One thing that I have learned for sure over the last eight months, being strong certainly has its advantages.
Thankfully, strength has carried me most of my adult life and continues to do so. The advantages of being strong is the ability to face challenges with the upmost of grace and yet, fierce determination. I rarely get rattled and usually let triggers roll right off my back because I honestly don’t have time for it. The ability to have solid boundaries in place is one of the gifts strength allows you.
One of the disadvantages of being strong is that people assume that it’s easy, it must not be *that* bad, or that you’re always okay.
None of that is true.
Another disadvantage is that people will often challenge your strength by telling you that despite being strong, you most certainly need the help of others. Which I mostly disagree with. I need help when I need help, not based on someone else’s opinion of when THEY think I need help.
Truth is I am strong. Rarely to my own detriment, but instead most often to my benefit.
In the coming weeks I will be asked to be strong again as I face more challenges with my hip. When the plan is in place, I will share it.
Until then, I carry on. With strength, of course.