Consider for yourself if you view Yoga as exercise? Is it? Is Yoga something you “do”? Or, is Yoga much more than exercise?
Big questions with a really simple answer. First of all, the majority of us do in fact come to a Yoga class looking for some sort of physical enhancement; to be more toned, to have greater flexibility, to be more coordinated, to support aches and pains naturally or a variety of other reasons. I get that. I did, too. When I first started practicing Yoga it was purely from the standpoint of exercise and my reasoning is that I wanted to be more flexible.
Then it happened. Not only did I gain flexibility physically but my mind and heart also became quite flexible in the process.

Is Yoga Exercise?
According to Medline, Yoga is a practice that connects the body, breath, and mind. It uses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health. Yoga was developed as a spiritual practice thousands of years ago. Today, most Westerners who do yoga do it for exercise or to reduce stress.
Was that the intent of Yoga when it was discovered?
The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. As per Yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body.
Through learning about the 8 Limbs of Yoga we begin to see this is much more than a physical practice that our Western minds have adopted.
What are the 8 Limbs of Yoga?
- YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows.
- NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances.
- ASANA – Posture of the body.
- PRANAYAMA – Breathing Techniques.
- PRATYAHARA – Sense withdrawal.
- DHARANA – Focused Concentration.
- DHYANA – Meditative Absorption.
- SAMADHI – Bliss or Enlightenment.
You see, if the 8 limbs of Yoga were the spokes of a bicycle wheel, only one spoke would have anything to do with the physical body.
Why does learning about the other 7 limbs matter?
For some people exercise is all they want, and that is fine. I just am hesitant to call it Yoga. To me, Yoga is a lifestyle and a series of attitudes and principles that we embody to create wholeness in the mind, body and spirit. When this happens, we actually begin to influence the people around us in a more positive way. Way more positive than being able to hold a plank for three minutes or lift super heavy weights if you ask me. I would rather know that the way I am showing up in the world is bettering the people around me. We practice showing up on the mat, and apply it to our life off the mat.
When I was raising children, my oldest and youngest boys got to experience two very different childhoods as it relates to the influence Yoga had on me. As a result it also influenced them. My oldest son had more years of being influenced by a highly reactive, stressed, angry and overly emotional mom. My youngest on the other hand, had a longer period of his formative years with a present, calm and peaceful mom. While each son is their own personality and preferences, they do have a dynamically different outlook on life and I do attribute some of that to their primary caregiver (me) having gone through the transformative change that Yoga can bring to one’s life.
Can we just see Yoga as an exercise and still be ok?
Absolutely. 100%. Yes. I would just ask that if you choose to practice Yoga, you consider also learning about the other equally important limbs of the practice. You just might see how amazing it can be, beyond the body.
I have lots more to say on this. Take a listen!