The Fire

It doesn’t interest me who you know

or how you came to be here.

I want to know if you will stand 

in the center of the fire

with me

and not shrink back.


Not only is this fire the experiences that we have endured in our lives, but I believe this fire is also the burning passion within each of us that ignites our purpose.  And are you willing to listen and not shrink back?

In other words this fire is the times in our lives when we feel that scorch of heat and the painful burn of life’s tragedy, or the gnawing hunger inside that ignites something that leads to transformation.

In my personal life, I have stood in the center of many fires; from the broken marriages to the deep loss associated to having a child with a disability, to the facing of my own fears, and ultimately realizing my deepest value and then finding my life’s purpose.

I am so grateful that my life has included so many roaring blazes because it is through those times that I have truly transformed.  I also allowed the fire of burning desire that is within me and I did not allow myself to shrink back.  Over the years I have admired the scars from the licking of life’s flames and have with grace been able move on and keep going.

This week on the mat (or in the chair) we will be diving deep into the fire inside and tapping into our third chakra, the solar plexus.  It is there that we find our personal power and access to choice.  We find the fire in our spirit and use it to empower and transform ourselves to stand in the center of our own fires not shrink back.


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