I am a super private person and unless you know me really well or catch the occasional revealing posts about my private life, you may not know the whole story.
I am not one to carry on about the past much because I believe what happened is what happened and by perhaps looking through a different lens, I have learned to see the gifts and lessons learned.
Yesterday I had an opportunity to have a very honest and real conversation with a girl I met a few years ago that is entering into a season of her life that includes being a single mom, wondering how she will work, feed her kids and fulfill her deep calling to do what her heart and soul is calling her to do.
I was there.
Eating cheap food to survive, scrambling for a job, yearning for something more and doing the best I knew how with my kids.
I failed a bunch but I also succeeded way more. I evolved into this. I overcame the you obstacles of single parenting and finding myself through the process.
My hope is that I gave this young girl a sense that she WILL be okay and that she WILL find her way and that she WILL succeed in her wildest dreams. She is certainly deserving of it and skilled in many ways.
It felt kinda strange to share my story and see the other side of what overcoming struggles can possibly do for someone just entering that sisterhood.
You just never know how your challenges can help someone else in a time of need.

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