Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.
The Harvest
Hello there!
I hope that you are doing well and are finding ways to bring joy into your everyday life. I am hopeful that as we move into a new season we can settle into a sense of calm and peace. The shift to fall can sometimes move us from the chaos that summer sometimes brings to a more grounded way of being.
The Autumn Equinox is a time of letting go and also harvesting the good that is abundant in our lives while also allowing the stalks and leaves to fall aside and go back to the Earth. With this beautiful and colorful season emerging it is our time to loosen our grip on the focus of growth and prepare to move into a more dormant season. This is also a great time to look at the cycles of life; seasons, months, breath, and even life.
We know that with each ending there is a beginning, in whatever shape that takes—self awareness, growth, wisdom, letting go, etc. We see this so easily in the changing of leaves–the amazing color that emerges following a season of bounty, and then the ease in which the leaf lets go. Watch as they effortlessly fall to the ground to be taken into the loving arms of Mother Earth for the new growth that waits for the next season.
I have been recently thinking that it has been such a challenging time for me since my last major hip surgery. Through that process I have changed so much. I no longer am pushing my body in the ways I once did. Rather I am enjoying the pace that my body wants to go at. I enjoy slower walks and have learned a little bit about being at ease instead of extreme activity. Sure, sometimes I miss the hard push up a mountain or the thrill of kickboxing, but through these past months of recovery I have certainly learned about letting go. And that has been a good thing.
I encourage you to go outside. Take a breath. Take time to look at letting go of what no longer serves you. Thank it for its time in your life as the teacher it is and then release it.
Finally, welcome the harvest that is within and always look for opportunities to be grateful. I know for myself, the practice of gratitude has lead me into a life of awareness that has enhanced my life everyday. Let the practice of acknowledging gratitude for all that you have become.
Life is really good, friends.
Blessings, Stacie

Essential Oils & Wellness
Many of you know that I use and rely on essential oils to maintain the health of my mind, body, and spirit. I use them throughout my home from cleaning, for pain management, energy, sleep, mood and much more. One of my favorite things is helping others get started using natural remedies and plant medicine.
You will also get an awesome welcome package from me, access to my VIP community group, education and mentoring and much more. It is easy to get started! I am also happy to chat personally with you to find the perfect options for your needs.
I offer FREE wellness consultations to talk about your goals and desire for a healthier, mind, body and spirit. Together we will create a personalized plan. Schedule yours today!
Do you know someone who could benefit from my services? I offer an amazing referral program and would love to help your loved ones find health.
Essential Oil Blend of the Month
This ultra grounding blend is a fan favorite. It is all about being grounded and soaking up that forest floor aroma. The result is a calm mind and a super chill feeling. Plus, the petrified wood stones are soooooo pretty!
Cost: $22
Recipes & DIY
Did you know you can use essential oils to add flavor and health benefits to your recipes?? Fall is such a great season for warm, inviting and soul-feeding foods. Check out some of my favorites below.
Marigold Body Butter
I have one more batch of marigold body butter left from my summer growing and blending. Marigold’s are in the family of calendula and both support skin and inflammatory responses in the body. Plus it is luxurious. Let me know if you’d like a jar. $25

Peach Jam
Finally, I have PEACH JAM for sale. Let me know if you’d like a jar of this tasty treat. It pairs wonderfully with fresh sourdough bread, but let’s not get crazy, right? $5
Fall Diffuser Blends
I love the smell of fall and these diffuser blends which not just smell great, but your family will benefit from the healthy supports essential oils add when used aromatically.
Online LIVE classes
Following my 30 Days of Yoga (you can find everyday on my Youtube Channel), I decided to offer at least one LIVE ONLINE class. This month I am offering a RESTORATIVE class on 9/18 at 6:30pm. You will simple need a quiet space, some pillows and this link!! The passcode is yoga.
My YouTube channel has continued to grow and you can find all kinds of videos there. Everything from chair yoga to restorative to traditional classes. Plus, you’ll find some bonus stuff, too!
Special Classes
This format is one of my most popular and loved! Just click on the link below and you’ll have access to the online class. Donations are appreciated. If you need samples of essential oils to fully enjoy the practice, just reach out to me.
Essential Yoga–Foundation
Are you a current yoga teacher? I am also offering a yoga teacher mentoring program to help yoga teachers learn how to modify and teach to those with different abilities. Ask me more!

Life Lessons from an Autumn Leaf
We know change is coming, so we embrace its beauty for all the world to see. It’s exciting when my friends and I all begin to turn colors. I can imagine its much like when humans get their hair done or change their style of clothing. You just feel brand new, hot, beautiful–a sight to be seen, for sure. When most of us receive our new colors, and a few begin to fall, the humans come out by the droves. I’ve watched so many walking hand-in-hand. I’ve heard many intimate conversations and often witness family portraits. Children ooh and ah about the wonder of our change, and the whole world seems to take a second glance to admire our new look.
However, as the cold winds begin to blow, we know we must hold on tight to our branches until it’s our time to fall. It’s interesting because none of us want to drop. We just want to stay in our spot, high above the ground and admire the magnificent atmosphere fall brings.
1. Radiate Beauty. Autumn brings an abundance of fall colors and textures. The reds, oranges, yellows, golds and rust tones of autumn delight the senses in landscapes and rich sunsets, inspiring poets and visual artists. Take the time to radiate your own beauty and creativity to the world.
2. Connect with Your Shadow. After the long, bright sunlit days of summer, autumn brings earlier sunsets and longer shadows. It’s an ideal time for thoughtful introspection and shining the light of awareness on our own shadow parts.
3. Let Go. Trees willingly and naturally shed their leaves after putting on a radiant fall show of colors. Is there anything in your life that’s ready to be released? Enjoy the brilliance of all that has ripened and come to fruition, but be willing to let go; it will pave the way for new beginnings.
4. Save for Lean Times. Even as birds and woodland creatures are enjoying the abundance of fall, they are also storing away portions of their autumn harvest and preparing for leaner times. Enjoy the blessings of the season, but remember to plan for the future.
5. Find Balance. In a world of duality, balance is key. The autumn equinox signals equal amounts of night and day, serving as a reminder to find balance in our own lives.
Autumn is a study in contrasts, and the result is a rich, multi-sensory experience. Apply these five lessons from autumn in your own life, and drink in the bounty of this inspiring time of year.

Thank You
So many of you have been so supportive of me for over 17 years! I am so blessed that I can continue to share my passion and touch your life. It means a lot to me that you know that you are very important to me, and I am incredibly grateful that our paths have crossed. I believe that now more than ever, we need to recognize the people and meaningful connections that we all have.
As always, it is my hope that you stay healthy and happy in your mind, body and spirit.
Much love and light to you!
xo, Stacie