Inclusion Yoga

Inclusion Yoga is a dynamic form of living and sharing the true essence of Yoga that embraces as its main focus the principles of inclusion.

This was the day.  

The dim lights of the Yoga space were easy on my eyes.  The wood floors were cool to my feet that padded along in eager anticipation for the arrival of Yogis. The voices of fellow Yoga teachers whispered around the room.  The candles flickered with shared excitement as I knelt on my mat.

The energy itself was touchable.

As I knelt on my mat prior to the first arrival I softly closed my eyes and went inside my heart. I witnessed in myself an acknowledgement of what brought me to this day.  With sweet tears, I first saw my beautiful daughter.  Images of her sweet life from birth to this day.  Without her being in my life–exactly as she is–I would not be sitting on that mat preparing to meet my vision.

Next, I remembered my first Yoga class where I was the student.  I remembered my first teacher gently planting seeds that I would soon discover about myself and about Yoga.  I remembered my first Yoga conference when I was eager with excitement and driven to be doing it “right”.  I remembered being told to just be yourself and teach from your heart.

I remembered the letter I wrote seeking an opportunity to teach to people with disabilities.  I remembered meeting with them.  I remembered them saying yes.

I remembered the classes I have taught where I have been humbled by the willingness of people to reach into their hearts and be vulnerable.

I wiped the tears as I blessed this moment. I knew that this moment was indeed divinely guided.

The room filled and people settled in.  Mats were placed in a circle; a circle of inclusion, of equality and of acceptance.

I dropped to my knees and felt the tears sting my eyes as I saw my friend in her wheelchair arrive.  She was the exact reason my heart knew that this calling was not to be ignored.  I thanked her for her inspiration and I proudly helped her to the mat.

As the class began, I scanned the room.  I saw old friends.  I saw new friends.  I saw a family that brought their daughter.  I saw fellow Yoga teachers.  I saw courage, love, peace, and… I saw joy.

At that moment, I knew that I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

I spoke my truth.  I taught from my heart.  I witnessed the inclusion and the acceptance.  I witnessed the willingness and the courage.  I witnessed the love.

I closed the class in complete wonder for what just occurred and with a reading of how it began.  I closed the class in deep gratitude for the faith people have in me, for the support from others and for the opportunity.

Fast forward fourteen years and I am proud to share that my teachings have evolved and yet also have the foundation of inclusion at their essence. I am blessed to bring adaptive yoga into long term care centers, assisted living setting and group homes. To learn more about my services, check out this gorgeous webpage that explains it all.

Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program

Are you a yoga teacher (or soon to be) and have a desire to take your teaching a different direction? Perhaps teach to a population that is often overlooked and underserved?

I am currently looking to mentor two yoga teachers on adaptive yoga and traditional hatha yoga. With over 13 years of experience and thousands of hours teaching to typical and disabled students, I would love to share my knowledge and guidance with you. This is an opportunity for yoga teachers to develop their skills and deepen their knowledge of yoga through personal study under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

My mentoring program would include:
•reading and studying
•weekly discussion
•observation time
•questions and answer time
•support and guidance

You will leave with:
• An understanding of your WHY as a yoga teacher
•Absolute confidence in your voice as a yoga teacher
•Clarity around your offerings as a yoga teacher
•Excitement around sharing your offerings your way
•Ability to shed comparison and instead embrace your unique gifts
•How to develop offerings that are intrinsically linked to your Why, your niche as a teacher
•A road map of where you’d like to go from here

The ideal teacher must be open to learning the methods of adaptive yoga, proper safety and precautions, how to engage those with limited cognitive function, and much more. You must also be spirited and have a positive outlook.

Message me for more details and to apply.
