Establishing Habits

Habits are often described as good or bad. I say a habit is neither. Habits truly are the foundation of building and creating a life you want. Would you like a different outcome? Look at your habits and see which ones are directing you to that dream, and which habits are getting in the way. Do habits change your mindset? Let’s take a look.

“Whenever you want to change your behavior, you can simply ask yourself: How can I make it obvious?

Look at Your Habits

How does your day begin? Do you grab your phone and begin scrolling? That may or may not be a good thing. If you find it triggers anxiety or sucks you into online debates, then it probably isn’t a great idea. If it inspires your work, feeds your soul or informs you with information that serves you, then it might be a good idea. Do your habits feed your soul?

Do you have a habit of doubting yourself? How does that serve you? Is that self doubt fueling you to do better? Or does that habit bog you down where you can’t proceed with a direction?

Have you found yourself mindlessly eating? Is that a habit that could be replaced with someone healthier? Mindlessly going through your day can lead you to a very dissatisfying outcome.

How to Change or Build Habits

Building in a few simple supports to increase helpful habits and eliminate less helpful habits may be helpful.

Decide what habits are working and what aren’t. Are your daily habits leading you to the life you want? Adjusting your daily habits to serve you puts you in control for creating your life. A stable mind and an open heart is available, unless your habits are preventing that from happening.

Creating a visual schedule. Checklists, sticky notes, or a calendar can be a powerful tool to making it happen.

Accountability Partners. Find a friend who has similar goals and desires and use each other to keep you on the track. Relying on someone or being relied on by someone can be a game changer.

When Habits Play with Our Mindset

Sleeping late is fine unless it creates an internal dialogue of negativity about yourself. Evaluating what daily habits are working for you and tweak the ones that aren’t. Staying confident, grounded and centered is the mindset goal. Establishing what IS working for you is the way that you can stay in control of your daily destiny and how this leads you to your dreams.

Not all habits are “bad” and not all are “good. Habits are just part of our routine that establishes a pattern to our life. Finding what daily things you want to do and what you need to do is where you find the mindset to forge ahead.

Bottom Line

Do what works for YOU. Make some changes to your life in small ways and see if you can tweak a few things so that you feel better about yourself, how you spend your days and your overall outlook on life.

Take a listen to this short podcast to learn more!