Implementing Your Intentions

Let’s face it, setting an intention is the easy part. Implementing your intention can be the true work. To implement your intention, you are basically saying to the universe you are willing to step into a relationship that requires work. All relationships take work and this spiritual marriage between you and the universe is no different.

My Intention for the Year

I have set out to bring a sense of renewal into my life. It is not that my life is bad, but I do have certain lifestyle choices that I know need to be adjusted. At one point in my life many of those choices worked for me. That is no longer the case.

To implement a sense of renewal, and align with the forces of the universe, I must be willing to have deliberate actions. Publicly proclaiming your intention is a powerful step to begin the process. Plus, it gives me a record for accountability.

Implementing My Intention

I know that some changes have to happen to bring my intention of renewal into action. To me, renewal means the process of making something fresh, new, or strong again. Here is how I plan to implement the energy of renewal into my life this year.

  • Ditch my tracking of steps walked. Yep, that is correct. After twenty five years of logging my steps, I am going to release it. I am not going to look at the amount of steps, but rather look for quality of steps. Are they in nature? Were my daily steps meaningful? Did I enjoy my time walking?
  • Shift directions a bit. By fostering the things that bring me joy, I am going to make more space for them. That will give me less space for things that cause me stress. I still intend to teach adaptive yoga as my primary “job”, but implanting my own bakery business is next up for cultivating JOY.
  • Nurture my creative side. I intend to create some magic in my life through publishing affirmation cards, a teaching manual for yoga teachers, and an online course for mindful manifesting. Watch out! It is going to be another new direction I take my business. These options will allow me to renew my physical body by reducing my demanding workload.
  • Foster my friendships and relationships. Most people know I work a lot. I genuinely love what I do so it never feels like work to me. However, in my desire to do what I love, relationships and friendships have been less of a priority the last 10 years. I want to renew some old friendships and create new ones.

Tips for Implementing Your intention

To implement your action plan for your intention you must do a few things that will bring the intention into your daily life. I find these simple things bring great power to your world:

  • Write it down. Put the word of your intention everywhere you might see it. Your mirror, car, planner, desk, and screen saver on phone. Anywhere your eyes will be, the word needs to be there.
  • Tell people your intention. You have to talk about it to anyone in your life. I have been known to even tell my dentist and barista my intention! When you speak it, you become it.
  • Choose daily. Everyday you must be willing to think, speak and act in alignment with your intention. Not everyday will be a success, but at least you can know that you are on your way!
  • Affirm your intention. Every day spend 3-5 minutes speaking your intention into an I AM affirmation. For example, “I am renewing”.

Not sure what your intention is? This video will walk you through the process of finding your intention! This step by step tutorial will help you find the direction your spirit is wanting you to take this year!

Setting Intentions

Setting intentions means deliberately choosing and articulating your focus, goals, or desired outcomes. It’s a purposeful act that guides your thoughts, actions, and energy toward a specific purpose or way of being. Unlike goals, intentions are more about your mindset, values, and the energy you wish to bring into a situation.

If you’ve been hanging around me or watching from afar you know I am a HUGE believer in being intentional. Start with a word then begin to think, speak and act in alignment with that word.

Watch this to learn more.

Reflect and Set An Intention

Take some time this week to reflect on this year. Look for the lessons and blessings that came. Then, sit with what kind of life you’d like to create. Try to whittle the essence of that life into a single word.