My Lantern

Although I feel like I have spent the last ten years or so doing tons of self-work and unpeeling of the layers and layers of ‘stuff’ that has accumulated in my life, I still love that I am willing to do deep soul work.

A few years ago was a definite year of courage and the willingness to listen to my inner voice.  As the dust began to settle from the major changes in my life, I took a month or so off from the heaviness that can come when you are in the labyrinth of self-improvement.  Establishing myself into my new home space and adjusting (again) was my focus. It felt so good to pause from the rigorous self development and instead just enjoy myself.

A course on courage.

Not soon after, I began an online course on Courage.  Brene Brown has been one of my favorite authors and speakers in the last few years and when the course was offered, I said a gigantic YES.  To be guided through courage, vulnerability and shame with a leading researcher and expert was an opportunity I was not going to pass on.

Knowing that I had spent the previous year in the ‘arena’, I was curious as to what I would find I would need to explore in the bravery realm, but willing I was to examine it.  Lesson one offered over one hundred values to identify just one that guides your way in life; everything from accountability to balance to faith to humility to love to optimism to spirituality to well-being.  Where do you hold your highest regard and when this value is not in place you know you are off your path? In my ego mind I wanted my chosen value to be something easy like compassion or kindness.  My soul said go deeper than that and asked what is it that I know for sure, when this is threatened, I am off my center?


Safety?? Yea, like in the form of being judged, not being seen or understood for who I am, financial risks, being unorganized and chaotic, feeling unsure of decisions, having people in my life who are disrespectful or threatening, allowing fear to creep in, etc.


I wear the armor to protect my safety.

So going into the ‘arena’ again, I had to be open to the rawness and vulnerability of the emotional exposure around this value of safety and to be willing to set the armor down.

The Lantern

Using the metaphor of a lantern, she explains that the flame that burns is the identified value. The glass that surrounds the flame illustrates the behaviors you display and people that you have in your life that protect that value.  The handle of the lantern symbolizes when you have set your value down and walked away allowing your ship to get off course.

My flame is safety. My glass (behaviors and people) that keep my flame protected include  boundaries, choices, self-respect, meditating, journaling, keeping a budget, being organized, people who support and honor me, a knowing and exploring of self.  When I have set this value down I am allowing fear to enter, I take risks, I allow people to speak or treat me in ways that hurt, I am not grounded and I worry irrationally.

Knowing that this value is held in such high regard to me, I can see why some life decisions I have made, and the experiences I have been offered, have caused me to feel such anguish. In addition to better understanding what it is that stokes my flame, I am way more armed with tolerance as to what makes me tick and then respond when the value is threatened.


Indeed my highest value for my life is safety.  I know when it is threatened or I am off course because of the internal responses that I have that then lead to behaviors that diminish the flame.  It is so clear to me now.  While compassion or kindness may have been easier, I am so grateful for this new knowledge about myself and can move forward in my life with a strong flame and people and behaviors that will protect that part of me.

After Sun Spray

I just spent five glorious days in Florida and spent four of them at the beach! Being a natural redhead offers me a challenge when it comes to my skin and the sun. I am a rare redhead that actually tans–if I use sunscreen and take it slow. I try to take breaks in the shade and not spend hours in the sun on the first day.

I am so thankful to have this simple and affordable DIY spray to sooth the skin. This is safe for kids and adults and the oils in this combo are also great for sleep, anxious feelings, cleaning, aches and pains, and MUCH more. Seriously.

Depending on the size of the glass bottle, you add:

  • lavender—soothing to the skin
  • melaleuca—keeps skin germ free
  • peppermint—provides a natural cool
  • Top off with water

Spray as needed following time in the sun! You can grab all three of these oils HERE and find my favorite glass bottles in my amazon shop!

You can learn more about the endless other ways to use these three versatile essential oils in this free ebook.

A Simple Guide to Essential Oils

I am going to be honest. When I was first using essential oils I was so overwhelmed. I wasn’t sure what did what, if I was going to mess up or if I was going to make a horrible concoction, so I got a great resource book and starting learning. In no time I gained confidence and was able to learn how to use them safely and effectively.

Learning new things is exciting to me and this topic still excites me. When I am helping new people get started I often say, “remember when you had to learn how to cook?? You needed a recipe or cookbook, right?”…..Oils are so similar! We all need the equivalent to the Joy of Cooking when it comes to using essential oils. Here is my fave resource book to learn from.

Grab your resource book and commit to learning 1-2 oils a week! In no time you will be making up remedies, creating fabulous diffuser blends to switch up the mood in your space, tossing together a cool DIY and probably sharing your new knowledge with just about anyone!

If you are not quite sure how to even start using essential oils, check out this gorgeous ebook. It covers the basics and the cool thing is, when you get started I connect you to tons of free education and mentoring in my community and send you an amazing welcome package.

Keep this handy chart because it really can be asa simple as this, too.

Photosensitive Essential Oils

When I first started using essential oils I had no idea that some oils could cause a burn. Crazy, right?

As we head into warmer months and more outside time, remember that some oils are photosensitive and cause a reaction that is uncomfortable when combined with sunlight.

Be mindful when applying the following if you plan to be in the sun. You can still use them, just apply on the feet or a covered area or take internally (I only ingest pure, certified therapeutic grade oils that I am positive have been tested).

Check out this gorgeous ebook for the basics and be sure to drop me a message if you’re not sure which oils are safe  I’m happy to help.


Top Ten Essential Oils

I’ve been using essential oils for about 17 years, but doTERRA for the last five. The quality and purity is above all others. (Even hospitals and clinics across the country only use doTERRA).

When I got started, I chose the top ten oils in the family kit. The versatility of these helped my family swap out toxins, address mood and sleep, immune boosting, belly aches, tension and pain, and so much more.

It’s so easy and when you get started, I will hook you up into my VIP tribe, support you as you learn how to use them and give you an awesome resource book.

Check out this free guide and how to order!


Mermaid Hair

A couple weeks ago, I was at girls night and we were all obsessed with our friend’s hair! She looked amazing! She shared with us what her secret was…Mermaid Hair Spray!

So guess what I just made! ? I’ll be spraying it in my hair twice a day.


10 drops Cedarwood

10 drops Clary Sage

10 drops Peppermint

10 drops Geranium

10 drops Rosemary

1oz Witch Hazel

Add to a 4oz Spray bottle and fill to the top with distilled water.

The oils in this blend help with hair growth, healthy scalp, and shine.

Who else wants Mermaid Hair?

Read through this guide to essential oils and you can find my link to order your own essential oils!

Yoga and Waking Up

The misunderstood beliefs that yoga is about touching your toes, or contorting your body into seemingly impossible shapes, or even contradicting your faith can stop so many people from experiencing the goodness it has to offer.

When I started practicing yoga years and years ago, I too wanted to be more flexible and I was fascinated by the images I would see of beautiful bodies doing beautiful things. I was hungry for a physical challenge all the while being a hot mess emotionally, spiritually and in truth, physically. I had just lost about 80 pounds and I was all about my “new” body being able to be physically active. What I didn’t know was I was about to have a huge wake up and it would rock my world.

Yoga gave me the gift of presence. It showed me the power of breathing and being completely in sync with my very being. It invited me to open doors within myself that had been sealed shut most of my life.

I stopped living in the past and the what if’s. I let go of the anger and deep loss of having a daughter with a disability. I stopped the internal dialogue that was so incredibly harmful. I let go of the need to achieve and be perfect. I settled into the magnificence of who I am, right now.

I woke up.

It doesn’t mean that I don’t still have moments of pain, anger, grief, sadness, and even worry. Now, I can handle it with grace and not let myself get down the rabbit hole of blame and shame.

Yoga changed my life. It opened doors for me. It welcomed me into the space of unconditional love I never knew existed—for myself AND others.

Say yes. You’re worth it…


I didn’t follow the traditional path when it comes to becoming a yoga teacher. I knew early on that my path would lead me to sharing yoga with those who are unable to easily access a traditional setting. I got many small certifications and began teaching before I even thought about getting a 200 hour accreditation. And to be really honest, I still cringe when someone asks me “where did you do your 200 hour?” I cringe because so many times our culture puts a focus on a title or a perceived standard. As my favorite poem the Invitation says—“it doesn’t interest me where or what or with who you studied, I want to know what sustains you on the inside when all else falls away”.

My path to becoming a yoga teacher was the same old monkey on my back that I carried because I didn’t take the common path and go to college. Instead, I got married and became a mom. I didn’t take a college class until I was 43 years old! Until I was able to see my own success I always felt less than others because I chose a different way.

What I have come to learn is that the path we take is OURS. There is no space for comparison when you are fully engaged with your purpose. I knew I was supposed to be a young mom and I also knew that I was supposed to teach yoga a certain way. I knew then and I know now that the paper certificate or who I studied with is irrelevant—it is how I show up on the world that matters. And that is with divine PURPOSE.

Let go of the distraction to compare and compete and instead step into who you really are. You’ll find a treasure within yourself that will change the world in many ways.


We have all heard of the metaphors of feeling stuck in a cage and not able to be free to fly, or the imprisoning walls that have been built around us. The brick and mortar is often what we place around ourselves that create our own version of prison.  These can include negativity, questions of worthiness, regrets of the past and worries of the future. Similarly the key to the cage that we so often feel trapped in resides in our own hands. It is our choice to stay in the cage or take the key and unlock it.  No matter what circumstance we are in, we ultimately have choice in what we do with it.

We are not our circumstances, instead we are our possibilities. 

As I was planning this month’s classes around the concept of freedom and being liberated, I received a message from a dear friend whose young daughter was just diagnosed with autism. Heartbreaking as those initial words were, I saw within a few short days a woman take on this experience like that of a true champion.  Sure, she cried her eyes out and felt fear for the unknown.  We all do when we hear those words.  The first thing I did was send her the Welcome to Holland Poem.  Then we talked awhile about what may lie ahead as she leaned on my experience to help her navigate the first few steps on this new and scary journey. Then she got busy.

She certainly could have felt like this news was a giant reason to give up and stay stuck.  Many do.  She however, in her warrior spirit, immediately saw a need to advocate and start asking questions about services and community integration for her sweet little girl.  She took this as a chance to make a difference in the lives of her daughter and others.

That is what freedom is.

Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. My friend refuses to feel imprisoned by this diagnosis and she will use the power of her light to act and speak without restraint.

This is just one of a million examples of how we can feel stuck, trapped, locked in, or caged.  Whether it is a relationship, a job, a location or a belief you have about yourself, WE have the power to act, speak and think without restraint and hindrance.  We are in control of what we do with our circumstances.

Do you feel imprisoned?  Are you the one laying the bricks down and filling them with mortar?  Do you hold the key in your hand and refuse to unlock the door?

What would freedom feel like? This month we are going to chisel away the beliefs and fear that build a wall around ourselves.  We are going to slip the key into the lock and learn to fly. We are going to feel free.

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To Bloom

Have you ever spent time looking at a flower that is about to bloom?  The rose that is still tight in a bud?  The daisy that is closed and not yet in full happiness mode? Whichever flower you have gazed at has spent months growing into what was about to happen.  Day after day this amazing form of life kept the course of growth, never wavering despite the external elements.

Here we are halfway through the year and if you are like me, you might be thinking about that intention you set back in January.  You know, when the year felt fresh and new?  And yet, it was during the heart of winter you were thinking about growing your goals and dreams.

Here we are in the start of the growing season and it is a great time to look at your intention again and see if some of those seeds you planted in the dormant season have started to take shape into small shoots of growth.  Seeing the beginnings of growth is a great motivator to keep going because in time, the bloom will come.

For me, I am reviewing all of my goals; business goals and personal goals.  I am looking at the areas in my life that I have succeeded, and areas that I have developed some gaps, and how I can fill them in.

As I plan to teach the concept of blooming this month  I am going to return to nature time and time again to be both marveled and motivated.
