Photosensitive Essential Oils

Known for their bright, summery scents, citrus oils are among the most common essential oils that cause photosensitivity. That’s because compounds found in citrus oils – known as furanocoumarins – greatly increase UV sensitivity. While most photosensitive oils are citrus that have the same harmful effects with sun exposure. 


When we use certain oils topically where the sun is exposed to our skin, our skin can get a bit red and tender. However, for some people the effect are much worse.

Almost all citrus oils are photosensitive. Meaning they should be avoided topically before direct sunlight or artificial UV rays (think tanning beds or booths).

If you will be heading out in the sun, be sure any rollers or sprays you apply that contain citrus oils are applied “where the sun don’t shine” (AKA the bottoms of your feet, under your clothes, etc).

The following oils and blends have been labeled as photosensitive by doTERRA:

  • AromaTouch®
  • Bergamot
  • doTERRA Breathe®
  • doTERRA Cheer®
  • Citrus Bliss®
  • Clementine
  • Cumin
  • doTERRA Forgive®
  • Grapefruit
  • InTune®
  • Kumquat
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • doTERRA Motivate®
  • doTERRA On Guard®
  • Purify
  • Slim & Sassy®
  • Sunny Citrus
  • Tangerine
  • Wild Orangw
  • Zendocrine.

To learn the basics of using pure essential oils, grab this free ebook!

Nurture Essential Oil Blend

Nothing say nurture more than a loving Mother’s energy. Plus, the renewal of spring reminds us that Mother Earth is soaking in the rain and nurturing her beautiful land and animals. 

This perfectly crafted blend is earthy, reassuring, soft, and feels like a giant hug. Applying this to your wrist and your heart so that you can smell the aromas all day long.

Did you know that Myrrrh essential oil is often referred to as the oil of the Divine Mother because it offers feelings of safety, healthy attachment, trust, feelings of being nurtured, loved and secure? Pretty amazing, right?

Adding myrrh first gives the bottom note of aroma a grounded element. Magnolia is often said to bring out feelings of compassion so gives you another layer of goodness at the end of this blend. Layered between these two essential oils are earthy, warm, love inducing essential oils with lavender petals and amethyst. Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethysts are said to promote serenity and calm and is the perfect addition to this blend. 

Need some nurture in your life? Pop over here to grab one.

True Yoga

One of my most treasured aspects of Yoga is how we go about with showing up for ourselves and others. True Yoga is often overlooked in our very physical posture based lens of Yoga. In the Western world it seems that Yoga is mostly asana and very little true Yoga.

What is true yoga?

True Yoga consists of the principles and attitudes known as the Sutras. The Sutras are a collection of text that guides us to live. Ahimsa (non-violence), the first and foremost of the five yamas(restraints) described in the Yoga Sutra, entreats us to live in such a way that we cause no harm in thought, speech, or action to any living being, including ourselves.

This is the essence of Pantajali’s non-harming Sutra known as Ahimsa.

Pausing to consider kindness (ahimsa) influences the choices you make and how you truly show up for yourself and for others. Ahimsa (pronounced “ah-heem-sah”) literally means “non-harming” or “non-violence” in Sanskrit. In it most basic level, it’s refraining from causing harm.

As we practice ahimsa in today’s modern life, there is more to this idea of non-harming than simply refraining from acts of physical violence.

We understand now that pain can be more than just physical – it can also be emotional and mental. The deepest pain we feel is often very emotional. It most often sprouts from our relationships with other human beings. It can be grief that we experience when we lose someone. Grief can also from a part of our life that meant so much to our identity. The loss of a relationship or a painful life change can bring about deep and soul-shattering pain.

When we practice ahimsa, we are thinking about how our actions could hurt others. Doing so invites us to take into consideration the potential physical, emotional, and relational consequences of our actions.

We pause to consider kindness.

Are you frustrated with the non-kind world that exists where division and opinions flood our everyday lives? The world feels sad at the lack of humanity and desperate need to be heard in what seems to be a constant “what about ME” mentality. There is exhaustion with the lack of kindness for fellow human beings.

Realizing that all we can do is change our own thoughts and actions, I am opting for kindness despite my own struggling emotions. Ahimsa is offered for the exhausted world. Together we must learn to pause, listen, see, feel and to give.

Kindness truly matters and it is the truest form of Yoga.

Citrus Essential Oils and Emotions

The capacity to link information and emotions is why essential oils are such a powerful partner in creating and maintaining emotional health. I love the brain and when I became a Certified Brain Injury Specialist, I learned so much science that validated what I was seeing with my yoga students who have brain injuries. These individuals cannot always easily express themselves. I saw quickly how their affect and attitude would change dramatically after smelling oils.

Curious as to why? Let’s get a little nerdy because you may be wondering how the Limbic System actually works. Well, let’s dive in!

As a person inhales an essential oil, the molecules of the oil go into the back of each nostril to the epithelium patch where the molecules attach to receptors on the cilia hairs. These convert to nerves that send the odor information to the olfactory bulb in the brain. This bulb communicates directly with the amygdala, hippocampus, and other brain structures.

Still with me? Good! Getting to the good stuff – promise!

The amygdala is the center for emotions in the limbic system and it links our sense of smell to our ability to learn emotionally.

This is EXACTLY why smells will trigger memories more than seeing an image, tasting food, or even listening to music!

Some of the most popular oils to start to anchor your emotional brain are citrus oils, as they provoke happy, uplifting, and supportive emotions in most people.

What is your favorite citrus oil to grab and inhale?

Want to learn the basics of essential oils? Download this free eBook! You’re welcome!

Homemade Cleansing Pads for Skin

One of the most important parts of a skin care regimen for oily skin is keeping it clean. Keeping oily skin clean helps to prevent the oil from building up and causing breakouts. I recently decided to try my hand at making my own cleansing pads and could not be more thrilled. Little things, right?

This recipe is so simple, so clean and so affordable. I love adding pure essential oils to my skin care because of the many benefits! Tea tree is known for its cleansing and antibacterial properties and lavender is soothing for the skin. If you’d like to learn more about the basics of essential oils and how versatile they can be, AND why choosing the most pure essential oils are important just download this free ebook.

You’ll need:

  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 1 Tbsp Castille soap (I used a version with tea tree in it)
  • 1 Tbsp witch hazel
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops tea tree essential oil
  • Cotton rounds
  • Container with a tight-fitting lid (I used a wide mouth pint mason jar)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Pack the cotton rounds into the mason jar and pour some of the cleansing solution over the rounds. Keep adding rounds and pressing down while adding more solution.

I use these before bed and first thing in the morning. So good!

Thriving Thyroid

The thyroid, located in the front of the neck, is a small butterfly-shaped organ. It plays a mighty role in your health by producing hormones which travel throughout the body. These hormones regulate our hearts, digestion, muscle control, and equally important, brain development. As a result, you need your thyroid to be performing well to feel well. Did you know that there are many essential oils for thyroid support? 

First let’s look at why the thyroid is so important. Thyroid hormones affect your metabolism rate, which means how fast or slow your brain, heart, muscles, liver, and other parts of your body work. Amazing, Huh?

Paying attention to the language your body is speaking can really give you insight to your thyroid working too fast or too slowly. For example, if you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, you might feel tired and cold. Or, if you have too much thyroid hormone, you might feel nervous, jumpy, and warm. 

The thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland which oversees thyroid hormone production. Additionally, it tells the thyroid to make more or less according to what the body needs. The pituitary gland is even smaller, about the size of a pea, yet still vitally important to our health. In fact, we can use essential oils for thyroid and pituitary support to keep our body working at it’s best. This blend can support the thyroid in staying balanced and healthy.

The best essential oils for thyroid support are Lemongrass, Myrrh, Clove, Frankincense, Basil and Peppermint. I apply this twice a day.

1. Frankincense – Frankincense, also known as the “King of oils”, is a powerfully supportive oil for the body. Its complex chemistry, coupled with a high ratio of Monoterpenes (25%), make it a multi-purpose oil and a strong support on a cellular and DNA level. Furthermore, Frankincense is calming for the immune and nervous systems, skin and emotions. Combine with Lemongrass, Myrrh and Clove for a daily thyroid support blend .

2. Myrrh – Because Myrrh is very high in Sesquiterpenes (75%), it is a strong support for the thyroid. Sesquiterpenes also stimulate the limbic system, hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. Combine with Clove, Lemongrass and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

3. Clove – Clove is a powerful antioxidant and immune support for the body. High in phenols which stimulate the immune and nervous system, they further help keep your cells performing well. Combine with Lemongrass, Myrrh and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

4. Lemongrass – Lemongrass is high in aldehydes (up to 80%). This works to calm the nervous system, relieve stress and promote relaxation while also being uplifting. Combine with Clove, Myrrh and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

5. Peppermint – Peppermint gives us a natural energy boost. If you’re tired, it’s a wonderful pick-me-up during the day, especially in those late afternoon hours. Try it in a diffuser, put a drop in your hands to inhale or just smell from the bottle. It is also supportive to the thyroid.

Remember, essential oils are so potent that it doesn’t take much to be effective. This roller blend will last about TWO months and each bottle of essential oils is 250 drops! That means you’ll have a long supply of thyroid support, but also the oils in this blend are incredibly versatile and you’ll find TONS of uses for them. 

If you’d like to learn the basics of essential oils, check out this handy guide. It’s super easy to get these oils at wholesale prices, just pop over here or I am happy to make you a thyroid blend to try before you invest!


Oh my gosh, YES!

Mindset is everything!

I mean face it, the last couple of years have been hard. The word pandemic was not everyday lingo and I don’t know about you, but I never thought about the impact a virus could make on the day to day. Before this pandemic, I had a basic understanding of political differences but the depth at which the country has gone the last few years is startling. The division is palpable in our cities and even in our homes.

Along with the collective challenges that we have all endured we each have our own unique challenges layered upon the big challenges. How we face them determines the quality of our lives. This isn’t to say that putting on a smiling face everyday will be the answer, but our ability to shift our mindset and not hold onto the things we have no control over can certainly help our happiness factor.

Mindset matters

Truth is for me personally, I am a self-employed yoga teacher who has had to navigate how to continue to earn an income during these hard times; going from full-time teaching in long term care facilities, my own studio and a large health club to virtual only was a huge hit financially and had a big impact on my ability to feel fulfilled teaching. It is doable, but hard to connect through a screen, especially with individuals with special needs. I am also a full time caregiver for my special needs daughter; so her programming went all virtual which meant not only was I her primary caregiver, I also became her primary friend/peer/teacher/support/transportation/provider, which was hard on both of us. My last major daily hurdle is I have three health conditions that cause me to experience tremendous pain and fatigue. Managing my pain and being able to show up for my students and my family takes grit some days.

Most of the time, my MINDSET allows me to handle it (somewhat) gracefully and I choose to make the best of this precious life. I have a few must-do practices to keep my mindset in the right place:

I am committed to my health and fitness.

I begin and end my day with a walk. I also walk on my lunch hour and anytime during the day I have sat too much or the burdens of life feels heavy. Some days I get over 25,000 steps and that is okay. It works for me. I find walking manages my pain better than anything else. I also practice yoga and do strength training 3-4 times per week.

I am committed to constantly changing my business model for the changing times and am open to always working hard.

I have learned to be flexible (haha, no yoga teacher joke intended). I navigate the demands of the audience and am constantly learning how to best utilize my skills in a virtual world. I also invite small groups into my studio and while the income may not be what a large group is, I feel connected and inspired and that fulfills me. I work nearly 7 days a week either teaching, marketing, following up, promoting, etc. I am committed to this gift.

I am committed to seeing the best in every situations.

Some people have told me that my rosy lenses aren’t accurate for the world, but I love them. I choose to look at both sides of the situation and try to find the small nuggets of wisdom that may be there to learn. I avoid situations that are filled with hatred, division, anger and judgment which means my circle of friends is small, I spend a lot of time by myself and I avoid the news.

I am committed to saying YES!

I have found that when we live in a state of pessimism (I spent decades there), we attract the very things we dislike. When we learn to say yes to the best possible outcomes, we attract that. If you don’t believe me, try it for a month. Say yes to new opportunities, to new experiences, to new friends, to abundance and then sit back and enjoy the ride.

I am committed to a daily Gratitude practice.

It is so easy to get sucked into the unfortunately popular culture that much of the world sees as not enough (time, money, resources, love). When we shift our attention to what we actually have plenty of, we get more (time, money, resources, love). Look around and notice the abundance of color, texture, living things, and feelings. There really is plenty to be thankful for.

It is a choice and although some days it can be harder to stay in a positive mindset given the status of the world, it is possible with a little changes to our thoughts. My mindset has served me incredibly well.

That’s my mindset, what is yours?

Manifest Blend

Did you know that essential oils and thinking in terms of attracting goodness go hand in hand? Essential oils are great for boosting moods and improving overall well-being. The oils are effective for so many different situations from relieving the pain of a minor burn to cleaning your home. Learning about essential oils, their properties and ways to use them can actually help you maintain a positive vibration and help you focus on taking action with your goals. When we learn and get our brains working, we actually can increase our mindset and that brings us closer to our goals and desires.

Let’s face it, we are over two weeks into this year and for most people I talk to, it is proving to be a challenging repeat of the last couple years. The ideas and goals that most of us had for the New Year are already a fading memory as we dig deep in just getting through the long days. I may have a simple remedy that will get you back into the high vibes of focusing on attracting good things into your life. I mean we cannot change the crazy, but we can change where we focus our attention.

Having a routine

Whenever I start to feel “stuck” or that I keep experiencing not so great things, I pull out this blend and work with it to get out of my negative head space. My routine is actually pretty simple–I drink my coffee and write out a long list of gratitudes, and why these people and experiences inspire me, and then I apply this to my hands and cup my hands over my nose and take five intentional breaths. A gratitude practice by the way is one of the easiest ways to get out of bad funk. With consistency you can truly change your life just by being authentically grateful. After I spend time acknowledging all that is good, I focus on what I want in my life and sit with imagining how it is going to feel when I experience that which I desire.

Manifest Blend

  • Litsea: Litsea is a powerful mobilizer of the will. As the Oil of Manifestation it is especially helpful in encouraging us to follow through on the inspiration. Litsea invites individuals to have the confidence to act and to trust. This oil also teaches us that we must learn to listen to our inner voice.
  • Ginger: Ginger holds no reservations. This oil has a purpose and will fulfill it! Being the Oil of Empowerment ginger powerfully persuades us to be fully present and participate in our life. Ginger empowers us to complete personal responsibility for our own life and lose the victim mentality.
  • Wild Orange: Wild Orange addresses a wide variety of emotional issues. This Oil of Abundance fosters creativity and inspires feelings of abundance. At its core wild orange really helps us to remember the true essence of abundance.
  • Frankincense: Frankincense invites us to let go of some of the lower vibrations and negativity that we can feel. Frankincense helps us to recall memory of spiritual understanding. This oil is known as the Oil of Truth and helps us to feel the love of the Divine.
  • Arborvitae: Arborvitae helps us to live with peace and joy by trusting the abundant flow of divine grace. This one is a grounding oil that teaches the concept that divinity is all around us. As we surrender into what is, our mind relaxes and the soul experiences harmony and peace.
  • Patchouli: This gorgeous essential oil helps us to become fully present in our body. When we consistently use patchouli we can feel more grounded and fluid. As the oil of physicality this one calms fear and nervous tension.
  • Clary Sage: Clary Sage helps us with changing our perceptions. One of the finest oils for helping us to see our limiting beliefs. This is known as the oil of clarity and vision. It helps the spirit to use the divinely given gifts and bring clarity in the spiritual vision.
  • Citrine Crystal: Citrine is a beautiful type of quartz stone that welcomes abundance, prosperity, and positivity. Citrine is a yellow quartz stone that’s been around for thousands of years for many purposes. Citrine can strengthen self esteem and bring about a positive outlook on life. It also attracts a vibrant flow of energy in and around the body.

The benefits

This blend can help you to feel more positive. When used deliberately it can assist in chasing your greatest dreams and aspirations. And, you will smell delightful and I wouldn’t be surprised if you get compliments on how wonderful the aroma is. Plus it is such a gorgeous blend to look at.

This great ebook is an awesome resource for learning more about the variety of uses for essential oils. You can grab all of the oils for this blend (except the very rare and special Litsea). I will share with you MANY ways you can use these oils in your home for cleaning, aches and pains, detox, mood, belly aches and so much more.

Disclaimer: The statements in this post about essential oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical advice or treatment. These statements are based on my own personal experience.

Mind Body Sprit Detox

“True healing comes with the nourishing of the mind, the body and the soul”  – Unknown 

This time of year we hear all quite a bit of talk about cleanses and I have even participated in some over the years. It seems we over indulge during the holiday season and then dive into something to erase the pounds of cookies, fudge and eggnog we enjoyed for weeks.

I wonder what would happen if instead of taking extreme measures we simply implemented some daily habits into our life so that there is less of a need to swing the pendulum from enjoying all the good things to eliminating and withholding?

As a person who sees the whole person, I think many of us good benefit from minor tweaks to our daily habits as a way to clean up our mind, body and spirit, rather than focusing only on detoxing the body. Small, subtle changes to our everyday routines could provide a great impact to our overall wellbeing. I know that I am working on making these part of my everyday life, not just during the the new year season.


Our mind can be constantly recycling our past experiences or predicting the potential disasters of the future, most of which never occur.  Ask yourself how much time do you spend during the day participating in an inner narrative about the past and the future? How much of the time do we get stuck in the past, reliving the same old miseries?  How much time do you spend assuming expectations or anticipating future events? Take some quiet time to look at your thoughts and emotions. Are they mostly happy and optimistic or are you mostly recycling the same worries, doubts, and regrets?

Meditating cleanses your mind, body and spirit. To sit in silence and connect is pure bliss.  Think of meditation as a way to cleanse your mind of any negative thoughts and create space for yourself to listen with a relaxed focus. 

There are many different meditation techniques and practices, the most important thing is finding one that resonates with you and is one that you will return to time and time again. 

Journalling is a great way to get things out of your head and onto paper, it allows you to fully process things that are bothering you and for you to see them in a different light.  

There is no need to follow any structure, allow yourself to write freely and see what comes up.

If you have trouble getting started with journaling, try answering these questions as a starting point:

  • Write down everything that’s taking up space in your mind.
  • What can you do to get yourself some nourishment and self-care?
  • What would you like more of in your life 
  • Rather than write your thoughts, doodle and draw pictures simply to empty the mind

Take a non tech day

Take time out away from your computer, phone and social media. for 24hrs. Give yourself a break away from the screens and the external world. 

Give your eyes and mind a rest and do some more nurturing activities like getting out in nature, cooking nourishing food, playing board games, doing yoga, journaling, spending time with family and friends, do something art or simply do nothing.  Taking some time out in silence is another great way to connect and check in with yourself.

Sleep is a powerful and very needed reset for the mind.  A quality sleep can help you to be more resilient to the stressors of life and will help you access your coping strategies when life does get hard.  Try to go to bed early  and aim for 8-9 hours of sleep. Limiting screen time and sipping on a chamomile or lavender tea can prepare the mind and body for sleep.  Some of my favorite sleep essential oils are cedarwood, bergamot, lavender, siberian fir, vetiver, and eucalyptus.  This free ebook describes some of the amazing uses of essential oils beyond just for sleep.

Affirmations are an amazing strategy to switch our thinking from a negative to a positive. The repeated use of affirmations can be life-changing.

I do believe that the two most powerful words we speak are I AM.  Whatever we speak after that we are inviting into our life.  

When you catch yourself saying a negative I AM, immediately replace it with a positive I AM. Post positive statements where you will see them.

For example:

  • I AM a failure to I AM trying to overcome this.
  • I AM a mess to I AM working hard.
  • I AM a loser to I AM doing my best.


Detoxing the body can be something you do seasonally, yearly, or whenever you feel like your body is in need of a refreshed feel.  Some cleanses last anywhere from a one day cleanse to month long cleanses.  If you are not comfortable taking that on, you can also implement these habits into your daily life to maintain a detoxed and lighter body. 

  • Start the day with a glass of warm water and lemon juice, drink lots of room temperature water throughout the day. I also add a drop of lemon or grapefruit oil to my water.
  • Have a light breakfast, maybe a green smoothie and or fruit, avoid or limit caffeine, if possible. 
  • Make lunch your main meal with lots of colorful vegetables and a light lean protein.
  • Avoid processed and packaged foods and heavy proteins, minimize sugars.
  • Get some light exercise such as walking, yogic stretching.
  • Eat an early, light dinner. Ideally eating no later than 6pm can help your body properly digest food and help with a solid sleep.
  • Dry brushing is a method of gently exfoliating your skin using a special firm-bristled brush. Some people use it as part of their skin routine to try to restore firmness, get rid of dry skin flaking, and encourage blood flow to certain areas of the body. It also helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage
  • Coffee to tea swap.  As much as I love coffee, I am trying to swap my afternoon brew for a yummy tea.  A work in progress.  Some say that coffee can cause the adrenal glands to work extra hard and this ultimately causes fatigue and stress in the body.
  • Salt Baths are my favorite way to relax and detox the body.  I love to add essential oils such as lavender, cypress, cedarwood, basil, eucalyptus and peppermint to one cup of epsom salt. Soaking for 20 minutes can support a natural detox for the body. Himalayan salt is also a great alternative to epsom. 

Breath Work

Breathing is living and a function of life, without it we wouldn’t be here. Every single cell and organ in our bodies needs our breath to fully function. With a regular breath practice we can lower stress levels and prevent disease. 

Moving your body is vital to feeling good and detoxing your mind, body and soul. Any form of exercise supports the functionality of your organs and the natural detox process and gets your cardiovascular system going, improves your blood flow and, thereby, has a positive impact on your body’s systems and processes. 

Yoga is beneficial for your body in general. Iyengar stated that twisting poses compress the muscles and organs, blocking the flow of blood. When releasing the poses, the blood flows back into those areas, improving circulation. Twists are an important part of a balanced yoga practice as they improve circulation – which certainly is beneficial to your internal organs. I have a full library of yoga videos on my website!


When we commit to taking care of our mind and our body, we have a natural and beautiful awakening of the spirit, however there are times when heavy emotions weigh us down and prevent our light from truly shining. Caring for our spirit involves recognizing parts of ourselves that we are holding onto that are interfering with our ability to show up fully in life, and can also prevent us from giving and receiving the goodness of life. 

Ask yourself if some of these resonate:

  • I have regrets
  • I carry resentment.
  • I feel guilt.
  • I need to forgive myself or someone else.
  • I blame others for my pain.
  • I feel ashamed of my actions or thoughts.
  • I do not feel worthy.
  • I am in constant disappointment.
  • I worry much of the time.
  • I fear the worst.
  • I rarely laugh or find joy in everyday moments. 

If a statement above hits you in your gut, it is likely that your spirit could use a little cleaning. I like to think of this as simply polishing off some smudges that have accumulated on our light. With some similar mindful practices to the mind, you can work on clearing out the dark spaces in your heart that are taking up space for something much more beautiful.


A gratitude practice can be a wonderful balm for a sore spirit. The research supports that a deliberate gratitude practice can shift our minds (and spirits) from a place of lack and limitations, which we are hardwired to think/feel, to a place of abundance and grace. What is a deliberate gratitude practice?

  • Look for 3-5 experiences throughout your day to jot down in a book.
  • Notice the feelings that these experiences bring to you. Write that down.
  • Go beyond the touchable and tangible (family, friends, home) and go for the deeper reason why these matter.
  • Review your gratitudes weekly and sit with all that is noticeably good.

Meditation, proper sleep, connecting with trusted people, walks in nature, praying, attending a spiritual community gathering, silence, gardening, and other ways that you identify feed you can get your spirit cleaned up so that you can be the best person you can be. 

Caring for our whole Self is a powerful and life sustaining practice that can enhance all areas of your life. When we are clear and engaged in ourselves we can show up better for the world. These simple steps should not feel like a heavy and insurmountable undertaking, but instead should feel like a way of being and something you can carry into each season of the year.

Empower Yourself

People will drop over $100 per month on lattes and hundreds more on drinking and eating out, yet not want to spend $80 on a gym membership, or hundreds on therapy or a coaching program.

And then they wonder why they don’t feel good or aren’t reaching their goals.

People spend hours scrolling on their phones or watching Netflix and but don’t have enough time to read, meditate or go for a walk.

Your actions show where your priorities are, not your thoughts and ideas.

If you’re having a difficult time making changes to your health, happiness, relationships, business, whatever, take a look at what you’re investing in. Not just with your money, but your energy, time and/or attention.

The more you give to yourself, the more you’ll get back. You deserve to have everything you desire and nobody else is gonna give it to you but YOU.

If you’re worried about the price of getting started, you should see the cost of staying exactly where you are.

We are in the last few months of 2021 and I am offering this package that is worth well over $500 for a deep discount of just $325.

Time is limited to grab this deal.

This bundle also makes an amazing gift. The awesome thing about this program is some of the content is yours to keep and return to over and over.

•Assessment and Personalized Wellness plan ($125.00)
•Two private yoga sessions ($80.00)
•Two follow up Wellness Sessions ($80.00)
•Seven days of Wellness Program to motivate and inspire you ($125.00)
•One-hour body work/energy session. ($50.00)
•Crystal and Essential Oil Blend based on you primary wellness goal ($22)
•Bonus Self-Care Package ($140)
•Essential Oil consultation (free)

You are SO worth it.

Just send me a message and we can roll up our sleeves and get busy! I cannot wait to work with YOU!