Thriving Thyroid

The thyroid, located in the front of the neck, is a small butterfly-shaped organ. It plays a mighty role in your health by producing hormones which travel throughout the body. These hormones regulate our hearts, digestion, muscle control, and equally important, brain development. As a result, you need your thyroid to be performing well to feel well. Did you know that there are many essential oils for thyroid support? 

First let’s look at why the thyroid is so important. Thyroid hormones affect your metabolism rate, which means how fast or slow your brain, heart, muscles, liver, and other parts of your body work. Amazing, Huh?

Paying attention to the language your body is speaking can really give you insight to your thyroid working too fast or too slowly. For example, if you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, you might feel tired and cold. Or, if you have too much thyroid hormone, you might feel nervous, jumpy, and warm. 

The thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland which oversees thyroid hormone production. Additionally, it tells the thyroid to make more or less according to what the body needs. The pituitary gland is even smaller, about the size of a pea, yet still vitally important to our health. In fact, we can use essential oils for thyroid and pituitary support to keep our body working at it’s best. This blend can support the thyroid in staying balanced and healthy.

The best essential oils for thyroid support are Lemongrass, Myrrh, Clove, Frankincense, Basil and Peppermint. I apply this twice a day.

1. Frankincense – Frankincense, also known as the “King of oils”, is a powerfully supportive oil for the body. Its complex chemistry, coupled with a high ratio of Monoterpenes (25%), make it a multi-purpose oil and a strong support on a cellular and DNA level. Furthermore, Frankincense is calming for the immune and nervous systems, skin and emotions. Combine with Lemongrass, Myrrh and Clove for a daily thyroid support blend .

2. Myrrh – Because Myrrh is very high in Sesquiterpenes (75%), it is a strong support for the thyroid. Sesquiterpenes also stimulate the limbic system, hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. Combine with Clove, Lemongrass and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

3. Clove – Clove is a powerful antioxidant and immune support for the body. High in phenols which stimulate the immune and nervous system, they further help keep your cells performing well. Combine with Lemongrass, Myrrh and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

4. Lemongrass – Lemongrass is high in aldehydes (up to 80%). This works to calm the nervous system, relieve stress and promote relaxation while also being uplifting. Combine with Clove, Myrrh and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

5. Peppermint – Peppermint gives us a natural energy boost. If you’re tired, it’s a wonderful pick-me-up during the day, especially in those late afternoon hours. Try it in a diffuser, put a drop in your hands to inhale or just smell from the bottle. It is also supportive to the thyroid.

Remember, essential oils are so potent that it doesn’t take much to be effective. This roller blend will last about TWO months and each bottle of essential oils is 250 drops! That means you’ll have a long supply of thyroid support, but also the oils in this blend are incredibly versatile and you’ll find TONS of uses for them. 

If you’d like to learn the basics of essential oils, check out this handy guide. It’s super easy to get these oils at wholesale prices, just pop over here or I am happy to make you a thyroid blend to try before you invest!

Manifest Blend

Did you know that essential oils and thinking in terms of attracting goodness go hand in hand? Essential oils are great for boosting moods and improving overall well-being. The oils are effective for so many different situations from relieving the pain of a minor burn to cleaning your home. Learning about essential oils, their properties and ways to use them can actually help you maintain a positive vibration and help you focus on taking action with your goals. When we learn and get our brains working, we actually can increase our mindset and that brings us closer to our goals and desires.

Let’s face it, we are over two weeks into this year and for most people I talk to, it is proving to be a challenging repeat of the last couple years. The ideas and goals that most of us had for the New Year are already a fading memory as we dig deep in just getting through the long days. I may have a simple remedy that will get you back into the high vibes of focusing on attracting good things into your life. I mean we cannot change the crazy, but we can change where we focus our attention.

Having a routine

Whenever I start to feel “stuck” or that I keep experiencing not so great things, I pull out this blend and work with it to get out of my negative head space. My routine is actually pretty simple–I drink my coffee and write out a long list of gratitudes, and why these people and experiences inspire me, and then I apply this to my hands and cup my hands over my nose and take five intentional breaths. A gratitude practice by the way is one of the easiest ways to get out of bad funk. With consistency you can truly change your life just by being authentically grateful. After I spend time acknowledging all that is good, I focus on what I want in my life and sit with imagining how it is going to feel when I experience that which I desire.

Manifest Blend

  • Litsea: Litsea is a powerful mobilizer of the will. As the Oil of Manifestation it is especially helpful in encouraging us to follow through on the inspiration. Litsea invites individuals to have the confidence to act and to trust. This oil also teaches us that we must learn to listen to our inner voice.
  • Ginger: Ginger holds no reservations. This oil has a purpose and will fulfill it! Being the Oil of Empowerment ginger powerfully persuades us to be fully present and participate in our life. Ginger empowers us to complete personal responsibility for our own life and lose the victim mentality.
  • Wild Orange: Wild Orange addresses a wide variety of emotional issues. This Oil of Abundance fosters creativity and inspires feelings of abundance. At its core wild orange really helps us to remember the true essence of abundance.
  • Frankincense: Frankincense invites us to let go of some of the lower vibrations and negativity that we can feel. Frankincense helps us to recall memory of spiritual understanding. This oil is known as the Oil of Truth and helps us to feel the love of the Divine.
  • Arborvitae: Arborvitae helps us to live with peace and joy by trusting the abundant flow of divine grace. This one is a grounding oil that teaches the concept that divinity is all around us. As we surrender into what is, our mind relaxes and the soul experiences harmony and peace.
  • Patchouli: This gorgeous essential oil helps us to become fully present in our body. When we consistently use patchouli we can feel more grounded and fluid. As the oil of physicality this one calms fear and nervous tension.
  • Clary Sage: Clary Sage helps us with changing our perceptions. One of the finest oils for helping us to see our limiting beliefs. This is known as the oil of clarity and vision. It helps the spirit to use the divinely given gifts and bring clarity in the spiritual vision.
  • Citrine Crystal: Citrine is a beautiful type of quartz stone that welcomes abundance, prosperity, and positivity. Citrine is a yellow quartz stone that’s been around for thousands of years for many purposes. Citrine can strengthen self esteem and bring about a positive outlook on life. It also attracts a vibrant flow of energy in and around the body.

The benefits

This blend can help you to feel more positive. When used deliberately it can assist in chasing your greatest dreams and aspirations. And, you will smell delightful and I wouldn’t be surprised if you get compliments on how wonderful the aroma is. Plus it is such a gorgeous blend to look at.

This great ebook is an awesome resource for learning more about the variety of uses for essential oils. You can grab all of the oils for this blend (except the very rare and special Litsea). I will share with you MANY ways you can use these oils in your home for cleaning, aches and pains, detox, mood, belly aches and so much more.

Disclaimer: The statements in this post about essential oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical advice or treatment. These statements are based on my own personal experience.

Empower Yourself

People will drop over $100 per month on lattes and hundreds more on drinking and eating out, yet not want to spend $80 on a gym membership, or hundreds on therapy or a coaching program.

And then they wonder why they don’t feel good or aren’t reaching their goals.

People spend hours scrolling on their phones or watching Netflix and but don’t have enough time to read, meditate or go for a walk.

Your actions show where your priorities are, not your thoughts and ideas.

If you’re having a difficult time making changes to your health, happiness, relationships, business, whatever, take a look at what you’re investing in. Not just with your money, but your energy, time and/or attention.

The more you give to yourself, the more you’ll get back. You deserve to have everything you desire and nobody else is gonna give it to you but YOU.

If you’re worried about the price of getting started, you should see the cost of staying exactly where you are.

We are in the last few months of 2021 and I am offering this package that is worth well over $500 for a deep discount of just $325.

Time is limited to grab this deal.

This bundle also makes an amazing gift. The awesome thing about this program is some of the content is yours to keep and return to over and over.

•Assessment and Personalized Wellness plan ($125.00)
•Two private yoga sessions ($80.00)
•Two follow up Wellness Sessions ($80.00)
•Seven days of Wellness Program to motivate and inspire you ($125.00)
•One-hour body work/energy session. ($50.00)
•Crystal and Essential Oil Blend based on you primary wellness goal ($22)
•Bonus Self-Care Package ($140)
•Essential Oil consultation (free)

You are SO worth it.

Just send me a message and we can roll up our sleeves and get busy! I cannot wait to work with YOU!

Healing Touch

Most of you know me as a yoga teacher, but I am also a Healing Touch Practitioner. Awesome, eh? Have you ever had a healing touch session? 

In Healing Touch therapy, practitioners use their hands to help restore balance and harmony through working with the human energy field or life force. This is done in a comfortable setting, fully clothed and is a great way to treat unsettled feelings in the mind and body.

Through heart-centered intention and skill, practitioners use their hands to re-establish the natural flow of energy. Healing Touch practitioners do not force or push energy but allow balance and harmony to “reboot” the energy system.

The benefits are amazing:


Healing Touch is done without the use of invasive procedures and offers a gentle, holistic way of healing.


Research has shown that Healing Touch facilitates the relaxation response and enhances the healing process.


Healing Touch restores balance and harmony to our natural biofield without the use of pharmaceuticals.

If you are feeling stuck or have feelings that just seem off, or are experiencing pain, I would love to see you! It can be done in person or virtually! Schedule yours today!

The Power of Affirmations

It is amazing to me how our inner narrative about ourselves can be so negative. Years ago I started a pretty solid affirmation practice and continue to this day. By rerouting our thoughts and words to a positive place, we actually retrain our brain to think and see the good in our lives.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.

When you repeat them often, and truly believe in them, you can start to see positive changes in your life unfold. Practicing positive affirmations can be extremely simple, and all you need to do is pick a phrase and repeat it to yourself.

I don’t know about you, but I have spent many years, speaking things like “I am a mess. I am overwhelmed. I am stressed. I am in so much pain.” I still catch myself and can now rephrase to “I am doing my best. I am handling this with grace. I am feeling my body tell me something”.

Affirmations require regular practice they can help you to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways that you think and feel.

Do you have a list of affirmations? What’s your favorite one? I love having sticky notes and reminders around my house and I even have an app in my phone that periodically throughout the day sends me an I am_____ reminder of something good.

I encourage you to start a 30 day affirmation practice and see what shows up in your life. Need some help coming up with affirmations? I am happy to help!

Adrenal Support

Have you been hearing others talk about adrenal fatigue but not sure what it means?

What is adrenal fatigue?

The theory behind adrenal fatigue basically says that our body’s immune system responds by revving up when we are under stress. The adrenal glands, which are small organs above your kidneys, respond to stress by releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are part of the “fight or flight” response. They increase your blood pressure and your heart rate.  When we live in a constant state of stress, emotional/physical pain, we can easily slip into this cycle. Of course, reducing stress and adding in some healthy habits is a great way to stop this phenomenon. Adrenal fatigue is sometimes hard to catch and the symptoms can be vague, but once you know what you are dealing with, it’s fairly easy to treat. Do you feel tired and worn out all the time, even though you’re getting plenty of sleep? Do you crave salty foods and have trouble losing extra pounds? Maybe you’ve been to several doctors and none of them can say what’s wrong with you.

  • Some signs that your adrenals are working too hard include:
  • •fatigue
  • •burst of energy before bed
  • •low blood pressure
  • •trouble getting to sleep
  • •reliance on caffeine

Along with increasing water, reducing daily stress, meditation, movement and eating a healthy diet I have also for many years been using a blend of essential oils to help support my super tired adrenals. Now, we have Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, which increases this already awesome blends effects on combating adrenal fatigue.

My tried and true blend includes: Clove, Rosemary, Frankincense, Lemon, and Basil (or Holy Basil) and literally lasts for months.

I apply this to my low back along the sides twice a day. I can tell the days I don’t use this…so easy. Of course, reducing stress, eating well, movement and plenty of water are a must too! ?

If you opt to buy these oils know that the oils in this blend have a huge variety of uses beyond just the adrenals, so you’re also investing in natural cleaning, mood support, aches and pains, hair growth, endocrine issues, and sleep to name just a few. If you’d love to try a blend, just reach out to me! I’d love to help you!

Check out this amazing ebook to learn more about how plants can help our body and feel free to reach out to me with questions or if you’d like to purchase a pre-made blend from me!

YOU Are Worth It

Worthiness is such a tricky beast. It seems this most everyone has at one point struggling with feeling worthy.

Have you?

  • Have you ever felt so uncomfortable in your skin you avoided really ever looking at yourself in the mirror?
  • Have you ever been so insecure that the thought of being visible scared you?
  • Have you ever said things to yourself that you would never say about another person?
  • Have you ever longed to find out why some people just seem to radiate happiness?
  • Have you ever been so miserable with your health that it felt like you’d never be any different?
  • Have you ever had so much bottled up emotion that numbing it was your only option?
  • Have you ever wondered what you are on this Earth to do?
  • Have you ever listened the quiet inner voice of yourself BEGGING to be let out?

Me too, friend. Me too.

What if I told you that I used to be an angry, bitter, lonely, extremely heavy (in mind, body AND spirit) person that could not be alone with herself for five minutes without some serious negative self-talk? What if I told you I lost over 100 pounds by changing my mindset about myself? What if I told you that I thought the only reason I was born was to struggle and raise my kids? What if I told you that I have been exactly where you are?

What if I told you I learned how to value ME?

Now, what if I told you I could give you some systematic choices and alternatives that are life sustaining and could possibly change all of your answers to the above questions? What if I was in your corner WITH you as you bravely began to navigate across new territory? What if I held the map for you as you take the first few steps? What if I was in your corner to cheer you on and encourage you to live your best self?

Are you ready?

People will drop over $100 per month on lattes and hundreds more on drinking and eating out, yet not want to spend $80 on a gym membership, or hundreds on therapy or a coaching program.

And then they wonder why they don’t feel good or aren’t reaching their goals.

People spend hours scrolling on their phones or watching Netflix and but don’t have enough time to read, meditate or go for a walk.

Your actions show where your priorities are, not your thoughts and ideas.

If you’re having a difficult time making changes to your health, happiness, relationships, business, whatever, take a look at what you’re investing in. Not just with your money, but your energy, time and/or attention.

The more you give to yourself, the more you’ll get back. You deserve to have everything you desire and nobody else is gonna give it to you but YOU.

If you’re worried about the price of getting started, you should see the cost of staying exactly where you are.

We are in the last few months of 2021 and I am offering this package that is worth well over $500 for a deep discount of just $325. Time is limited to grab this deal. This bundle also makes an amazing gift.

The awesome thing about this program is some of the content is yours to keep and return to over and over.

  • Two private yoga sessions ($80.00)
  • Assessment and Personalized Wellness plan ($125.00)
  • Two follow up Wellness Sessions  ($80.00)
  • Seven days of Wellness Program to motivate and inspire you ($125.00)
  • One-hour body work/energy session. ($50.00)
  • Crystal and Essential Oil Blend based on you primary wellness goal ($22)
  • Bonus Self-Care Package ($140)
  • Essential Oil consultation (free)

You are SO worth it.

Just send me a message and we can roll up our sleeves and get busy! I cannot wait to work with YOU!

Seasons Change

A student once told me—choose a path and walk it well.

It is not uncommon that we might feel a slight pull towards a change or shift this time of year. Nature is so obvious in showing us that it is okay to do just that, especially this time of year when we see the trees so effortlessly let go of the season’s growth. Some of us resist that pull, and end up staying stagnant and even miserable, when we could be feeling liberated. Or at the least, we could be aligned with our deepest selves as we welcome in the offering a change may bring.

The season for me is coming to a change as I feel and listen to the pull to welcome in something different. In fact, I have been feeling this nudge for a variety of reasons in the last few months. Part of it is the push to complete some big projects that I have been working on, and the other part of me is listening to the interior landscape of my soul asking me to align my actions with its deepest truth. Add to that some reminders that the Universe is always putting in my path exactly what I need in order to pause, look and learn. And maybe even slow down a bit to refuel.

I realize that there will be some disappointment, much like many of us feel as we watch summer come to an end and we pull out the snow shovels and warm sweaters for the coming months of cold.

I ask you though to feel the disappointment, and then rally around me and my work from the place of curiosity and wonder as I work on some big dreams in the next few months. I also ask for your compassion as I trek across new territory. Walk with me as the landscape changes and together we celebrate what lies ahead.

Know this– seasons come and go. Cycles are here to teach us that everything is temporary and that with each inhale there will be an exhale.

Stay tuned and consider joining me on the path.

Pumpkin Energy Balls

It’s all things fall around my house. I love the smell of diffusing earthy and spicy essential oils. Baking good things with pumpkin and popping a hearty stew in the oven is heaven.

To me pumpkin means comfort.

These little energy balls are a little taste of fall in small bite, plus they give a great boost of energy without a bunch of sugar or processed ingredients.

You probably have all of the stuff in your pantry to make these awesome pumpkin energy balls. I take them on the go with me!!


  • Old fashioned oats-I like to use old fashioned oats because they create a chewier, heartier energy ball. Plus, I always have old fashioned oats in my pantry. You can use gluten-free oats if you need the energy balls to be gluten-free.
  • Ground flaxseed meal—I love adding ground flaxseed to boost the nutritional value of the energy balls. Ground flaxseed adds fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, and protein. Make sure you use ground flaxseed meal and not whole flaxseeds.
  • Chia Seeds—These little seeds are a loaded with nutrients and make a great addition to the energy balls. They add fiber, protein, healthy fat, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants.
  • Spices-Ground cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves add lots of fall flavor to the energy balls. You can also use pure essential oils—buy only one drop—they are powerful!
  • Salt-A little bit of salt is all you need, but don’t skip it! It makes all the flavors pop and a little salt is actually good for most of us.
  • Almond butter-The almond butter is the base of the energy balls and makes all of the ingredients hold together. If you don’t have almond butter, you can use peanut butter.
  • Pumpkin-Make sure you use pure pumpkin puree, you can find it in the baking aisle in a can of almost any grocery store. The pumpkin will keep the energy balls nice and moist plus the flavor is amazing.
  • Honey-Sweeten the energy balls with honey! The honey also helps the energy balls stick together.
  • Vanilla extract-A little splash of pure vanilla extract is always a good idea!
  • Mini Chocolate Chips-Mini chocolate chips are the perfect finishing touch to the pumpkin energy balls. The pumpkin chocolate chip combo is always a winner. If you don’t want to use chocolate chips, you can leave them out and add dried cranberries. Or add dried cranberries with the chocolate chips!


  • 2 cups oats
  • 2 tablespoons flax and chia
  • 3/4 cup nut butter
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Splash of vanilla (or wild orange essential oil!)
  • 1/4 mini chocolate chips

How to make energy balls:

  • Mix together all of the dry ingredients to make sure the spices are distributed evenly.
  • Add the almond butter, pumpkin, honey, and vanilla extract. Mix until all of the ingredients come together and a “dough” forms.
  • Stir in the mini chocolate chips.
  • Roll the mixture into balls, about 2 tablespoons per ball. You can use your hands or a cookie scoop to do this.
  • Place the balls in an airtight container and chill in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Follow me for more goodness!

Letting Go

I noticed this morning the beginning stages of the leaves letting go and I was reminded that the beautiful colors are a sign that some amazing growth is coming to the end of a cycle. This is also time when we ourselves also enter into a cycle of letting go. No longer striving to be bountiful, a softness enters out hearts and intentions, and we have the opportunity to shed, to fall away, and to take time to prepare the moments of soon to be rejuvenation and rest.

I looked at my life and considered that I too am experiencing my own seasonal change. I mean the reality is the few years have been incredibly disorienting for so many, including myself. The constant pull and push of emotions and uncertainty have been really hard to keep a grasp on. The division and attempt to stay steady has been exhausting.

Although perhaps it is that this seasonal shedding is that I am seeing what no longer serves me personally and professionally, and what I have carried through perhaps too many seasons. I believe at the heart of these metamorphic transitions– whether subtle or bold–we hold the key to the life we deserve and are destined to live.

As my feet plodded along the rocky trail and while I took in the presence of Life in my moments of reflection, my heart centered prayers easily flowed.

May I find within my shadow what needs to be shed and allow it to shed.

May I have the grace to loosen my grip on the aspects of my daily life that impede my peace.

May I find the forgiveness for others that I wish upon for myself.

May I let go of what is holding me back and keeping me from what I am worth.

May I be the light that I am and not hide in the dark corners of life.

May I release the old to make room for the new.

May I find the clarity to embrace what is and let go of what was.

May I surrender, and in doing that, be free.

May I remain beautiful in the process of letting go.