New Growth

We know that sign of a healthy plant is new growth.  The bright green and tender new leaves that form are indication that the plant is thriving.

And so it is with us as well.  The sweet and innocent, and often incredibly vulnerable, new challenges we face are indications we are not just growing but on our way to thriving.  It seems that with each new season of growth we are often faced with a burst of freshness that makes us feel invigorated and ready to take shape into an amazing blossom.

This week in my yoga classes we are exploring the concept of new growth.  Whether that is a revitalized wellness plan, a new job, a fresh relationship, or perhaps a commitment to self-love, it is a time to discover the joy in sprouting new growth.

In order to grow, we must create. When we cease to find our creative expression, a little bit of us dies either emotionally or physically. We wither under the pressure of being mundanely human.

Yet, at any moment we can refocus our power towards transformation. There are two ways that we can tap into our creative process: 1. Revealing glorious physical creations, such as colorful works of art, beautiful products, time in nature’s process and even how we decorate our homes, and 2. Bringing about a positive attitude and outlook that fuels one to transform and lift others. Basically being of service.

I find that connecting with the earth element is such a vital tap into the biggest creative process. To me, it is like taking a drink of water that immediately squelches any thirst I might have and gives me just what I need for my next push in life. Just like a plant with new growth needing fresh water. I also find that when I lean towards the warmth of things that make me feel good, I am more likely to be positive and upbeat in my outlook on life.  This alone can make a world of difference in how we either wither or bloom.

I am so looking forward to exploring these concepts on the mat (or in a chair this week).  As a wise mentor once told me, “the teacher teaches what the teachers needs to learn”.

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