It’s my birthday week and I am all about tapping into my Capricorn characteristics. I love being strong-willed, hard-working and even a tad bit stubborn.
Capricorn Diffuser Blend
•Wintergreen is the oil of surrender. It can assist the strong-willed individual in letting go. Wintergreen invites individuals to surrender these strong opinions. Wintergreen reminds individuals that they not have to face life on their own.
•Eucalyptus is the oil of wellness. Eucalyptus encourages individuals to take full responsibility for their own health. It also bestows trust that one’s needs and desires can be met, even if they allow themselves to be well.
•Geranium is the oil of love and trust. It assists in reopening the heart so that love may flow freely. At its root geranium heals the heart and reminds the individual about unconditional love for all.
•Lemon is the oils of focus. The delightful citrusy aroma of Lemon oil nourishes the mind and aids concentration. While Lemon supports the emotional body, its major effects are experienced in the mental field. Emotionally, Lemon inspires a natural playfulness and buoyancy in the heart. It assists in releasing feelings of despair and hopelessness by restoring joy.
This is gonna be in my diffuser all week as I celebrate the beautiful process of aging gracefully.
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