Intention to Faith

Personal development has been a hobby of mine for the last 15 years.  What has come from this hobby has been truly amazing and I am grateful for the wake up. 

Over the last decade and a half, I have dug deep into healthy living. This includes meditation, yoga, spirituality, soul-searching and the gut wrenching-digging-out-the-crap-of-old-beliefs-and-stories.  I can say with honesty that I have also struggled to maintain my momentum without finding myself overly critical.  Self-loathing and microscopic analysis of all that I need to “work on” can be consuming for a habit-forming personality type like myself.  In contrast, there has been plenty of times when I have also neatly stacked all the self-help, goddess inspiring, soul inspiring books and walked away to take a breather.

I am in the midst of another cycle where I am looking at my stuff and balancing it with the confidence and self-assurance that I am really okay.  In fact, I am beyond okay.  I am an empowered and magnificently flawed human that is willing to grow.

And like all growing spurts, there is usually some pain. The deep aches that wake you in the middle night.  The stretching of the mind, body and soul to embark on a new way of seeing the world, and specifically myself in the world.

While I balance what needs to be examined; work patterns, where I put my energy, habits that don’t serve my greatest good, words that hurt, etc., with the understanding what I hold my faith in–and that is, ALL experiences are opportunities to grow.


This includes the sticky experiences that are challenging and the opposing joy filled experiences that are exhilarating.  I believe in the deepest of my very essence that every experience is a lesson. I also hold confidence that embedded in each ‘lesson’ is the calling to fall back into your faith.  Lay softy down in the knowing that all is well.  I do this by consciously handing over to God what is showing up with a trusting that in the end, I will be okay.  In truth, I am far better than okay and whatever is showing up in my life, is temporary and by bringing more of my intention to my faith the more fearless I do become.

Photosensitive Essential Oils

When I first started using essential oils I had no idea that some oils could cause a burn. Crazy, right?

As we head into warmer months and more outside time, remember that some oils are photosensitive and cause a reaction that is uncomfortable when combined with sunlight.

Be mindful when applying the following if you plan to be in the sun. You can still use them, just apply on the feet or a covered area or take internally (I only ingest pure, certified therapeutic grade oils that I am positive have been tested).

Check out this gorgeous ebook for the basics and be sure to drop me a message if you’re not sure which oils are safe  I’m happy to help.


New Growth

We know that sign of a healthy plant is new growth.  The bright green and tender new leaves that form are indication that the plant is thriving.

And so it is with us as well.  The sweet and innocent, and often incredibly vulnerable, new challenges we face are indications we are not just growing but on our way to thriving.  It seems that with each new season of growth we are often faced with a burst of freshness that makes us feel invigorated and ready to take shape into an amazing blossom.

This week in my yoga classes we are exploring the concept of new growth.  Whether that is a revitalized wellness plan, a new job, a fresh relationship, or perhaps a commitment to self-love, it is a time to discover the joy in sprouting new growth.

In order to grow, we must create. When we cease to find our creative expression, a little bit of us dies either emotionally or physically. We wither under the pressure of being mundanely human.

Yet, at any moment we can refocus our power towards transformation. There are two ways that we can tap into our creative process: 1. Revealing glorious physical creations, such as colorful works of art, beautiful products, time in nature’s process and even how we decorate our homes, and 2. Bringing about a positive attitude and outlook that fuels one to transform and lift others. Basically being of service.

I find that connecting with the earth element is such a vital tap into the biggest creative process. To me, it is like taking a drink of water that immediately squelches any thirst I might have and gives me just what I need for my next push in life. Just like a plant with new growth needing fresh water. I also find that when I lean towards the warmth of things that make me feel good, I am more likely to be positive and upbeat in my outlook on life.  This alone can make a world of difference in how we either wither or bloom.

I am so looking forward to exploring these concepts on the mat (or in a chair this week).  As a wise mentor once told me, “the teacher teaches what the teachers needs to learn”.

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