It’s not joy that makes us grateful, it’s gratitude that makes us joyful.
Brené Brown
Think about that. So often we misunderstand that if we had all the things and our life is packed with goodness, we would then be grateful.
Actually it is not that way.
I have read and even taken a course with Brené Brown and yet I still continue to learn and soak in more every time I hear her speak.
Last night I was watching a talk she gave to teachers and other leaders. She was describing what happens when we think that we cannot be happy with what we have and we are constantly seeking joy through external things. We have all heard “when I take that vacation” or “if I could have that ____”, then my life would be good. This is called scarcity thinking. Scarcity thinking is when we think what we have is not enough or what we have will be taken from us.
Years ago I had that mindset. Thankfully through the work I’ve done I no longer have that reaching for something. If a moment sneaks up on me and I do start to feel that what I have isn’t enough, I just have to go to my office and grab one of EIGHTEEN years worth of gratitude journals to see that my life is really quite full.
For some a gratitude journal feels daunting. That’s okay.
There are countless ways to cultivate a genuine gratitude practice. Here are some great ideas:
- pause before eating to recognize all that took place to bring you that plate of food
- step outside and look at the sky and just breathe for two to three minutes
- look at a stranger through the eyes of peace
- say thank you throughout the day as doors get opened, people say hello, words are exchanged
- smile more
- before you begin your busy day sit for five minutes and gaze around your space and not see the tasks undone, but see instead your roof, your furniture, your safety
- exchange gratitudes of the day with your family or friends before eating
Research shows that with a genuine gratitude practice, we can shift from scarcity thinking to joy. Imagine your life shifting from disappointment to deep appreciation. Think about how your relationships and business could flourish with an attitude of enough.
More than enough.

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