The Walls

Today I celebrate that six years ago today I closed on my house. While it may not be a big deal to some, it is validation of the outward expression of who I am.

This little abode of mine is also the house that I grew up in…how awesome is that? While I believe in the concept of manifesting, it is truly not about things you want, but instead the deep understanding and awareness of WHAT you are.

My home and her walls are a reflection of me and the life that I have created despite obstacles and challenges. I did this by doing the hard work of chipping away at the barriers I attached to myself and allowing the revealing of who and what I am to be seen.

My home.

The walls hold my inner little girl tightly and affirm in her the goodness that she is.

The walls whisper secrets that only I know.

The walls speak softly to me and remind me that I chose to create this life I have.

The walls protect me from the outer angst and offer me a sanctuary of peace.

The walls provide me with a space to create, work and live in alignment.

The walls hold memories of nearly 51 years of living, growing, and evolving.

The walls are a reflection of who I am and today I celebrate both me and the walls.

Toxins in the Home

Recent studies point to certain “cleaning” chemicals having a link to asthma and reproductive harm. Children, pregnant women, women trying to get pregnant, and those who already have asthma are especially vulnerable to these chemicals.
Also, certain chemicals may interfere with the development of a child’s neurological, endocrine and immune systems, a pediatric problem that can be detrimental to even their adult lives.
The overuse of disinfectant chemicals in our homes has contributed to the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Scientists agree that castille soap and water are effective for most routine cleaning jobs, and research has demonstrated that safer alternatives have disinfectant properties that may be used in place of harsh chemicals.
We know very little about the long-term health impacts of chronic exposure to chemicals in household cleaning products
Ammonia is often included in glass and other hard-surface cleaners and can be irritating to the skin, eyes, throat, and lungs. It can also burn skin, and damage eyes (including blindness) upon contact.
When ammonia enters the body as a result of breathing, swallowing or skin contact, it reacts with water to produce ammonium hydroxide. This chemical is very corrosive and damages cells in the body immediately.
Chlorine bleach is commonly used to treat drinking water, sanitize swimming pools, and to whiten laundry, yet is a known eye, skin, and respiratory irritant.
I clean exclusively with essential oils in my home. I know that I am not just breathing in safe products, but my skin is also not absorbing chemicals.
Be sure to check out some research at
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