to cultivate stability and equilibrium. Focus on finding balance both physically and mentally, reflecting the balance of day and night during the equinox.
  • Use essential oils. For the spring equinox, you might want to consider using essential oils that evoke feelings of renewal, freshness, and balance. Here are some essential oils that can be great for celebrating the spring equinox: Lavender is calming and soothing, making it perfect for promoting relaxation and balance during the equinox transition. Lemon essential oil is refreshing and uplifting. Its citrus scent can help to energize and invigorate your space, symbolizing the fresh start of spring. Peppermint is known for its invigorating and cooling properties. It can help to awaken the senses and promote clarity of mind as you embrace the new season. Geranium essential oil is often associated with balance and harmony. Its floral aroma can help to create a sense of stability and equilibrium during the equinox.
  • Create a spiritual ritual. Engaging in spiritual practices or rituals during this time can deepen one’s spiritual connection or provide a sense of inner peace and harmony. For some individuals, the spring equinox holds spiritual significance as a time of balance between light and darkness, and as a symbol of spiritual awakening or enlightenment. Write down any negative thoughts, habits, or emotions that you wish to release with the passing of winter. Visualize these things leaving your life as you write them down.After writing, safely burn the paper (using a fireproof container) as a symbol of releasing these burdens. Or, light a candle or some incense to signify the beginning of your ritual. Then, say a prayer or invocation to invite in the energies of spring and any deities or spirits you wish to work with.

The spring equinox marks the beginning of spring, a season associated with new life, growth, and rejuvenation. Celebrating this event can serve as a symbolic reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the opportunity for personal renewal and growth. Observing the spring equinox can foster a deeper connection to the natural world. As daylight hours increase and temperatures rise, many people feel a renewed sense of vitality and appreciation for the beauty of the environment. The changing of seasons often prompts introspection and reflection. Celebrating the spring equinox can be an opportunity to reflect on personal goals, aspirations, and intentions for the coming months, much like the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions. And finally, as spring brings new life and abundance, celebrating the equinox can be an expression of gratitude for the gifts of the natural world and a celebration of life’s abundance and beauty.

March Inspiration

Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment.

-John O’Donahue

March is such a beautiful time to be inspired by the ever changing beauty of Nature. Be still long enough and you might discover some possible changes in yourself as well.

Behold my friends, the spring has come; the Earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of this love. —Sitting Bull

Dear Friends,

Ahhhh….Can you believe that spring is just around the corner? Soon we will push our clocks forward and the longer days will be upon on us. I can’t wait! I love a good snowy day, but to see the beginnings of green growth popping out is so exciting to me! Colorado has seen such a mild winter that I am amazed my lawn still has remnants of green grass and likely will just get greener by the day!

Most of you know I had hip replacement surgery last month and had some unexpected hiccups along the way. Thankfully, I am slowly on the mend and expect to only get better with each passing week. One thing I have learned in just three short weeks is that having a major upheaval like this certainly assists you in evaluating your day-to-day life and how some necessary changes may be beneficial in living a more balanced life. The month of March has historically been a month in my life that major life changes occur and I am very open to seeing what sort of new growth is seeking to emerge under all the accumulation of winter and this challenging healing process.

I love spring and the symbolism it represents to me. It is during the springtime that we often think of beginnings, newness, and growth. This is a great time to begin to cultivate your “soil” so that soon you can plant seeds of intention. One way to do this is to write down anything in your life you wish to increase—friendships, health, abundance or joy, peace, etc. Be clear about your visions, review your intentions often, and dream big!

While you are preparing yourself for a season of growth, this is also a time to eliminate the old stuff of the past season that is leftover and no longer serving you–things like thoughts of limitation, fears, doubts and old experiences. That kind of clutter can easily invade your precious garden of growth. I like to think of it much like my actual garden bed in my backyard where last years leaves, twigs, trash and growth clutter and cover the soil. If I want to give the new growth any chance to break through, I better take the time to clear away the old stuff.

Pay close attention this month as you will begin to see daily changes around you. Small changes are happening every single day and if we are awake we will notice them. As we connect with Nature we also connect with ourselves. We realize that we too are ever-changing and growing beings. We can set the seeds of intention and begin to nurture and cultivate what we wish to have growing in our lives. It here we are reminded of the union that Life offers.

Be sure to check out my upcoming March classes around these topics.. Also, I am offering lots of virtual classes as I continue to heal from surgery and so that the people requesting to join can do so from wherever they are. Be sure to also check out (and subscribe to) my YouTube channel as new stuff is being put there quite often. I am also offering two 45 minute virtual chair yoga classes later in the month.

I would love to share space with you as we welcome in a new season.

Happy Spring!

In gratitude,


YouTube Channel



Monday Evening Gentle Yoga at 5:15pm has a couple openings as a few regulars have had to change their schedule. This popular day and time fills fast so please be sure to reach out to reserve your spot. This evening class varies in style from gentle flow, to Yin, to restorative. The always changing format is sure to keep you on your toes and ready for whatever life throws at you!

Cost is $20

Friday Morning Tea & Yoga at 10:00am. A warm cup of tea not only helps with an essential part of your wellness journey on its own, but it is the perfect way to enhance your yoga experience! By starting class at 10am, you’ll still have time for your morning walk or to get a jump on work before heading over to the studio. Yoga will be a gentle 45 minute class, followed by time for a cup of tea and conversation. Drinking a cup of tea helps with this transition because yoga makes you feel centered and relaxed, and it can feel harsh immediately reentering the hustle and bustle of life and daily routine. Join me!

Cost: $20

* reminder that sometimes the studio closes due to inclement weather so be sure to communicate with me what days you’ll be attending so that you are on the text list for cancellations if needed.

Be sure to watch my website or follow my business page on Facebook for the latest.


Did you know that there is some amazing benefits to chair yoga? And if you think that it is just for an older population, you are mistaken. There is actually a totally difference sensation and experience when practicing in a chair. Donations are appreciated.

Saturday March 23rd at 1030am *will also be recorded

Monday March 30th at 1030am. *will also be recorded

Email Me for Access


Are you wanting to have access to a yoga or pilates practice at home that fits into your busy schedule? I offer chair yoga, sensation and intuition based guided gentle yoga, pilates and meditation without having to log in to a specific class time. All of my classes are offered at a donation. You can find ALL of my videos on my website! If you are struggling with developing a home practice, let’s talk. I would love to help you find a way to love practicing at home.


This month’s online class on Alignment and includes the self-application of a variety of therapeutic grade pure essential oils throughout the practice. Please reach out to me if you need samples to fully enjoy this class. Donations are appreciated.

Essential Yoga–Alignment

Wellness Education


Self-paced Study includes an informative digital ebook and yoga practice. This beautiful second energy center governs our creativity, sensuality, sexuality, flow and movement. This chakra is all about going with the flow and fostering creativity–the perfect focus for springtime!. If you are feeling stuck, lacking creativity and need support flowing through life, this class is for you! Cost includes access to the online yoga class and discussion, a custom essential oil blend for the sacral chakra with gemstones, and a gemstone. All from the coziness of your own home. Once you register, you will receive an email from me to receive your goodies.

Cost: $25, includes a sacral chakra blend

Register for Exploring the Sacral Chakra


This self paced three part virtual series that will walk you through what yoga is and isn’t, different styles of yoga and how to live yoga. If you have you been wanting to learn about, or better understand, the aspects of yoga and how you can live yoga off the mat, this three week series will explore the practice of yoga and its eight limbs, as well as guide you through gentle and nurturing yoga practices to bring a sense of wholeness to the mind, body and spirit. This series also includes my carefully curated and wildly popular essential oil blend, called Foundation (valued at $25).

?Cost: $97

Email Me for Access

Essential Oils & Wellness


Are you looking for a way to jump start your health? Have you ever wanted to know some of my tips and tricks to living a positive life, losing weight, improving sleep and managing stress? How about a free wellness consultation to talk about your goals? Schedule yours today and let’s create a wellness plan! I offer FREE wellness consultations to talk about your goals and desire for a healthier, mind, body and spirit.

Schedule your FREE Wellness Consult


I am inspired to create and share with you some mindfully themed blends each month that I spend time thoughtfully crafting. This month’s blend is called OPTIMISM and is a delightful bright optimistic blend. This blend includes Tangerine, Bergamot, Joyful blend, Siberian Fir, Green Mandarin, Invigorating blend, Helichrysum Flower and Natural Citrine.

Purchase OPTIMISM Blend


Not sure where to start? How about with a free essential oil sample? I love sharing with others and finding tools that are personal to YOU. Just fill out this form and I will be in touch!

Request a Free Essential Oil Sample

Recipes & DIY

Spring Cleaning is here! I LOVE to clean windows (I get that craziness from my mom)! And these little cleaning tablets are my go to for sinks, tubs, and toilets! And finally the MUST have all purpose cleaner every house needs!

DIY Glass Cleaner

DIY Cleaning Tablets

Cleaning Concentrate


Do you know someone that could benefit from my services? Check out this awesome referral program!

Referral Program

Lessons from a Flower

Flowers represent everything beautiful about springtime – and they also make pretty good teachers on how to live fully in any season. Here are ten inspiring thoughts from the mind of a daffodil, tulip, rose, or whichever bud you prefer!

1. Follow the sunlight. Do what makes you feel happy and warm.

2. Take your time. Bloom when you’re ready, no need to rush.

3. Be yourself. Wherever you are, bring your own spring with you.

4. Make friends. Surround yourself with those who care and support.

5. Smile bright. Spread your colors into the world.

6. Stand tall. Be proud of everything you do and achieve.

7. Stay grounded. Keep yourself connected – water your roots often.

8. Have faith. Know that the sun always emerges from the clouds.

9. Don’t mind bees. Even the bees are your friends. Do your thing, and let busybodies play their part.

10. Feel the rain. Open your pores and drink in every season.

Thank You

So many of you have been so supportive of me during this unusual time in our lives. I am so blessed that I can continue to share my passion and touch your life. It means a lot to me that you know that you are very important to me, and I am incredibly grateful that our paths have crossed. I believe that now more than ever, we need to recognize the people and meaningful connections that we all have.

As always, it is my hope that you stay healthy and happy in your mind, body and spirit.

Much love and light to you!

xo, Stacie


Embracing Wisdom Wellness Group

Embracing Spirit Yoga


Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. – Helen Keller

About Stacie

Stacie believes that it is her life purpose to share the gift of Yoga with anyone who is willing to say yes. In addition to raising a family and being an advocate for those with disabilities, Stacie is founder of Embracing Spirit Yoga which specializes in bringing adaptive Yoga into community centers and rehabilitation clinics. Bringing her depth of compassion to the mat–or the chair–she offers students the opportunity to grow as an individual in all aspects of their life.

With over sixteen years experience, Stacie Wyatt is an E-500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified Trauma Informed Coach, Life Wellness Coach, Senior YogaFit Instructor, Mind/Body Personal trainer, Stress Reduction and Meditation Instructor, Pilates Instructor, and Barre Instructor.

Scattering Seeds

As I walk each day, I am happy to be reminded that nature calls us to be awake and aware. The first signs of green are starting to pop up and I believe it teaches us about resiliency and the rhythms of nature. It is such a great season to notice Life. My knee surgery has been much harder than I anticipated and it has been a true test of my patience and resiliency, but I find great hope when I see tiny shoots of green or the beginning of a tree’s bud.

As we enter into April next week, despite what is going on around us, we can be reminded of the cycles of life that exist in all forms. This is a beautiful time to look to nature for the lessons and to welcome your own time of growth.

Springtime is a great time to scatter seeds within yourself to create the beautiful blossoms in your life that you desire.

Take time to notice the changes around you as you see the trees begin to bud, the crocus flowers pop open and the bright yellow daffodils smile at you. Simply noticing and then cultivating growth within yourself will do wonders for your spirit as you blossom this season.

If we look at seeds as a symbol for our growth we can see that some great ideas for personal growth include increasing tolerance, having patience, loving yourself more, laughing daily, or slowing down to enjoy life. How about planting some of those seeds in your heart?

Once you set your intention and scatter your seeds, it is time to nurture these powerful thoughts and water them with love and tenderness. Keeping weeds away through positive thoughts and affirmations are a sure way to have a great harvest in the coming months.

What seeds will you scatter this season?

I am planning to plant more seeds of kindness to all beings this year. Spreading kindness is something I feel the world needs more of. One of my favorite acts of kindness is to give packets of wildflower seeds to random people. The smile that comes on their face when give you something so simple as a packet of potential beauty brings me so much happiness.

One of my biggest seeds I ever grew was the vision I had for my business. I knew my seed had to have the intention of service at its heart. I have been teaching yoga for over sixteen years in my community and way back in April of 2011, I decided to create the vision that has become known as Embracing Spirit Yoga. I am so blessed to share Yoga with people of ALL abilities in the community and in my studio. I am beyond grateful for those who have supported and loved me all these years. Like all strong plants, the seeds naturally sow themselves year after year and my business is thriving.

It truly does all start with a vision. A seed. Then with mindful attention to the seed, or vision, in time it will indeed grow into something amazing. Sure, there have been seasons where things needed to be replanted and readjusted, but in time it all grew into something that I am so proud of.

Now is the time to gather up your seeds and be ready to scatter them.

Follow me for more goodness!

Lemon Essential Oil Uses

Spring Cleaning is here! I love this month to de-clutter and deep clean.

If you’ve been feeling the itch to get some spring cleaning done, you may notice some areas of your home have been neglected for far too long.

Luckily, doTERRA Lemon oil ?can help make cleaning those long-forgotten nooks and crannies easier. Here are 10 ways you can use Lemon to clean your home.

?1. Microwave—Microwaves are notorious for being tough to clean, especially after mishaps involving spaghetti sauce or tomato soup. To ease the pain of cleaning, simply microwave a cup filled with water and a few drops of Lemon, then wipe clean!

?2. Dishwasher—Pour distilled vinegar into a dish and add 5–10 drops of Lemon oil. Place this dish in your empty dishwasher and run on high.

?3. Stove Top—Lemon oil makes cleaning one of the dirtiest areas of the kitchen easy. Add vinegar and Lemon to a spray bottle, and watch the grime disappear!

?4. Appliances—From dust to greasy food spills, appliances collect more dirt than you might think. A simple solution of Lemon oil, water, and vinegar will help you clean toasters, refrigerators, mixers, and more.

?5. Garbage disposal—If you’ve been smelling something funky coming from your sink, it might be time to clean the garbage disposal. A simple DIY disposal recipes listed below.

?6. Ceiling Fan—Fan blades collect dust at turbo speeds and cling to them for as long as you let them. To avoid choking on dust bunnies while cleaning your ceiling fans, spray the inside of an old pillow case with a Lemon/water mixture and loop the fabric around each blade.

? 7. Washing Machine—Run a mixture of Lemon oil, baking soda, vinegar, and water through your empty machine on the hottest setting to break up dirt build-up and mildew. Scrub any excess with a sponge, then run the machine again with fresh water.

?8. Trash Cans—Regularly cleaning out trash cans can eliminate odor. For indoor trash cans, spray the inside and outside of each can with a mixture of water, Lemon oil, and vinegar, then scrub with a sponge.

?9. Windows and Windowsills—The same mixture of Lemon oil, water, and vinegar in a spray bottle that you’ve been using all around the house will do wonders for your windows and windowsills. Simply spray glass and wipe with a clean cloth or paper towel, then move onto ledges and sills with a toothbrush or damp sponge.

?10. Air Vents—One of the most overlooked areas to keep clean in your home is the air you breathe! Clean vents with a sponge dipped in warm water, vinegar and Lemon oil to help eliminate allergens and dust from filling the air around you.

?Lemon oil acts as a powerful cleaning agent and the possibilities are truly endless! Share this post and let us know how you like to clean with Lemon oil.

Garbage Disposal Refreshers

With everything that goes into the disposal, odds are that odors could be accumulating in there. Try this simple DIY recipe to make your own garbage disposal refreshers that will help freshen, clean, and deodorize your garbage disposal.


2 cups baking soda
1 cup salt
½ cup water
? cup unscented liquid castile soap
30 drops lemon essential oil

Note: Liquid castile soap is a vegetable-based soap commonly found in health food stores.


  1. Combine baking soda and salt into bowl.
  2. Add castile soap and essential oil into mixture.
  3. Add water, one tablespoon at a time, while stirring with hands until it forms into the consistency of “damp sand”. It should stay together when you press it together. If you add too much water just add some more baking soda and salt until the consistency is right.
  4. Grab a tablespoon measurement device and scoop packed spoonfuls onto parchment paper.
  5. Once the mixture has been scooped, let dry for 24 hours or until they are hard. One batch should make about 36 garbage disposal refreshers.
  6. Put into glass jar and use the next time you do dishes. Just put 1–3 refreshers into the garbage disposal and turn it on. You will immediately smell the refreshing scent of Lemon essential oil.

So easy, eh? I store mine in a cute jar…these also make great toilet bowl cleaning tabs! So versatile!

Follow me for more goodness!

Floral Essential Oils

I have never been a huge floral essential oil fan. Somehow the essential oils in this category are growing on me more and more. It is interesting that the primary benefit of all floral essential oils are calming and soothing, so maybe that explains it.

Florals are calming for skin, joints and mood. Sounds like a perfect solution for many things, right?

Clary Sage, GeraniumHelichrysumLavenderRoman Chamomile, and Ylang Ylang are all considered some of the doTERRA floral oils. Frequently used in perfumes, these oils come from the flower of their plant of origin, whether it be an herb or tree. This is with the exception of Geranium that comes from the flower as well as the rest of the plant.

About Floral Essential Oils

The common properties that the floral oils share include emotional benefits as well as benefits to the skin and hair. Lavender, Ylang Ylang, and Clary Sage have calming properties when you need stress-relief. To smooth or improve the appearance of skin, all you need is Geranium, Helichrysum, or Roman Chamomile. Clary Sage, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, or Ylang Ylang can all be added shampoo or conditioner (or massaged directly onto your scalp) to give your hair and scalp a healthy appearance.

A few of the best floral essential oils:

Clary Sage

  • During your menstrual cycle, apply two to four drops to abdomen for a soothing abdominal massage
  • Apply one to two drops to the bottom of your feet or on pulse points to take advantage of the powerfully soothing aroma
  • Apply one to two drops to your pillow for a restful night’s sleep


  • Combine with Fractionated Coconut Oil to give your partner a sensual massage
  • Apply under your arms after a sweaty workout or a day in the sun
  • Place one drop in the palm of your hands, rub hands together, and cup over nose and mouth and breathe slowly for a grounding effect
  • Add to your next DIY potpourri
  • Put a few drops on a cotton ball and place around your home to naturally repel insects


  • Apply topically to reduce the appearance of blemishes
  • Apply to the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and to promote a glowing, youthful complexion
  • Use Helichrysum in conjunction with a full body massage to promote vitality and energy
  • Massage into the temples and back of neck for a soothing sensation
  • Take two drops in a veggie capsule, as it may help promote a healthy metabolism*


  • Use directly on skin to soothe the occasional skin irritation, or to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections
  • Take in water or a veggie capsule to reduce anxious feelings and help ease feelings of tension
  • Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet for a restful night’s sleep
  • Refresh your mattress, car, or even the air with a light mist of a few drops Lavender combined with water in a spray bottle
  • Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts
  • Take one to two drops internally in a veggie capsule for a peaceful sleep

Roman Chamomile

  • Take one to two drops in water to soothe the systems of the body
  • Has a calming effect on the mind and body when taken internally
  • Taking one to two drops in a veggie capsule may help to support healthy immune system function
  • Set the stage for sleep by diffusing one to two drops, or apply to the bottom of your feet at bedtime
  • Diffuse to soothe away feelings of anger and irritability
  • Apply to wrists and neck for a peaceful evening at home
  • Apply to chest over heart for feelings of well-being

Ylang Ylang

  • Add to doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil for a deep hair conditioner and beat the damaging summer heat
  • Diffuse two to four drops to promote a positive outlook
  • Take one to two drops internally for antioxidant support
  • Create relaxing atmosphere by adding it to an Epsom salt bath to help you unwind

How to get floral essential oils in your home

If you are curious how to use essential oils and need to basics, check out this gorgeous ebook and then reach out to me for some guidance and samples.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Spring Symbolism

Ahhhh….Can you believe that spring is just around the corner? Soon we will push our clocks forward and the longer days will be upon on us. I can’t wait! I love a good snowy day, but to see the beginnings of green growth popping out is so exciting to me! Last year I had a wonderful garden and look forward to an even better one this year. Something so wonderful about growing your own veggies. My backyard is already chirping with birds and it seems so alive already.

I love spring and the symbolism it represents.

It is during the springtime that we often think of beginnings, newness, and growth. I can recall at least four times in my life that major changes occurred in March. This is a great time to begin to cultivate your “soil” so that soon you can plant seeds of intention. One way to do this is to write down anything in your life you wish to increase—friendships, health, abundance or joy, peace, etc. Be clear about your visions, review your intentions often, and dream big!

While you are preparing yourself for a season of growth, this is also a time to eliminate the old stuff of the past season that is leftover–things like thoughts of limitation, fears or doubts. That kind of clutter can easily invade your precious garden of growth. I like to think of it much like my actual garden bed in my backyard where last years leaves, twigs, trash and growth clutter and cover the soil. If I want to give the new growth any chance to break through, I better take the time to clear away the old stuff. This blog post explains it so well.

The subtle changes in nature

Another great practice that brings us into the now is to become aware of the subtle changes in Nature during this time of the year. You might see the peeking of crocus bulbs emerging from the hardened winter ground. Watch as the trees begin to grow tiny nubs that will soon break into full leaves. Listen as the birds start to make a song in the early mornings and the air has a scent of newness. Use all of your senses to experience what is happening around you.

As we connect with Nature we also connect with ourselves. We realize that we too are ever-changing and growing beings. We can set the seeds of intention and begin to nurture and cultivate what we wish to have growing in our lives. It here we are reminded of the union that Life offers.

Essential Yoga–Energy of Spring

Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.

Spring is such a fantastic time to renew and rejuvenate our bodies. We can also look at our mind and clear out some of the thoughts we have that are getting in the way of our potential.

In this class we will use Yoga and intentionally applied essential oils to start that process. If you need essential oils samples to work with this class, please reach out to me.

For this online workshop you will need:

  • Quiet space to practice
  • A yoga mat or towel, block or pillow
  • Water in a glass or stainless bottle
  • Soft, comforting meditation type music (optional)
  • Essential Oils
  • Bare (feet)
  • Empty (belly)
  • Open (heart)

Essential Oils


PHYSICAL (PEPPERMINT): Supports healthy respiratory function –chosen to help us breathe freely to open up to let go–exhale what doesn’t serve us. Assists in lowering body temperature temporarily. Alleviates occasional stomach upset –relieves occasional gas and colic, relieves occasional acid indigestion. Freshens breath. Stimulating to the mind –wakes us up –makes us more aware.

EMOTIONAL: The Oil of the Buoyant Heart lifts our spirits and soul –gives us a break. Helps us feel free to move on and avoid get entangled in our difficulties. Energizing aroma allows us to see a bigger picture –increase our vision and tolerance for things that aren’t to our liking and make other choices. Helps us “stomach” any concerns. Used in our ENERGY theme today to encourage us to let go and move on with awareness and to help us make new choices and move on with renewed energy and awareness.


PHYSICAL: Included in our workshop, and taken internally as a gentle, internal cleanser for the body–delicious flavor in water and for antioxidant support. Supports a healthy immune function. Known to liftmood and relieve anxious feelingswith its stimulating aroma. Supports the healthy function of the lymphatic system –our system to remove excess water, proteins and toxins from the body. Supports a healthy respiratory system when diffused.

EMOTIONAL: The Oil of Zest for Life. Helps elevate those who are discouraged or grieving. Cleanses the heart of emotional toxins that have been repressed and stored.Dispels apathy and resignation, instilling hope, joy, courage and determination in the face of life’s challenges. Especially beneficial to those who are overly developed intellectually but need to further develop themselves emotionally. Encourages a balance between the heart and mind. Used in today’s workshop to lighten our mental load, release toxic thinking and physical concerns so we can move ahead, lighter, this spring.


PHYSICAL: Relaxing to the body and mind, cedarwood is a calming oil. Dissipates anxious feelings. Letting go of “tightness” in the body to allow it to open to flow. Supports a healthy respiratory function to take in a deep breath. Promotes healthy, clear skin by supporting a balanced inflammatory response while soothing imperfections. (use caution with pregnancy)

EMOTIONAL: The Oil of Community. Helps us see we are not alone and that we have support. Good for those who tend to ignore potential help and become overly self-reliant. Brings people together to experience the value of community–bonds together families, friends, community. Inspires feeling of belonging –allowing us to both give & receive LOVE. Allows us to experience the joy of relationships. Used in today’s workshop to clean out stale thought patterns our bodies may be holding and relax so we can open up to new insights and connections of support in our world.


PHYSICAL: Supports a healthy respiratory function to take in a deep breath. Known as the Herb or Oil of “Remembrance” Helps us let go of mental fatigue so we can improve our recall and memory. Uplifting and exhilarating to awaken our minds to the spring season–especially if feeling a bit “foggy.” Energizes the heart and encourages blood flow in the body and to the brain. Helps us to open our conscious mind to take in our practice today.

EMOTIONAL: TheOil of Knowledge and Transition. Encourages us to look deeper within and excavate our true knowledge to discover our own answers. Supports a healthy ego –one that values itself and its purpose in this world. Helps us know we CAN learn new information and experiences and that although we may not see it yet –there is a grand plan for us, our destiny! Boosts our confidence and morale to have faith in our own potential. Used in today’s workshop to further clean out mental & emotional sluggishness on a deep level, opening our conscious mind to new thinking and optimism for our future


PHYSICAL: The ultimate “balancing”oil that assist our body, mind & spirit to be well and healthy. (A little bit goes a long way aromatically. ) Assists with blood flow and circulation–a gentle oil used to calm nerves and lessen anxious feelings. Effective to use in supporting a healthy balance of skin sebum —balancing oily or drier skin and scalp. Supports a healthy circulatory system in the body –allowing the body to release and contract, release and contract in an effective way.

EMOTIONAL: The Oil of Love and Trust. Helps us restore our confidence in the goodness that surrounds us and in our world, to reestablish trust when trust has been broken by others. Reopens the heart –softening anger and helping heal emotional wounds. Instills unconditional love and trust with those who are stuck in the mind so they can begin focusing on their heart. Used in today’s workshop to help balance the life force within us, guiding us to release any anger or resentment or emotional wounds to encourage feelings of love and trust.


PHYSICAL–Wild orange is a powerful cleanser and purifying agent for surfaces and for our bodies. Protects against seasonal and environmental threats –as it is high in antioxidants and supportive to the immune system. Uplifting aroma lifts the mind and body. Taken internally or applied topically, this oil can provide relief from occasional digestive discomfort.

EMOTIONAL— The Oil of Abundance. Helps reduces anxious feelings, and calm emotions. Inspires creativity, a positive mood and brings joy & peace, happiness and FUN into your day. Encourages creative thinking and fearlessness. Used in today’s workshop to both begin and end our practice by cleansing and releasing anything that no longer serves us, and opening us up to receive courage, creativity and peace. This oil encourages knowledge that the world is an abundant place that welcome us and the renewed energy we offer.

Purchase Essential Oils here.

Preparing Our Soil

I think of early March as a time to prepare for growth. To toil the ground and prepare ourselves for deep growth.  I also love spring and the symbolism it represents.  It is during the spring time that we often think of beginnings, newness, and growth.  For some, this is a great time to begin to cultivate your “soil” to soon plant seeds of intention. One way to do this is to write down anything in your life you wish to increase–friendships, health, abundance or joy, are just a few ideas.  Be clear with your visions as this brings life to your “seeds”.

Next, it is so important to prepare your inner “soil” by eliminating and removing the old and now transpired blossoms of last year.  The memories of past that have come and go and no longer as vibrant as they were just a few short months ago. When we invest time in preparing ourselves for a season of growth (no matter what time of year, really) we must start with cleaning up the areas so that we are open to allow space for growth. When we spend time doing this we are investing time into right now.  We are dirtying our hands with the fertile soil that awaits.

As you do this, become aware of the subtle changes in Nature during this time of the year.  You might see the peeking of crocus bulbs emerging from the hardened winter ground.  Watch as the trees begin to grow tiny nubs that will soon break into full leaves.  Listen as the birds start to make song in the early mornings and the air has a scent of newness.  Use all of your senses to experience what is happening around you.

As we connect with Nature we also connect with ourselves. We realize that we too, are ever-changing and growing beings.  We can set the seeds of intention and begin to nurture and cultivate what we wish to have grown in our lives.

This week in my classes we will be exploring cleansing postures to eliminate the old and make space for new.  We will also be looking at ways our bodies can twist and unwind to come fully into the now.

Here is to growing, less pain, more joy and flourishing!  Happy Spring and while you are preparing your soul for growth it is never a bad idea to get your hands dirty in Mother Earth, either.