Fear is Big…Clarity is Bigger

If you’ve been following me you may have seen that I have chosen to put a little effort into being vulnerable this year. Looking at me from the distance – or sometimes even for those close to me – I appear to be unstoppable, strong, creative, successful, determined, and without a doubt a true overcomer. That is all true.

You may have also seen that I also opted to explore vulnerability in my life this year and dip my toes into a little “emotional exposure” as Brené Brown so eloquently says. Well, emotional exposure was proving to begin with a big bang.

Fear and uncertainity started to show up in big ways as soon as I declared I was ready to look vulnerability in the eye. It is one thing to feel these things, but I have a tendency to keep those big emotions to myself so the exposing of them was almost was big as feeling them.

So to be really open and honest, I have been fighting my way from slipping down into the depths of huge feelings of fear like I have never been over the last few weeks. Seems that since the declarative statement of what I was willing to improve in my life, vulnerability said “let’s just see how you can handle real big feelings”.

Thinking I am in complete readiness for my upcoming major hip overhaul, suddenly I was overcome with fear. Big time terror day after day. Waking up in the night fear. Shaking fear. Pit of the stomach fear. Gripping fear.

I told myself over and over that people get hip replacements all the time and yes most people do fine. But that is not a blanket statement my mind easily accepted. Of course we also hear about the 82 year old grandma who gets a new hip and is at the social club within a week which can make for some serious unhealthy comparison.

The fear began to battle comparison and I was questioning myself more than I ever have. Would my body and dysfunctional immune system accept the new hip? How much would my life be changed? How much will I have to rely on others to help me? How much time would I be away from work? Would I still be in pain? Would I ever be able to practice yoga the way I do? Will I get another blood clot? Will I get an infection? What if…? What if …? But what if…..? Over and over and over and over.

You see this isn’t a classic case of having bone on bone joint issue or severe arthritis. My joint is in perfect health and every doctor who has looked at the images scratches their head and wonders if that will address the pain. I have had three grueling tissue repairs on this previous hip and I still have a tremendous amount of pain and inflammation so the theory with my beloved surgeon whom I trust with my life is to remove the joint and closely surrounding tissue and give my body a clean, new joint which may greatly reduce my constant pain. The word “may” started to feel really scary as the days for closer.

I begged for silent moments of clarity. I pleaded with my conscious to give me insights. I walked and screamed at the sky to help me.

Is living in pain an option? Absolutely. Is enduring torturous fear an option? Hell no.

As I navigated this very unusual emotion over the course of the last few weeks I was startled at the physical changes that were occurring in my body. I am an incredibly steady and stable woman so to feel such intensity in an unfamiliar emotion was taking a toll. I had a racing heart all hours of the day, eating was incredibly hard, I felt like I had adrenaline running 24/7 through my veins, and I was experiencing deep pain in my belly every time I thought about laying on that stainless steel table for the 4th time. Of course the turmoil in my solar plexus was my first indication that my gut was telling me to listen. As the days ticked off I had more and more gut instinct knowing.

In my yogic thinking world what I was experiencing was a complete mind/body interaction where my intuition, or gut instinct, which is essentially our solar plexus where decisions are made and our personal power is being stoked like a fire. Feeling my personal power escape my body while making a life altering decision was sending my body into real time horror.

What if I chose to not listen to the language my body was speaking? What if I opted to ignore the screaming inside my body to pause and ask more questions? Despite the four second opinions there was still so much uncertainty about if this was truly the right direction to take, and yet my instinct knew it was not.

The moment that I stepped into my personal power and reclaimed clarity, it all stopped. I felt lighter. I felt myself gather up all that I know and feel about myself and feel empowered with clarity and much needed hope. A conversation with my surgeon late in the day where he reassured me that it was indeed a good decision to wait validated for me what I already knew.

I think we all have the capacity to know what our bodies need. We may not know the details to a solution like a complex surgery or diagnosis, but we do know when something feels off. We do know when our personal power is being threatened. We do know when we are right.

Vulnerability knocked on my door hard these first thirteen days of the year. But I welcomed her as a messenger and proudly reached out to a handful of safe people to pour my heart out. I revealed my fears and uncertainties. I spoke my vulnerability.

And when I did, sure enough clarity overtook fear.

I learned so much over the last few weeks about the subtle and not so subtle ways our body speaks to us, and that when we don’t feel something is right, to listen and then talk about it. Our voice is powerful and like anything, the more we do it the easier it becomes.

The hip surgery is on hold. Maybe forever but for sure in the near future. I am going to focus on the needs of my body that are determined with certainty like a quick knee scope, addressing some back issues with natural options and getting even healthier and stronger than I am—mind, body and spirit. Maybe the ol’ hip will calm itself down and all will be well.

Yay for vulnerability….round one complete.

Follow me for more goodness!

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is our third chakra. The energy of this chakra is to radiate your power in the world. Characterized by the expression of will, personal power, and mental abilities, the energy of the third chakra is mobilized when we assert ourselves in the world. This is the energy center where we make decisions, take action, have a strong sense of self, and exude confidence. The fire in our spirit is evident in this chakra.

LOCATION: above the navel center

REPRESENTS: our will power, motivation, get up and go, our action, vitality, and our sense of personal power

ASSOCIATED ANATOMY: Pancreas, liver, spleen, stomach, lower back muscles

BODILY FUNCTIONS: Metabolism, Digestion


COLOR: Yellow


Understanding the subtle changes in our physical body and emotions can lead us to understand more about who we are. By paying close attention we can find out throughout self discovery what we need to feel more balanced and harmonious.

Balanced: This center is open and balanced when you feel self-confident, have a strong sense of purpose, are self-motivated your third chakra is open and healthy. The third chakra is all about the perception of who you are and your relationship with yourself. This fiery chakra is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality when balanced and open.

Excessive: When this chakra is overactive there is excessive anger issues, stubbornness, desire for control, perfectionism, and being overly critical. A person with an overactive third chakra can also display arrogance, selfishness and the desire to manipulate others.

Deficient:A deficient third-chakra imbalance may express itself through shyness, difficulty setting boundaries, and a reluctance to share our gifts and talents with others. Additionally, someone with a weaker third chakra may have trouble making decisions, following through with actions, and may be seen as weak and unable to show up in life with confidence.


Apply the essential oils to the bottoms of the feet and/or roll along the belly.

Aromatically: apply the oils to your palms and cup your nose and take deep, long breaths.

Cinnamon: Assists individuals in dealing with jealousy or the need to control. This essential oil encourages one to let go of control and be free. It also dispels fear of rejection and brings out confidence. Cinnamon is a great choice for helping those develop body acceptance, feeling accepted and have healthy intimacy.

Coriander: Helps individuals move from doing things for the acceptance of others to honoring and living from the True Self. Coriander teaches that there is something unique within each individual and to live with the connection of what one’s spirit urges and directs. This oil is a great choice to bring out integrity, inner guidance and the True Self.

Ginger: A dynamic oil for empowerment. This oil is a great choice for anyone looking to be fully present in life and to be committed to one’s path. Ginger empowers individuals to take responsibility for their life circumstances and to embody a warrior type spirit. This strong and spicy oil is perfect for those seeking to be empowered, committed, capable, purposeful and accountable.

Clove: Assists individuals in letting go of patterns that being a push-over and encourages courage to stand up for one’s self. This oil reignites the inner fire and encourages one to be independent, proactive and to live with one’s integrity. This hot oil is a perfect choice for those who perceive themselves as powerless of life’s circumstances and to find within themselves the capability that exists within.

Peppermint: This oil brings buoyancy to the heart and the soul. This invigorating oil reminds individuals that life can be happy and to not be controlled by fear. Peppermint is a great choice when faced with emotional pain as it gives one a chance to take a breath and can the optimism that exists within. Peppermint is the perfect oil for optimism.


Citrine: The Citrine crystal stone meaning harnesses the energy of the sun to bring sunshine and light to all areas of your life. It is not called light maker for nothing, as it projects light into our lives, it chases away the negativity from our lives and dispels anger. Ever ready to bring good vibes and grace to the table, this sunny stone has an instant effect on the health and wealth of your body, mind, and soul. Citrine works wonders when it comes to warming the physical body and bringing uplifting moods. Because of its association with the solar plexus chakra, the Citrine crystal meaning is effective in increasing your personal power and self-confidence. Citrine’s bright and happy energy fills your spirit with positivity and the highest vibrations, clearing any blockages or imbalances in your solar plexus chakra with its sunny energy. This makes a Citrine crystal ideal for happiness, confidence, manifestation, and wealth.


When we feel stuck, we often isolate ourselves or seek to escape. Unfortunately this creates a cycle of feeling alone and disconnected. A balanced solar plexus chakra can bring with it sense of positivity and connection to own’s personal power. Balance your solar plexus chakra with the following yoga postures.

Warrior I: Warrior I is awesome for teaching body awareness and increasing the body-mind connection. The internal rotation of the back foot, combined with the squaring of the hips and full plant of the back foot, requires that one have a great perception of where their body is in space. Warrior I is great for opening the heart and developing courage. This pose has you standing really strong: one leg back, one leg forward, hips facing forward, and your chest lifted. This powerful stance can help you gain inner strength and courage, letting you open up to yourself and others.

Warrior II: Warrior II can be a practice in finding ease within effort. This pose offers a unique opportunity to practice finding where you can allow excess tensions to dissolve, as you continue to hold what needs to be held for stability and integrity within the pose. This work on the physical level can translate to work on the mental level as well—where are you holding unnecessary tensions in your life? Where you can you learn to relax, while you hold strength in other areas? Warrior II is all about finding peace in the moment, and peace within yourself.

Boat:Boat Pose is a challenging balance pose that engages the core. Beyond creating physical strength, it has the the potential to create great mental strength within us as well. It does this by showing us our ability to conquer difficult situations, firing up the belly and tapping into our inner reserves.

Supine/Seated Twists:Twists are wonderful postures if you deal with stress or anxiety. These postures will help to open the chest, shoulders and back, all of which can help to decrease feelings of anxiousness. You will be releasing stored tension in the body as you twist, which can have a positive effect on your mental state. Through twisting we lengthen the spine and get space between the bones. Then our energy can flow better. Twists give us an instant energy lift.

Plank: This pose is excellent for firing up the core and stoking the inner fire. Plank Pose will help to increase focus, stamina, and both physical and mental endurance. This pose helps enables you to continue challenging yourself.It ignites your passion and allows you to challenge your limits. This pose also calms your mind and eases the symptoms of depression. Along with that, it can also improve your mood and make you feel happy about yourself and your surroundings.

Curious to learn more about chakras, essential oils, and crystals? Just reach out to me or follow me here.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Located in the area of the solar plexus, navel, and the digestive system, the fiery third chakra is called Manipura, the “lustrous gem.” Associated with the color yellow, this chakra is involved in self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation; it also governs digestion and metabolism. A healthy, spirited third chakra supports us in overcoming inertia, jump-starting our “get-up-and-go” attitude so that we can take risks, assert our will, and assume responsibility for our life. This chakra is also the place of our deep belly laughter, warmth, ease, and the vitality we receive from performing selfless service.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the fire element because fire provides warmth and comfort, but also can cause fear and terror. This chakra spans a wide emotional area.The color associated with the solar plexus chakra is Yellow. Yellow is the symbol of the mind, intellect, high intelligence and wisdom. It is a positive magnetic vibration that acts as an equalizer for irritable conditions of the nervous system. The solar plexus is the organizing brain of the nervous system and as such, is an important power center that should be kept in a perfect equilibrium.

Some signs that the Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance are:
•Difficulty concentrating
•Poor ability to make decisions or judge a situation accurately
•A feeling that you are more important than other people
•Trouble taking action or getting things done.

Digestive problems, eating disorders, feeling like a victim, or experiencing low self-esteem can all be indications of a deficient third chakra. When you feel disempowered or in need of re-energizing, third chakra poses fan the flames of your inner fire and restore vitality so that you can move from the strength of your core.

Perfectionism, anger, hatred, and too much emphasis on power, status, and recognition reveal an excessive third chakra.

My favorite way to balance my third chakra is with gemstones, essential oils and yoga (Restorative, passive backbends that cool off the belly’s fire act as calming agents for third chakra excess).

I have a free ebook that describes all the chakras. Message me if you’d like it.