Human Touch

Wellness Wednesday!

“To touch is to give life”~ Michelangelo

Did you know there is some significant research looking at the benefits of human touch?

Three Positive Health Manifestations from Touch:

?Inspires positive thinking and expand trust. Known as the “feel good” hormone oxytocin which helps inspire positive thinking and maintaining an optimistic outlook on the world

?Reduces social anxiety and stress

?Boosts immune system and lower blood pressure

I LOVE to touch people–in fact, one of my other “jobs” is to provide touch to those in need.  I love pulling out some oils and rubbing feet or hands.  It truly is one of my favorite things to do.

Additionally, I am also a big believer in massage and other healing touch modalities.  I am a level 1 Healing Touch practitioner and can provide body/energy work.  Balancing chakras through hands is an amazing thing.

I have recently begun to incorporate the Symphony of Cells Protocol into my practice. Symphony of the Cells™ Spinal Technique is a collection of massage protocols formulated to create harmony physically, emotionally and spiritually within the body. Each protocol is specific to a system (ie. digestive, lymphatic) of the body allowing you to target ailments. Receiving oils on the spine is a heavenly experience.
