Thistle Love

I saw this beauty today and was amazed by its beauty. Did you know that thistle is actually part of the sunflower family!? It is one plant I enjoy in other peoples garden or in nature that is for sure.

I did a little digging about this plant that is stubborn and plentiful. Here is what I found:

Considered one of nature’s toughest flowers, it’s one of the most debated plants by most gardeners. Some call it a weed while others view it as an excellent source of medicine and food, as well as a beautiful ornamental plant. Certain varieties are considered beneficial to wildlife because they produce a substantial amount of food for insects and birds and their foliage is also used by butterflies.

The thistle represents overcoming adversity and difficult situations. It’s a symbol of resilience. In Celtic regions, the thistle represents devotion, bravery, determination, and strength. In the Basque region of France, the thistle is considered a symbol of protection. It is also called the “flower of the sun“ and the “herb of witches”. It’s used as protection against evildoers because people believe that witches cannot look directly at the sun. The thistle is often seen on the front doors of the homes of this region. The flower’s pink and purple colors represent nobility and royalty.

Milk thistle, another variety, contains a chemical known as silymarin. Research suggests that it has bolstering effects on the liver and it is widely sold in various cleansing and detox products. Full of nutrients, the thistle has been found to contain higher vitamins and minerals compared to other more common vegetables. Various parts of the plant can make excellent additions to stews and salads, albeit with careful preparation.

I appreciate taking milk thistle for my health and observing her beauty, but I try to avoid them in my yard.

Healing Touch

Most of you know me as a yoga teacher, but I am also a Healing Touch Practitioner. Awesome, eh? Have you ever had a healing touch session?

In Healing Touch therapy, practitioners use their hands to help restore balance and harmony through working with the human energy field or life force. This is done in a comfortable setting, fully clothed and is a great way to treat unsettled feelings in the mind and body.

Through heart-centered intention and skill, practitioners use their hands to re-establish the natural flow of energy. Healing Touch practitioners do not force or push energy but allow balance and harmony to “reboot” the energy system.

The benefits are amazing:

Healing Touch is done without the use of invasive procedures and offers a gentle, holistic way of healing.

Research has shown that Healing Touch facilitates the relaxation response and enhances the healing process.

Healing Touch restores balance and harmony to our natural biofield without the use of pharmaceuticals.

Healing Touch is offered in hospitals and clinics locally as well as in hospice care.

If you are feeling stuck or have feelings that just seem off, or are experiencing pain, I would love to see you! It can be done in person or virtually! You can pop over to my link to book a session.

True Yoga

One of my most treasured aspects of Yoga is how we go about with showing up for ourselves and others. This is the essence of Pantajali’s non-harming Sutra known as Ahimsa. Pausing to consider kindness (ahimsa) influences the choices you make and how you truly show up for yourself and for others. Ahimsa (pronounced “ah-heem-sah”) literally means “non-harming” or “non-violence” in Sanskrit. In it most basic level, it’s refraining from causing harm.

As we practice ahimsa in today’s modern life, there is more to this idea of non-harming than simply refraining from acts of physical violence. We understand now that pain can be more than just physical – it can also be emotional and mental. The deepest pain we feel is often very emotional and it most often sprouts from our relationships with other human beings. The grief that we experience when we lose someone or a part of our life that meant so much to our identity. The loss of a relationship or a painful life change can bring about deep and soul-shattering pain.

When we practice ahimsa, we are thinking about how our actions could hurt others and doing so invites us to take into consideration the potential physical, emotional, and relational consequences of our actions. We pause to consider kindness.

I am frustrated with the non-kind world that exists where division and opinions flood our everyday lives. I am saddened at the lack of humanity and desperate need to be heard in what seems to be a constant “what about ME” mentality. I am exhausted with the lack of kindness for fellow human beings.

But, I chose kindness despite my own struggling emotions. I offered ahimsa for the exhausted world in which I get to share Yoga. I pause. To listen. To see. To feel. To give.


Stress and Naturally Increasing GABA

A friend schooled me on this recently and I keep going back over the details. Take a peek:

Finding ways to increase GABA naturally to be less stressed out might be an alternative for some people, instead of using medications like benzodiazapines for anxiety.

Benzodiazepines like Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, and Ativan are medications commonly prescribed for anxiety issues and other mental health conditions.

One of the reasons these prescription medications are so effective at reducing anxiety is because they are strong GABA activators.

While there is certainly a place for benzodiazepines, especially for patients who struggle with anxiety disorders, they should only be used in the short-term as they can be extremely habit forming, addictive and difficult to quit because of painful symptoms of withdrawal.

Unfortunately, a 2019 study found that the number of benzodiazepine prescriptions in the U.S. increased by about 50 percent between the 10 year period from 2005 to 2015, with most of the prescriptions coming from family physicians.

Some natural ways to increase our GABA include:

  • Cardiovascular exercises like running, brisk walking, swimming, bicycling
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Supplements like green tea, taurine, and magnesium, B6 and zinc
  • Foods like yogurts, citrus fruits, walnuts and almonds, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, lentils, brown rice, shrimp and halibut

I also love the supplement called Adaptiv. The ADPATIV capsules combine specially selected essential oils with clinically studied botanicals to create a powerful soothing, supportive, relaxing formula. Lavender,Coriander, Fennel, and Wild Orange essential oils are included for their mood-boosting and tension-reducing effects. Scelectium, GABA, and Ahiflower are also in the ADAPTIV capsules.

I take one capsule when I am feeling the familiar feelings of stress and anxiousness coming. They also help me sleep well. i actually love the entire line of Adaptiv products all for different reasons and ways to use when life shows up.

Not really sure how botanicals and essentials oil work? Enjoy this free ebook that breaks it down easily.

Citrus Essential Oils and Emotions

I love the brain and when I became a Certified Brain Injury Specialist, I learned so much science that validated what I was seeing with my yoga students who have brain injuries and cannot always easily express themselves. I saw quickly how their affect and attitude would change dramatically after smelling oils.

Curious as to why? Let’s get a little nerdy because you may be wondering how the Limbic System actually works. Well, let’s dive in!

As a person inhales an essential oil, the molecules of the oil go into the back of each nostril to the epithelium patch where the molecules attach to receptors on the cilia hairs. These convert to nerves that send the odor information to the olfactory bulb in the brain. This bulb communicates directly with the amygdala, hippocampus, and other brain structures.

Still with me? Good! Getting to the good stuff – promise!

The amygdala is the center for emotions in the limbic system and it links our sense of smell to our ability to learn emotionally. (Hello EMOTIONAL BRAIN)

The capacity to link information and emotions is why essential oils are such a powerful partner in creating and maintaining emotional health.

This is EXACTLY why smells will trigger memories more than seeing an image, tasting food, or even listening to music!

Some of the most popular oils to start to anchor your emotional brain are citrus oils, as they provoke happy, uplifting, and supportive emotions in most people.

What is your favorite citrus oil to grab and inhale?

Want to learn the basics of essential oils? Download this free eBook! You’re welcome!

Thriving Thyroid

The thyroid, located in the front of the neck, is a small butterfly-shaped organ. It plays a mighty role in your health by producing hormones which travel throughout the body. These hormones regulate our hearts, digestion, muscle control, and equally important, brain development. As a result, you need your thyroid to be performing well to feel well. Did you know that there are many essential oils for thyroid support? 

First let’s look at why the thyroid is so important. Thyroid hormones affect your metabolism rate, which means how fast or slow your brain, heart, muscles, liver, and other parts of your body work. Amazing, Huh?

Paying attention to the language your body is speaking can really give you insight to your thyroid working too fast or too slowly. For example, if you don’t have enough thyroid hormone, you might feel tired and cold. Or, if you have too much thyroid hormone, you might feel nervous, jumpy, and warm. 

The thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland which oversees thyroid hormone production. Additionally, it tells the thyroid to make more or less according to what the body needs. The pituitary gland is even smaller, about the size of a pea, yet still vitally important to our health. In fact, we can use essential oils for thyroid and pituitary support to keep our body working at it’s best. This blend can support the thyroid in staying balanced and healthy.

The best essential oils for thyroid support are Lemongrass, Myrrh, Clove, Frankincense, Basil and Peppermint. I apply this twice a day.

1. Frankincense – Frankincense, also known as the “King of oils”, is a powerfully supportive oil for the body. Its complex chemistry, coupled with a high ratio of Monoterpenes (25%), make it a multi-purpose oil and a strong support on a cellular and DNA level. Furthermore, Frankincense is calming for the immune and nervous systems, skin and emotions. Combine with Lemongrass, Myrrh and Clove for a daily thyroid support blend .

2. Myrrh – Because Myrrh is very high in Sesquiterpenes (75%), it is a strong support for the thyroid. Sesquiterpenes also stimulate the limbic system, hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. Combine with Clove, Lemongrass and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

3. Clove – Clove is a powerful antioxidant and immune support for the body. High in phenols which stimulate the immune and nervous system, they further help keep your cells performing well. Combine with Lemongrass, Myrrh and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

4. Lemongrass – Lemongrass is high in aldehydes (up to 80%). This works to calm the nervous system, relieve stress and promote relaxation while also being uplifting. Combine with Clove, Myrrh and Frankincense for a daily thyroid support blend.

5. Peppermint – Peppermint gives us a natural energy boost. If you’re tired, it’s a wonderful pick-me-up during the day, especially in those late afternoon hours. Try it in a diffuser, put a drop in your hands to inhale or just smell from the bottle. It is also supportive to the thyroid.

Remember, essential oils are so potent that it doesn’t take much to be effective. This roller blend will last about TWO months and each bottle of essential oils is 250 drops! That means you’ll have a long supply of thyroid support, but also the oils in this blend are incredibly versatile and you’ll find TONS of uses for them. 

If you’d like to learn the basics of essential oils, check out this handy guide. It’s super easy to get these oils at wholesale prices, just pop over here or I am happy to make you a thyroid blend to try before you invest!

Answers to the Question

I get a lot of questions these days as to when I will be offering classes in my studio again. The answer is complicated. Part of my reasoning has to do with the value I place on one of yoga’s deepest principles, which is ahimsa—translated to mean the ethical principle of not causing harm to other living things. Congregating in a cozy, small space to breathe together feels a bit irresponsible given the current situation. Another reason also relates to practicing this principle in my own personal life as I navigate the painful months winter has on my own body. Instead, I am finding that my body wants to be nurtured more than it wants to expend energy right now. And finally, I am working on a really big project that I believe is the next level to a huge aspect of my business, which is bringing yoga into residential programs for adults living with brain injuries.

With all of that, I will say nothing can take your yoga as deep as practicing at home. There are many reasons why you think you can’t, but those are often mental obstacles that are preventing you from a rich and intimate yoga practice.

To help hurdle some of the obstacles, it’s important to set yourself up for a great home practice by creating an inviting home yoga space. It doesn’t have to be a separate room, a small quiet corner works just fine! Add some meaningful objects, some good essential oils, and make sure your household knows it’s YOUR time.

I have over 160 videos on my website and accessing them is easy! Of course, a love donation is a beautiful expression of reciprocity?.

Need help getting started? I’m happy to chat! I also take private clients, both in person (with common sense of course) and online.

In person classes WILL return, I promise.

My Introverted Self

I love people—I really do. I enjoy the time I spend with people if it is meaningful. I am totally okay sharing that I am not great at small talk. I never quite got the less than interesting questions that most social hours bring up, and I also spent years living in shame that I did not go to college, I was divorced and living paycheck to paycheck for years, I was the mom of an awkward and very challenging girl with multiple disabilities, and back then I had not yet found my purpose. In general, I think I love people but I get easily drained by meaningless blather.

While I enjoy people, I also love taking care of my introverted self and my favorite way to do that is to go into the forest. To commune with the trees and be totally at peace and in oneness by the sights and sounds. I know that my time alone is vital for my overall well-being and how I show up and give back to the world.

Last week I took off on a solo hike to fill my soul with what she needed. I visited one of my favorite tree friends I have ever known. She has been a friend for many years and though I haven’t gone to say hello in a long time, she still greeted me with the same wonderful welcome. I played on the icy trails and I basked in the warm sun. I crossed over four miles of sweet Mother Earth and it was just what I needed to refuel and get clarity on a few things weighing on me.

I love how the sound of my feet crunching the earth somehow brings the answers I have been seeking. It’s like the world stops for a moment and I can listen.

I was reminded again just how blessed I am and how grateful I am. My life allows me to take off for a few hours and feed my spirit, plan things for the future, and mostly soak into the now.

Of course putting my hands on my favorite tree friend never hurts. She was just how I remembered–full of energy and an aliveness that blesses anyone who stops to receive.

How do you balance your life of people and alone time?

Witnessing Beauty

I love this time of year because everything in me naturally wants to push against the hectic season so I find myself deliberately seeking out more beauty, more pleasure, more refinement (see my blog post on that magical word).

I was home from a long day of brain injury + hundreds of miles of driving, showering off the days grime and I walked out into my bedroom to witness this.

All the stress, the drama, the worries, the uncertainties, the future based thinking, the turmoil, the stinking chronic pain….simply gone.

I held onto this photo only sharing in stories until I could truly capture what it means to me to live in a place where such beauty exists AND do the amazing work that I do where everyday feels like this to my people— a gift! Treasured, appreciated, honored.

In my final weeks of this year, I vow to pause to notice these kinds of daily miracles and not get caught up in the cycle of crazy.