DIY Face Toning Pads

I have been making these little treasures for awhile and cannot believe how SIMPLE they are. My skin feels amazing and I know that I am saving tons of money on store bought (and often filled with junk) face toning products.

I use these in the morning right when I get up. I like to say that it is washing the sleep off. Doing this gives me a super fresh complexion, a nice wake-up aroma, and skin that feels super clean.

Sometimes I switch out the essential oils for other ones but I have found my skin loves turmeric (anti-inflammatory), lavender (soothing and calming) and tea tree (cleansing and purifying). I add water, castille soap, and witch hazel. I am not a big measuring type person, I usually just eyeball it.

Here is how you do it:

  • pack a pint size mason jar with cotton round pads
  • to a 2 cups measuring cup add a squirt of soap, a bigger squirt or two of Witch hazel, 20 drops (ish) of each essential oil, fill with water, optional stir
  • pour liquid over the cotton pads
  • seal the jar and use daily

You can find all of my favorite DIY ingredients and tools in my amazon shop. You can grab the essential oils by clicking on the button below. The best part is these three oils are SO versatile that you will have tools on hand for sleep, inflammation, skin support, cleaning your surfaces and MUCH more. Once you get the oils, I will personally connect with you for a free consult to show you how easy it is to swap out everyday items for natural ingredients. Also, check out this free ebook to see just how easy it is to use essential oils in your home!

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Frozen Yogurt & Berry Bark

Summer time is in full swing and not only is it hot out there, but all the great berries and produce are in full abundance! It’s so fun to eat fresh, sweet and amazing fruits and veggies.

I love summer, but the heat is not my friend. I get easily cranky on hot days and am always looking for a healthy way to cool down. This little snack is a go to for me…I can swipe a piece mid afternoon or as a dessert and not feel guilty at all.

It’s simple to make and tastes amazing. You’ll see I add a few drops of lemon essential oil. Be sure the brand you choose to use in recipes is safe to ingest. Most aren’t and you have to be safe. The lemon oil gives a pop of summertime flavor but is also has amazing health benefits. Peek at this gorgeous ebook to learn more.


• Yogurt: Use a full fat yogurt for the best texture and flavor. Vanilla yogurt is a great base to use, but you can use any flavor you like.

• Fruit: Fresh strawberries and blueberries add a great pop of color and it’s a tasty way to get some fruit into your family’s diet. You can make this bark with other fresh fruits like mango, raspberries or kiwi fruit.


1. Before you spread the yogurt evenly over a lined baking sheet, add two drops of lemon essential oil and stir.
2. Top with chopped strawberries.
3. Top with blueberries or any other fruits. I love kiwi!
4. Option to finish with granola and freeze until firm. I usually skip the granola but it does give it a great crunch.
5. Once it is fully frozen, slam on counter and remove pieces. You can also cut into bark shapes if it doesn’t make its own by slamming it. I store in a Tupperware up to three months, but it also never lasts that long.


1. Use full fat yogurt. Using yogurt with full fat means that the texture will less likely get icy when frozen. It will also have a better taste that’s more creamy. I have used Greek Style Coconut milk yogurt too and it’s fabulous for the dairy free people.
2. Chop everything small. Small fruits like blueberries work very well here and chopping larger fruits to be about the size of blueberries helps with cutting the bark. Make sure the fruits are not too bulky either so the bark looks flat.
3. Line your baking sheet. This will help to remove the bark easily from the tray, if you don’t line it, the yogurt will freeze to it and it will be really tough to remove. Use parchment or wax paper to line the entire surface of your sheet pan.
4. Allow time for the bark to set. It will take around 3 hours for the bark to fully set in the freezer. Make it the night before to enjoy the next day.


Follow me for more goodness for the mind, body and spirit.

Photosensitive Essential Oils

Known for their bright, summery scents, citrus oils are among the most common essential oils that cause photosensitivity. That’s because compounds found in citrus oils – known as furanocoumarins – greatly increase UV sensitivity. While most photosensitive oils are citrus that have the same harmful effects with sun exposure. 


When we use certain oils topically where the sun is exposed to our skin, our skin can get a bit red and tender. However, for some people the effect are much worse.

Almost all citrus oils are photosensitive. Meaning they should be avoided topically before direct sunlight or artificial UV rays (think tanning beds or booths).

If you will be heading out in the sun, be sure any rollers or sprays you apply that contain citrus oils are applied “where the sun don’t shine” (AKA the bottoms of your feet, under your clothes, etc).

The following oils and blends have been labeled as photosensitive by doTERRA:

  • AromaTouch®
  • Bergamot
  • doTERRA Breathe®
  • doTERRA Cheer®
  • Citrus Bliss®
  • Clementine
  • Cumin
  • doTERRA Forgive®
  • Grapefruit
  • InTune®
  • Kumquat
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • doTERRA Motivate®
  • doTERRA On Guard®
  • Purify
  • Slim & Sassy®
  • Sunny Citrus
  • Tangerine
  • Wild Orangw
  • Zendocrine.

To learn the basics of using pure essential oils, grab this free ebook!

Homemade Cleansing Pads for Skin

One of the most important parts of a skin care regimen for oily skin is keeping it clean. Keeping oily skin clean helps to prevent the oil from building up and causing breakouts. I recently decided to try my hand at making my own cleansing pads and could not be more thrilled. Little things, right?

This recipe is so simple, so clean and so affordable. I love adding pure essential oils to my skin care because of the many benefits! Tea tree is known for its cleansing and antibacterial properties and lavender is soothing for the skin. If you’d like to learn more about the basics of essential oils and how versatile they can be, AND why choosing the most pure essential oils are important just download this free ebook.

You’ll need:

  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 1 Tbsp Castille soap (I used a version with tea tree in it)
  • 1 Tbsp witch hazel
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops tea tree essential oil
  • Cotton rounds
  • Container with a tight-fitting lid (I used a wide mouth pint mason jar)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Pack the cotton rounds into the mason jar and pour some of the cleansing solution over the rounds. Keep adding rounds and pressing down while adding more solution.

I use these before bed and first thing in the morning. So good!

Natural Cleaning for Floors

Generations ago only cleaned with household ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. Modern times began to look for convenient and snazzy things to make our life seem easier. What we did not know then but NOW do is that some many of those things can be harmful to our health. Look at how far we have gone from using plants as medicine, and food from being nutritious to being packed with who knows what.

Natural Cleaning

I get asked all the time what is the best way to keep all types of flooring clean, naturally. Store bought cleaners can make you think your floors are cleaner, but truth is they are packed with chemicals. This can cause our lungs to feel congested and sometimes irritated. They also can cause our hormones to become disrupted which is especially important if you have children in your home. Plus, our little animal friends absorb EVERYTHING through their paws.

Whether you have hardwood, ceramic tile, luxury vinyl, or laminate flooring this recipe is SO easy. It is affordable and you probably have the ingredients in your pantry. Not only will your floors shine, you will be savings tons of money and taking one small step to a having a non-toxic cleaning practice.

Floor Cleaner

Add about 1/4 cup white vinegar and up to 10 drops of essential oils, such as Wild Orange, Lemon, Peppermint, or my favorite combination Lime and Siberian Fir, to a bucket of hot water to clean hard surface floors.

Pro tip

Did you know that citrus oils break down grease and grime and can eliminate sticky residue, grease stains and things that get spilled on a floor or tracked in from outside?

Oil Pulling Tablets

I have been oil pulling for years but recently have gotten lazy about it. I decided to buy a candy mold and make up a months worth of the perfect size for pulling.

What is oil pulling?

Oil pulling is an alternative medical practice in which an edible oil is swished around the mouth. It is swished around for period of time and then spat out, similar to mouthwash. Practitioners of oil pulling claim it is capable of improving oral and whole-body health. These benefits include many conditions; headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth. Its promoters claim it works by pulling out toxins, which are known as ama in Ayurveda.

I mix up a batch and store in a jar in my fridge. Half of them have on guard for an added immunity and the other half is lemon/peppermint.

How To Make Oil Pulling Tablets:

  • Melt one cup coconut oil
  • Add essential oils (10-15 drops total)
  • Pour into candy mold
  • Store in jar in fridge
  • Pop on in daily and swish 3-5 minutes
  • Spit into trash (not sink)

To learn all about how and why to use essential oils, check out this gorgeous ebook. Plus, when you get started I will personally mentor and guide you along the way.

Eyebrow Growth Serum

One of the most surprising and unwanted changes that comes with turning 50 is the diminishing eyebrows! What is that all about?

I whipped up a quick remedy and can already see the growth.

Here is how to make eyebrow growth serum:

  • 5ml roller
  • 10 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • Fill roller with castor oil
  • Apply to brows twice a day

To grab these essential oils just pop over here. Also, check out this awesome ebook to learn how to use essential oils in so many amazing ways.

Insect Bite Relief

Oh my goodness bugs love to bite me. And my poor lil granddaughter is the same.

This is so easy and takes the itch right out.

Insect Bite Relief Rollerblend Recipe:

10ml roller
10 drops lavender
10 drops purify
5 drops peppermint

Top it off with fractionated coconut oil and apply to the itchy bites as often as needed.

For kids, cut the amount of essential oils in half!

If you’re curious about how easy it is to add essential oils into your life, check out this gorgeous ebook. I also have a great community of learning and mentoring.

Natural Weed Destroyer

My veggie garden is taking a slow start this year despite plenty of sun and rain. While the bounty is slow to start, the weeds are in full bloom around my garden. I have little clover type weeds and random grasses popping up.

Since I plan to eat my crops I definitely don’t want to use a chemical weed killer. In fact, I don’t know about you, but where I live I am seeing less and less bees and hummingbirds this year. The mighty pollinators are disappearing and it’s a little scary. The chemicals I see my neighbors using plays a huge role in the cycle of pollinators and our natural environment doing what it is supposed to do.

I am opting to use this super cheap, super effective, and super safe for ALL beings (including animals and insects).

It’s so easy. I ran to the dollar store and grabbed a spray bottle, some epsom salt, white vinegar and dish soap. I have plenty of oils on hand but you could also skip adding them. Although, the clove is an added punch for the harder to kill weeds.

Check out this handy essential oil guide to see how easy they are to add to all areas of your life.

Natural Fabric Freshener

There is nothing better than fresh sheets on the bed. Did you know that fabric softener sheets is one of the most toxic things in your home??

Switching to a natural fabric softener is easy and so much more cost effective. Your clothes and bed sheets will smell amazing and be less staticky and no toxins!

Recipe for natural fabric softener:

  • 1 tsp Witch Hazel or Vodka
  • Water
  • 30 drops Lavender (or essential oil of choice)


Add witch hazel, water, and essential oil into a 2 oz spray bottle and spray linens! You can also use wool dryer balls and either spray the balls, or add essential oils straight from the bottles onto the dryer balls! This helps reduce static clean AND makes your sheets (or clothes) smell amazing and no awful toxins!

Bonus: the lavender will help you relax and drift off to dreamland.

Curious how essential oils can work into your world? Check this gorgeous ebook out. Plus, I offer some amazing mentoring and education along the way.